字幕表 動画を再生する
Cinemas are popping up in malls like these all over China, and that's because the movie industry here is booming.
Hollywood's ticket sales are slowing at home thanks to piracy and streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.
アメリカ国内におけるハリウッド映画のチケットは、海賊版や Netflix に Hulu といったストリーミングサービスの影響を受けて落ち込みを見せていますが
But China's growing appetite for the movies is helping to make up the difference.
With a massive population of nearly 1.4 billion people, China is the world's most populous country and has become a lucrative market for many industries.
およそ 14 億人という膨大な人口を抱える中国は、映画業界に限らず世界有数のマーケットとしてその価値が認識されるようになりました。
And in the first quarter of 2018, it surpassed the U.S. in box office revenue for the first time.
そして 2018 年上四半期においては、初めて映画興行収入においてアメリカを超えたのです。
So, perhaps it's no wonder why Hollywood is now catering to a whole new audience.
China's box office cashed in $9 billion in 2018, just behind the U.S. and Canada, which brought in a total of $11.9 billion in 2018.
中国における 2018 年の興行収入は 90 億ドルでしたが、この数字は同じ年に 119 億ドルを計上したアメリカとカナダの次に大きなものです。
In 2017, China, which was building around 25 cinema screens a day, surpassed the U.S. in number of total screens.
2017 年には、中国では 1 日あたり映画のスクリーン 25 個が新しく作られていた計算になりますが、総数ではアメリカの数を超えるものとなりました。
And in 2018, more than 9,000 screens were added across China, taking its total tally to more than 60,000 screens, compared to the about 40,000 screens in the U.S.
さらに、2018 には中国国内でさらに 9000 スクリーンが追加され、アメリカの総スクリーン数約 40000 個に比べて中国での総スクリーン数は 60000 個を超えました。
Those astronomical numbers mean China is now on the mind of producers and writers alike.
You have to be very careful before you shoot a script knowing how big the Chinese market is, to make sure that you get China right.
Stanley Rosen is a professor of political science at the University of Southern California.
It's not easy to find things.
- Has anyone ever made the Kindle joke in here? - Uh.. no - Time to get a Kindle?
ー誰かに Kindle のジョーク言われたことないですか? -え?いや… -そろそろ Kindle 使い始めた方が良いんじゃない?みたいな。
A Kindle, well, I've come close to getting a Kindle.
As much as 70% or more of a blockbuster film's box office comes from overseas, not from North America, and China is a big part of that.
有名映画の興行収入は 70% 以上は北米以外の海外から入ってくるもので、中国はその中でも大きな割合を占めています。
You've really have to get the China portion right.
Under an official government quota, China only allows 38 foreign films into the cinemas each year. That's to preserve its cultural and financial interests.
But in recent years, that number has quietly grown.
In 2017, China imported 40 films, and in 2018, it rose to 42.
2017 年には、中国は海外から 40 種類の映画を輸入しましたが、2018 年にはその数は 42 個でした。
But that's still a small fraction of the hundreds of movies released in the U.S. and Canada every year.
The trend in box office sales has prompted Hollywood to now seriously consider the Chinese audience.
In some cases, casting specific actors, and even re-writing movie scripts.
In Tom Cruise's "Top Gun" sequel, the Japanese and Taiwanese flags were allegedly removed to appease China.
And if you watched "Bohemian Rhapsody" in China, well, the movie was about 3 minutes shorter after references to Freddie Mercury's sexuality were removed from the original release.
そして、中国で公開された『ボヘミアン・ラプソディー』では、フレディの性癖が表現された場面がカットされているので、映画全体の長さが 3 分ほど短くなっています。
Meanwhile, China halted the release of Quentin Tarantino's "Once Upon A Time in Hollywood" after Bruce Lee's daughter reportedly complained to China's National Film Administration about the film's unflattering portrayal of her father.
It's not just foreign films getting censored.
In 2019, China blocked domestic films "The Eight Hundred" and "The Hidden Sword," blaming technical and market reasons.
2019 年には、中国の国内映画『The Eight Hundred』と『The Hidden Sword』が、技術的ならびにマーケティング上の理由で公開停止となりましたが
Experts, meanwhile, say they were censored because of political sensitivities in the lead up to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
専門家の見方は、中華人民共和国建国 70 周年を控えて政治的描写に問題があったためではないか、というものです。
But, naturally, China wants its own films to win the box office, both for financial reasons and as a matter of national pride.
And that's why it's building its own studios.
In 2018, Dalian Wanda Group opened the world's biggest movie studio, which was touted as China's answer to Hollywood.
2018 年、Dalian Wanda Group はハリウッドに対抗すべく、世界最大の映画撮影スタジオを建設しました。
That same company bought iconic American cinema giant, AMC.
また同じ会社が、アメリカの大手有名映画館、AMC を買収しています。
It was founded in 1920 in Kansas City, Missouri, and in 2012, Dalian Wanda Group paid $2.6 billion to acquire the company.
ミズーリのカンザス・シティに 1920 年に設立されたこの会社を、Dalian Wanda Group が 2012 年に 26 億ドルで吸収合併したのです。
The acquisition would make AMC the largest movie theater chain in the world.
この合併の結果、AMC は世界最大の映画館チェーンとなりました。
It later sold part of its stake due to mounting debts.
Hollywood wants two things from China.
ハリウッドが中国に求めているのは 2 点です。
They want the film market in China, and they want Chinese money.
But Chinese money is now drying up compared to the past, but the film market is still there, and that hasn't changed.
And so, now you're seeing more either co-productions or assisted productions.
Just take a look at this.
Between 1997 and 2013, China helped finance a mere dozen Hollywood movies of the annual top hundred highest-grossing films worldwide.
1997 年から 2013 年にかけて、中国は世界規模での売り上げを記録したハリウッド映画上位 100 作品のうち、わずか 12 作品にしか経済補助をしていませんでした。
But within the next five years, China co-financed a staggering 41 Hollywood films.
ところが、その後 5 年間で経済提供を結んだハリウッド映画の数は、驚異的な 41 個にまで跳ね上がっています。
For example, Alibaba invested and promoted Paramount Picture's "Mission Impossible" films "Fallout" and "Rogue Nation," while China's Bona Film group funded "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" despite never making it to Chinese screens.
例を挙げると、Alibaba は Paramount Picture の『ミッション:インポッシブル』シリーズの『フォールアウト』ならびに『ローグ・ネイション』に投資・宣伝活動を行い、Bona Film グループは中国国内では結局公開されることのなかった『Once Upon a Time in Hollywood』に資金提供をしています。
China wants to be the largest film market in the world as quickly as possible.
And Hollywood is absolutely essential to that.
You see, while Chinese investment has made its mark on Hollywood, the domestic film industry is struggling.
After a decade of rapid growth, the Chinese government's crackdown on tax evasion means that movie producers are struggling to get the funding they used to.
10 年間に渡って急速な成長を遂げた後、節税対策に対する中国政府の引き締め政策の結果、以前のように資金繰りが簡単にいかなくなっているのが実情なのです。
Profits at all but three of the China's 15 listed TV and movie companies fell in 2018.
中国国内で登録されているテレビ・映画関連企業 15 社のうち、2018 年に売り上げが上昇したのはわずか 3 社でした。
And even China's best paid actress Fan Bingbing mysteriously disappeared from the public eye for three months.
さらに、中国で最も高い収入を得ている女優であるファン・ビンビンも、公の場から 3 か月に渡って謎の失踪を遂げました。
When she appeared again, she promised to pay back taxes and more than a $100 million in fines to tax authorities.
そして戻ってきた際には、税金ならびに罰金 1 億ドル以上を税務当局に収めると公約をしました。
Experts predict that by 2020, China will be the world's largest cinema market, with box office revenue expected to jump from $9.9 billion in 2018 to $15.5 billion by 2023.
専門家の見立てでは、2020 年までに中国は世界最大の映画館マーケットを確立し、興行収入は 2018 年の 99 億ドルから 2023 年には 155 億ドルにまで跳ね上がるとされています。
And it will have Hollywood to thank.
More than a third of China's highest grossing films over the last two years were made in the U.S.
ここ 2 年間の中国における興行収入上位映画のうち、3 分の 1 以上はアメリカ映画です。
Is Hollywood selling out or cashing in?
Hollywood is in the business of selling out and cashing in, the two go together.
Hey guys, it's Uptin.
Thanks for watching.
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