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  • - Come on, glue! - (FBE) Wow.

  • - Oh-ho-ho-ho! - I gotta, you know...

  • (laughs) salt bae it up in here. - Look at that.

  • ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪

  • - (FBE) So, on a scale from one to 10, how would you rank your ability

  • to make pasta? - I'm gonna say 10.

  • Pasta's an easy one. I think I've made pasta

  • since I was like eight. - I'll give it a medium, like six.

  • - If ramen counts, I would say like a 10.

  • - God. I don't know how to cook anything,

  • but pasta might be the one thing that I can do, 'cause you just

  • boil water and put sticks in it. - (FBE) I'm sure you know this,

  • but there are a lot of common rules that people swear by

  • when they're making pasta. What are some rules that you have

  • when you're making pasta? - Of course, you gotta put oil

  • in the water when it's boiling, so that the pasta doesn't stick

  • and like a little bit of salt as well. - Salt the water.

  • That's number one. You need to salt the water,

  • and, like, a lot. - I add salt to the water,

  • and then put the pasta in, make it al dente.

  • - (FBE) Well, today, we are giving you everything you need to make spaghetti.

  • - Ooh! - (FBE) First, we're gonna have you

  • make it your way. - Okay.

  • - (FBE) And then, I'm gonna run through some of these rules

  • that are actually pasta cooking myths. - Myths. Myth busters. (bangs desk)

  • - Well, it sounds delicious, but I feel like I'm gonna

  • make all the mistakes. So this will actually be very helpful.

  • - (FBE) Well, let's go. Let's start boiling.

  • - All right. - Step number one: agua.

  • I'll put like that much. I'm nervous. What if I burn

  • this whole joint down? (giggles) - I'm using my hands.

  • Okay. Start. (beep)

  • Cool. - And then maybe we'll pour

  • some salt in the agua. Sprinkle it.

  • This is the method of transportation into the water.

  • You sprinkle. Don't pour it directly in.

  • It's very important. A TV show told me.

  • - I'm just gonna add a [bleep] ton of salt.

  • We're going with three sprinkles. - Pew!

  • Olive oil's good with everything. Throw some of that in there.

  • - I like to add a little bit of oil right off the bat.

  • And then when it starts boiling, I add a little bit of salt.

  • - I don't like that there's salt in olive oil,

  • 'cause I don't usually throw anything besides water until after.

  • - And then...

  • You guys wanna talk about the weather?

  • - You're not supposed to open the lid, 'cause then the steam escapes.

  • I learned that in Girl Scouts. - This looks like it's starting

  • to boil a bit. Ooh, I like this kind of salt.

  • - It's really important to have really salty water,

  • so you put a lot in there. The pasta's not gonna taste like that,

  • and you usually mix it with sauces and stuff,

  • so you make up for it in other spots.

  • - We're gonna take some spaghetti, and we're gonna put it in the water.

  • Just gonna break it up.

  • Ah, pasta's coming in good this time of year, boys.

  • - Just grab them babies with your hands.

  • - One by one. Oh. Oh, yeah. Look at me. (chuckles)

  • - Put the pasta in there. We are gonna cover that.

  • - Sometimes, I put 'em in long. Sometimes, I put 'em in short.

  • It really just depends. - Sometimes, you can stir it.

  • I don't really know why, but I've seen people do it

  • in TV shows and it looks right. - It's like a child.

  • You just kind of keep checking on it till you feel like it's ready.

  • - Oh, yeah. I could be like salt bae right now.

  • I gotta, like, you know... (laughs) salt bae it up in here.

  • - I feel like Martha Stewart, except I'm not high.

  • - Always wanna keep it moving, you know?

  • Even distribution of that cooking.

  • Adding oil would be good, just a splash. Ugh.

  • That was a little bit more than I wanted.

  • - So, if I put in this amount of oil...

  • Oh, it changes color.

  • - Is anyone timing this? - (FBE) Uh, no. So...

  • - Oh. - (FBE) ...just taste when you think

  • it's ready. - Oh, no. I'm very by the rules.

  • If it says six to eight minutes, I do exactly seven minutes.

  • - Woo. - (FBE) You can turn it down.

  • - Yup, okay. - Yo, what if I just put--

  • you know what? It needs more salt.

  • It's a very pee-like color. That must mean it's delicious.

  • - All right. Let's give it a final taste test.

  • Mmm! It's not bad. You guys want some pasta?

  • - Let's see. Absolutely delicious.

  • You can taste the olive oil on it. Fantastic job, Kim.

  • - I'm satisfied. - Yeah. They're limber.

  • - That looks good. - All right.

  • So, I'm gonna turn it off. - You gotta get all of the water out.

  • (water pouring)

  • - I got my noodles. - See, that looks delicious.

  • - Gotta salt bae it up at the end... with a fork in there.

  • It's very salty. (coughs) - (FBE) Now, we're gonna see

  • if your pasta is done by throwing it against the wall.

  • - This is a really [bleep] up darts.

  • - Yeet! - (FBE) Ooh. It's sticking.

  • - Come on, glue! - (FBE) Wow.

  • - Oh-ho-ho-ho!

  • - See? It's fine. - There's no chance they stick.

  • It didn't stick, but I don't know,

  • it would taste good.

  • - Some of them got on there. - I've never done that,

  • but cool to see it work. - (FBE) All right. So,

  • we're actually going to clear everything.

  • And now, I'm gonna show you a video on the things

  • you did wrong today. - All right.

  • - Did I do something wrong? What? Crazy.

  • - I'm excited. I'm curious, 'cause I don't know

  • how the hell else you make pasta. - (voice-over) Never rinse

  • your pasta after cooking. This will remove the starches

  • that help your sauce stick to the pasta.

  • - Duh. That's why I don't rinse my pasta.

  • - I did not know that. - I didn't even know that was a thing.

  • After you strain it, you leave it in the pot.

  • - See, I did it correctly. I didn't rinse that.

  • Gordon Ramsay, hire me. - (voice-over) Saving your pasta water

  • can be handy in thickening up your sauces later,

  • because the starches in the water act as an emulsifier.

  • - Okay. - (voice-over) It may seem a little

  • watered down at first, but it thickens back up

  • after a little mixing and cooking together.

  • - I do that. Yeah. I always do that.

  • You gotta put the pasta water back into it when you're cooking.

  • I wasn't really sure exactly why people do it, but that's just

  • what I was taught. - I knew that.

  • I know my pasta. - Never thought about that,

  • but it makes sense, a little thick water, (laughs)

  • a little slimy water. - That one seems a little iffy

  • to me, 'cause it's like, the sauce is already made,

  • but maybe I'm just really missing out.

  • - (voice-over) Adding salt to your water for flavor

  • is a totally valid pasta cooking strategy.

  • However, you wanna add it after it's already boiled.

  • Adding it before will just slow down your cooking time,

  • because salt raises the boiling point of water.

  • - Wow. Science. - Okay, the salt

  • makes it taste better. The salt doesn't help it

  • boil faster. I just add salt, 'cause it tastes good.

  • - Salting your water is a pretty big thing

  • that people do when they cook pasta, but I didn't know people do it

  • to boil faster. - It kind of makes me

  • feel a little sad that I've been doing it wrong this whole time.

  • - (voice-over) Don't add olive oil to your pasta to stop it

  • from sticking. Since water and oil separate,

  • it actually doesn't do anything but sit on the top of water.

  • - Yeah, that's not gonna-- it just doesn't work.

  • - (voice-over) Just stir your pasta continuously during

  • the cooking process to make sure it doesn't stick.

  • - (snaps) Listen to him. - I felt so targeted.

  • - If you wanna put that on, put it on after for a flavor.

  • It's not that hard to not get it to stick to your pot.

  • Just... that's what I do the whole time is just keep

  • stirring it every once in a while, open it, tch, tch, and you're good.

  • - I'm questioning my existence at this point. Oh, no.

  • I disappointed Sensei Ramsay. - (voice-over) While this trick

  • may be a fun one, it's a wasteful way

  • to tell if your pasta's done. It also may mean that

  • you've overcooked it. It's best to just taste your pasta

  • to see if it's where you want it to be.

  • - Yeah, that's what I was saying. I was like why would I throw it

  • against the wall when I could just eat it? My wall!

  • - But that would be a pretty good kid activity.

  • If I have kids, I'm just gonna let them throw pasta

  • at the blackboard. - Just put it in your mouth.

  • Just taste it like a normal adult human.

  • - I would never do that, because it's like, "Hold on, Mom,

  • let me just throw this against the wall real quick."

  • Like, it just makes no sense. But I am-- he put salt in his water.

  • - (FBE) To flavor it. - Yeah-- oh, okay! So, to flavor it.

  • Oh, okay! Makes sense. - Oh but I did such a good job

  • with the wall. Such a good job.

  • Did you see how well it stuck?

  • - (FBE) I did. - I was gonna take that on the road.

  • - (FBE) Now, we're going to have you remake your spaghetti

  • using all of those tips. - Okay.

  • - (FBE) With actual sauce too. We'll give you sauce this time,

  • so you can make spaghetti. - Oh, really? Okay, perfect. Okay.

  • - We're gonna start by putting in the pasta.

  • Then I'll start it. - (FBE) Is there water in there?

  • - Yeah, there's-- hold up. I have a process.

  • - Gonna use my hands again.

  • - Okay, I'm gonna hit High. I'm gonna hit Start.

  • Oh! - We're gonna start by putting

  • in the spaghetti. - So, we're not gonna add any oil.

  • - Waiting game. - ♪ (humming) ♪

  • - Hi, buddy. You okay? (laughs) - So, now that the water is boiled,

  • now I add the salt, switching it up.

  • - Dip it in the water. Dip it in the water.

  • - Grab this pasta real quick. - Pasta going in.

  • - You just put that sucker right in there.

  • - Oh, yeah. - So, you stir immediately.

  • - Constant stir. Very important.

  • - Things don't stick when you move 'em.

  • - See, look at me. I am Mr. Stirrer.

  • - And this time, I'm setting an alarm.

  • Stir, my precious. - I feel like a TV show, like...

  • We've learned a lot today here. Find out something new every day

  • on Cooking with Kim. ♪ (heartwarming country music) ♪

  • I just need one those pings.

  • Ping. (ping)

  • - A little bit more. I'm turning it off.

  • It's gonna cook a little bit more while it's in there.

  • - Okay, yeah. I think we're gonna call it there.

  • - Oh, yeah. Now we're noodle-y.

  • - It's so beautiful. - Mm-hmm.

  • - Mm. Fantastic. - We're just gonna

  • drain this really quickly.

  • - Noodle water.

  • (water pouring)

  • - This is a big workout. Is that why Gordon Ramsay's so buff?

  • And Salt Bae?

  • Am I supposed to (whispers) boil it?

  • - (FBE) You should-- you do need to put the heat on, yes.

  • - I knew that. (beep)

  • - We're just gonna pour this in here.

  • - And pasta, pasta, pasta fasul.

  • - Saucin'.

  • - Okay.

  • - I'm not gonna put that much in, 'cause I'm gonna put

  • some of the water in there.

  • - Gonna add some olive oil just for fun.

  • - You know what? I'm gonna put some olive oil in.

  • I think that's what it needs. Ooh, just a little.

  • - And then, we're gonna put some of the pasta water in.

  • - I don't wanna add a lot. Let's see how this works.

  • - I'm gonna put about this much in there.

  • (water pouring)

  • - Just a dash, you know? It'll fizzle out. It'll boil out.

  • - Ah, yeah, I put in too much water.

  • - Stir this sucker. It does seem like it's getting thinner.

  • - That's good. Now we're gonna add the sauce to this.

  • - I'm gonna call it there. (beep)

  • And that's how you make some sauce. - Pour these noodles back in.

  • - Feel like I gotta stir it, you know? - Look at her go. Amazing.

  • - Dump it on, all right. - Onto the plate. There we go.

  • - Look at that. She's beautiful. - We've got pasta!

  • - It's really, really thin, but I'm assuming that if I hadn't

  • put so much water in it, it would've been fine.

  • Or if I cooked it a little bit longer.

  • If I kind of let it sit there, it probably would have been cooler.

  • Spaghetti. - Dinner is served.

  • - Just a little bit of olive oil drizzle. (snickers)

  • - (FBE) Oh my god. - Okay. Noodles feel good.

  • They feel nice and nimble.

  • I'd say this is pretty damn good pasta to be honest. (laughs)

  • - Ooh. Best pasta I've ever had. - Mm. That's really good!

  • - It's not bad. I'm gonna be honest with you...

  • I'm more impressed with myself than I should be, probably.

  • - Whoa! I made full-on spaghetti. See, YouTube's revolutionary.

  • Those videos showed so much. - (FBE) Is there anything today

  • that you learned that you might apply to your future pasta dishes?

  • - Honestly, pouring the water into my pasta sauce.

  • That's something I never thought of, but I definitely saw it

  • thicken up in the pan. - Oh, I do like adding the water

  • to the sauce. - I probably will stop

  • salting my water. - Oh, that oil thing.

  • I guess that's a myth, so I'm gonna stop doing that now.

  • - I thank the Academy. Mwah. - There's never not a time

  • and place for pasta, so I enjoyed it.

  • - Thanks for watching You're Doing It Wrong

  • on the React Channel. - If you liked this episode,

  • then hit that Like button. - Did you know about

  • these pasta myths? Let us know in the comments.

  • - Bye. - Hey, y'all. React producer

  • Blythe here. Wanna make sure that you

  • keep seeing the content that you love so much?

  • Then subscribe to our channel! And hit that notification bell

  • and be here in the first 30 minutes,

  • and you might even get to talk to me. Bye!

- Come on, glue! - (FBE) Wow.


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パスタを間違って調理している5つの方法 (5 Ways You're Cooking Pasta Wrong)

  • 53 2
    喔害優 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日