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- Come on, glue! - (FBE) Wow.
- Oh-ho-ho-ho! - I gotta, you know...
(laughs) salt bae it up in here. - Look at that.
♪ (upbeat intro) ♪
- (FBE) So, on a scale from one to 10, how would you rank your ability
to make pasta? - I'm gonna say 10.
Pasta's an easy one. I think I've made pasta
since I was like eight. - I'll give it a medium, like six.
- If ramen counts, I would say like a 10.
- God. I don't know how to cook anything,
but pasta might be the one thing that I can do, 'cause you just
boil water and put sticks in it. - (FBE) I'm sure you know this,
but there are a lot of common rules that people swear by
when they're making pasta. What are some rules that you have
when you're making pasta? - Of course, you gotta put oil
in the water when it's boiling, so that the pasta doesn't stick
and like a little bit of salt as well. - Salt the water.
That's number one. You need to salt the water,
and, like, a lot. - I add salt to the water,
and then put the pasta in, make it al dente.
- (FBE) Well, today, we are giving you everything you need to make spaghetti.
- Ooh! - (FBE) First, we're gonna have you
make it your way. - Okay.
- (FBE) And then, I'm gonna run through some of these rules
that are actually pasta cooking myths. - Myths. Myth busters. (bangs desk)
- Well, it sounds delicious, but I feel like I'm gonna
make all the mistakes. So this will actually be very helpful.
- (FBE) Well, let's go. Let's start boiling.
- All right. - Step number one: agua.
I'll put like that much. I'm nervous. What if I burn
this whole joint down? (giggles) - I'm using my hands.
Okay. Start. (beep)
Cool. - And then maybe we'll pour
some salt in the agua. Sprinkle it.
This is the method of transportation into the water.
You sprinkle. Don't pour it directly in.
It's very important. A TV show told me.
- I'm just gonna add a [bleep] ton of salt.
We're going with three sprinkles. - Pew!
Olive oil's good with everything. Throw some of that in there.
- I like to add a little bit of oil right off the bat.
And then when it starts boiling, I add a little bit of salt.
- I don't like that there's salt in olive oil,
'cause I don't usually throw anything besides water until after.
- And then...
You guys wanna talk about the weather?
- You're not supposed to open the lid, 'cause then the steam escapes.
I learned that in Girl Scouts. - This looks like it's starting
to boil a bit. Ooh, I like this kind of salt.
- It's really important to have really salty water,
so you put a lot in there. The pasta's not gonna taste like that,
and you usually mix it with sauces and stuff,
so you make up for it in other spots.
- We're gonna take some spaghetti, and we're gonna put it in the water.
Just gonna break it up.
Ah, pasta's coming in good this time of year, boys.
- Just grab them babies with your hands.
- One by one. Oh. Oh, yeah. Look at me. (chuckles)
- Put the pasta in there. We are gonna cover that.
- Sometimes, I put 'em in long. Sometimes, I put 'em in short.
It really just depends. - Sometimes, you can stir it.
I don't really know why, but I've seen people do it
in TV shows and it looks right. - It's like a child.
You just kind of keep checking on it till you feel like it's ready.
- Oh, yeah. I could be like salt bae right now.
I gotta, like, you know... (laughs) salt bae it up in here.
- I feel like Martha Stewart, except I'm not high.
- Always wanna keep it moving, you know?
Even distribution of that cooking.
Adding oil would be good, just a splash. Ugh.
That was a little bit more than I wanted.
- So, if I put in this amount of oil...
Oh, it changes color.
- Is anyone timing this? - (FBE) Uh, no. So...
- Oh. - (FBE) ...just taste when you think
it's ready. - Oh, no. I'm very by the rules.
If it says six to eight minutes, I do exactly seven minutes.
- Woo. - (FBE) You can turn it down.
- Yup, okay. - Yo, what if I just put--
you know what? It needs more salt.
It's a very pee-like color. That must mean it's delicious.
- All right. Let's give it a final taste test.
Mmm! It's not bad. You guys want some pasta?
- Let's see. Absolutely delicious.
You can taste the olive oil on it. Fantastic job, Kim.
- I'm satisfied. - Yeah. They're limber.
- That looks good. - All right.
So, I'm gonna turn it off. - You gotta get all of the water out.
(water pouring)
- I got my noodles. - See, that looks delicious.
- Gotta salt bae it up at the end... with a fork in there.
It's very salty. (coughs) - (FBE) Now, we're gonna see
if your pasta is done by throwing it against the wall.
- This is a really [bleep] up darts.
- Yeet! - (FBE) Ooh. It's sticking.
- Come on, glue! - (FBE) Wow.
- Oh-ho-ho-ho!
- See? It's fine. - There's no chance they stick.
It didn't stick, but I don't know,
it would taste good.
- Some of them got on there. - I've never done that,
but cool to see it work. - (FBE) All right. So,
we're actually going to clear everything.
And now, I'm gonna show you a video on the things
you did wrong today. - All right.
- Did I do something wrong? What? Crazy.
- I'm excited. I'm curious, 'cause I don't know
how the hell else you make pasta. - (voice-over) Never rinse
your pasta after cooking. This will remove the starches
that help your sauce stick to the pasta.
- Duh. That's why I don't rinse my pasta.
- I did not know that. - I didn't even know that was a thing.
After you strain it, you leave it in the pot.
- See, I did it correctly. I didn't rinse that.
Gordon Ramsay, hire me. - (voice-over) Saving your pasta water
can be handy in thickening up your sauces later,
because the starches in the water act as an emulsifier.
- Okay. - (voice-over) It may seem a little
watered down at first, but it thickens back up
after a little mixing and cooking together.
- I do that. Yeah. I always do that.
You gotta put the pasta water back into it when you're cooking.
I wasn't really sure exactly why people do it, but that's just
what I was taught. - I knew that.
I know my pasta. - Never thought about that,
but it makes sense, a little thick water, (laughs)
a little slimy water. - That one seems a little iffy
to me, 'cause it's like, the sauce is already made,
but maybe I'm just really missing out.
- (voice-over) Adding salt to your water for flavor
is a totally valid pasta cooking strategy.
However, you wanna add it after it's already boiled.
Adding it before will just slow down your cooking time,
because salt raises the boiling point of water.
- Wow. Science. - Okay, the salt
makes it taste better. The salt doesn't help it
boil faster. I just add salt, 'cause it tastes good.
- Salting your water is a pretty big thing
that people do when they cook pasta, but I didn't know people do it
to boil faster. - It kind of makes me
feel a little sad that I've been doing it wrong this whole time.
- (voice-over) Don't add olive oil to your pasta to stop it
from sticking. Since water and oil separate,
it actually doesn't do anything but sit on the top of water.
- Yeah, that's not gonna-- it just doesn't work.
- (voice-over) Just stir your pasta continuously during
the cooking process to make sure it doesn't stick.
- (snaps) Listen to him. - I felt so targeted.
- If you wanna put that on, put it on after for a flavor.
It's not that hard to not get it to stick to your pot.
Just... that's what I do the whole time is just keep
stirring it every once in a while, open it, tch, tch, and you're good.
- I'm questioning my existence at this point. Oh, no.
I disappointed Sensei Ramsay. - (voice-over) While this trick
may be a fun one, it's a wasteful way
to tell if your pasta's done. It also may mean that
you've overcooked it. It's best to just taste your pasta
to see if it's where you want it to be.
- Yeah, that's what I was saying. I was like why would I throw it
against the wall when I could just eat it? My wall!
- But that would be a pretty good kid activity.
If I have kids, I'm just gonna let them throw pasta
at the blackboard. - Just put it in your mouth.
Just taste it like a normal adult human.
- I would never do that, because it's like, "Hold on, Mom,
let me just throw this against the wall real quick."
Like, it just makes no sense. But I am-- he put salt in his water.
- (FBE) To flavor it. - Yeah-- oh, okay! So, to flavor it.
Oh, okay! Makes sense. - Oh but I did such a good job
with the wall. Such a good job.
Did you see how well it stuck?
- (FBE) I did. - I was gonna take that on the road.
- (FBE) Now, we're going to have you remake your spaghetti
using all of those tips. - Okay.
- (FBE) With actual sauce too. We'll give you sauce this time,
so you can make spaghetti. - Oh, really? Okay, perfect. Okay.
- We're gonna start by putting in the pasta.
Then I'll start it. - (FBE) Is there water in there?
- Yeah, there's-- hold up. I have a process.
- Gonna use my hands again.
- Okay, I'm gonna hit High. I'm gonna hit Start.
Oh! - We're gonna start by putting
in the spaghetti. - So, we're not gonna add any oil.
- Waiting game. - ♪ (humming) ♪
- Hi, buddy. You okay? (laughs) - So, now that the water is boiled,
now I add the salt, switching it up.
- Dip it in the water. Dip it in the water.
- Grab this pasta real quick. - Pasta going in.
- You just put that sucker right in there.
- Oh, yeah. - So, you stir immediately.
- Constant stir. Very important.
- Things don't stick when you move 'em.
- See, look at me. I am Mr. Stirrer.
- And this time, I'm setting an alarm.
Stir, my precious. - I feel like a TV show, like...
We've learned a lot today here. Find out something new every day
on Cooking with Kim. ♪ (heartwarming country music) ♪
I just need one those pings.
Ping. (ping)
- A little bit more. I'm turning it off.
It's gonna cook a little bit more while it's in there.
- Okay, yeah. I think we're gonna call it there.
- Oh, yeah. Now we're noodle-y.
- It's so beautiful. - Mm-hmm.
- Mm. Fantastic. - We're just gonna
drain this really quickly.
- Noodle water.
(water pouring)
- This is a big workout. Is that why Gordon Ramsay's so buff?
And Salt Bae?
Am I supposed to (whispers) boil it?
- (FBE) You should-- you do need to put the heat on, yes.
- I knew that. (beep)
- We're just gonna pour this in here.
- And pasta, pasta, pasta fasul.
- Saucin'.
- Okay.
- I'm not gonna put that much in, 'cause I'm gonna put
some of the water in there.
- Gonna add some olive oil just for fun.
- You know what? I'm gonna put some olive oil in.
I think that's what it needs. Ooh, just a little.
- And then, we're gonna put some of the pasta water in.
- I don't wanna add a lot. Let's see how this works.
- I'm gonna put about this much in there.
(water pouring)
- Just a dash, you know? It'll fizzle out. It'll boil out.
- Ah, yeah, I put in too much water.
- Stir this sucker. It does seem like it's getting thinner.
- That's good. Now we're gonna add the sauce to this.
- I'm gonna call it there. (beep)
And that's how you make some sauce. - Pour these noodles back in.
- Feel like I gotta stir it, you know? - Look at her go. Amazing.
- Dump it on, all right. - Onto the plate. There we go.
- Look at that. She's beautiful. - We've got pasta!
- It's really, really thin, but I'm assuming that if I hadn't
put so much water in it, it would've been fine.
Or if I cooked it a little bit longer.
If I kind of let it sit there, it probably would have been cooler.
Spaghetti. - Dinner is served.
- Just a little bit of olive oil drizzle. (snickers)
- (FBE) Oh my god. - Okay. Noodles feel good.
They feel nice and nimble.
I'd say this is pretty damn good pasta to be honest. (laughs)
- Ooh. Best pasta I've ever had. - Mm. That's really good!
- It's not bad. I'm gonna be honest with you...
I'm more impressed with myself than I should be, probably.
- Whoa! I made full-on spaghetti. See, YouTube's revolutionary.
Those videos showed so much. - (FBE) Is there anything today
that you learned that you might apply to your future pasta dishes?
- Honestly, pouring the water into my pasta sauce.
That's something I never thought of, but I definitely saw it
thicken up in the pan. - Oh, I do like adding the water
to the sauce. - I probably will stop
salting my water. - Oh, that oil thing.
I guess that's a myth, so I'm gonna stop doing that now.
- I thank the Academy. Mwah. - There's never not a time
and place for pasta, so I enjoyed it.
- Thanks for watching You're Doing It Wrong
on the React Channel. - If you liked this episode,
then hit that Like button. - Did you know about
these pasta myths? Let us know in the comments.
- Bye. - Hey, y'all. React producer
Blythe here. Wanna make sure that you
keep seeing the content that you love so much?
Then subscribe to our channel! And hit that notification bell
and be here in the first 30 minutes,
and you might even get to talk to me. Bye!