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  • Travel and tourism is booming.

  • Over 1 billion tourists travel to another country each year and the number keeps growing.

  • Travel and tourism is creating new jobs.

  • By 2026, travel and tourism will support 1 in every 9 jobs.

  • That is 370 million jobs.

  • Hospitality is transforming.

  • The sharing economy, technology and innovation are transforming and personalizing the consumer

  • experience.

  • Accommodation: Airbnb, Alterkeys, Bemate and Oasis.

  • Airbnb is valued at $30 billionthat's as much as the world's largest hotel chain,

  • Marriott International.

  • And now, Airbnb offers experiences, too.

  • And what's on the horizon?

  • Virtual and augmented reality are driving innovation across sectors, creating new layers

  • and multi-sensory experiences in gaming, dining, hotels, retail and entertainment.

  • Artificial Intelligence is evolving too, bringing a smoother, smarter, personalized service

  • in travel booking, recommendations, hotel check-ins and restaurants.

  • With all these developments, values are also changing.

  • Customers crave authentic, immersive experiences: sustainable eco-tourism, cultural immersions,

  • meet-the-locals experiences, farm-to-table dining and personalized homestays.

  • Les Roches is ahead of the game.

  • We are the most global hospitality school.

  • We have students who study with classmates from 100 different countries.

  • They live and work in up to 5 different countries during their studies.

  • We disrupt the traditional educational model through student-powered learning.

  • We help students to develop their skills and confidence to seize opportunities and create

  • value.

  • 33% of Les Roches alumni run their own businesses in sectors like consulting, technology, travel,

  • media, food and beverage, events, health and wellness, and real estate.

  • Les Roches is not just a school, it's a way of life.

Travel and tourism is booming.


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B2 中上級

なぜホスピタリティを学ぶのか?トラベル&ツーリズムのトップトレンド2019 (Why Study Hospitality? Top Trends in Travel & Tourism 2019)

  • 106 4
    Shinichiro に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日