字幕表 動画を再生する
So we've all been in the position where we're lying in our bed at night,
and we're looking up at the sky and the stars,
and we think to ourselves, "Wait, where did my roof go?"
Haha, kidding. That just happens to me.
Anyway, back to the main point.
So, we're lying there, and then we fall asleep.
And before we know it, our alarm goes off, and it's time to get up.
So you hit the snooze button and you're lying there all comfy, cozy, and warm.
And you're contemplating just how much you really need to go to school or work.
Then that tiny voice in your head says, "you have to get up."
So you muster up all your willpower, and then you get up.
To make things a bit easier, here are three strategies that I use as part of my morning routine to help me wake up.
物事を少し簡単にするために、私は朝のルーチンの一部として私が目を覚ますために使っている 3 つの策略があります。
The first strategy is to put your alarm clock at the other side of your room.
This is literally the first step to helping you wake up because you actually need to get out of your bed and go and hit the snooze button.
By this point, you're already standing up and out of bed.
Now, you've just got to resist the temptation of going back to sleep.
I found this to help me a lot, especially on colder mornings, as the cold temperature provides a tough wake-up call.
The second strategy is to drink water.
One of the top causes of fatigue in the morning can be linked to not being hydrated well enough.
朝の疲労の主な原因の 1 つは、十分に水分補給されていないことと関連している可能性があります。
I used to wake up for years feeling really tired and with a slight headache, and I always wondered why.
It used to take me about 15 to 20 minutes to feel somewhat human after waking up.
以前は、15 分から 20 分ほどの時間がかかっていました。
If I had known, all I had to do was drink some water and I'd feel awake in about 3 to 5 minutes, It would have saved me a lot of fatigue.
幾分人間らしかったです。もし知っていたら、私がすることは水を飲むだけでした。約 3〜5 分で気持ちも目覚めます。それによって私は多くの疲労感から救われたはずです。
It doesn't even have to be that much water.
250 millilitres and more will make a good difference to your waking up routine.
250 ミリリットルかそれ以上で、目覚めのルーチンに大きな違いをもたらします。
The third and arguably most important strategy is to wake up at the correct time.
3 番目の、そしておそらく最も重要な戦略は、正しい時間に目を覚ますことです。
So what is the correct time ?
Well, humans have a sleep cycle of about 90 minutes,
そうですね、よく夜寝れる場合の睡眠サイクルは約 90 分です。
and for a good night's sleep, an average of about five to six sleep cycles is required in order to feel refreshed.
リフレッシュするためには、平均で約 5〜6 回の睡眠サイクルが必要になります。
In other words, you want to be sleeping anywhere from seven and a half hours to nine hours per night.
つまり、1 晩で 7 時間半から 9 時間の睡眠時間が必要という事になります。
Of course, this will vary depending on the person and their activity levels, their lifestyle, etc.,
but it's a general guide.
For example, I can frequently get by on around about seven hours of sleep a night.
しかし、それは一般的な指針です。たとえば、私は頻繁に夜約 7 時間の睡眠をとることができます。
However, if I've been doing intense exercise during the day, I usually try and aim for about nine hours or more per night.
ただし、日中に激しい運動をしている場合、通常 1 晩あたり約 9 時間以上の睡眠を目指します。
Now, this is just a very basic introduction to sleep cycles and sleeping patterns.
There's a lot more information that I could cover, but I will leave that for a separate video.
Try these three strategies and your waking up routine, and see how much they can benefit you.
これらの 3 つの戦略と目覚めのルーチンを試して、どれだけの効果が得られるかを試してみてください。
The difference might only be small, but if there's an improvement, then you're on the right path.
違いはわずかかもしれませんが、改善されるかもしれません, その後、あなたは正しやりかたですすみます。
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And thanks for watching.