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  • in this video i'm going to show you how to install p_h_p_ on macula sam

  • the separate video for windows users so if you're on windows skip this video

  • entirely

  • setting up p_h_p_ used to be a complicated process but that's no longer

  • the case thanks to integrated packages

  • this install all the necessary components automatically

  • several are available

  • but the one i chosen this month which installs the apache web server

  • a full featured version of p_h_p_

  • and several other components

  • including the open-source mysql database

  • we won't be using mysql in this workshop

  • which you almost certainly needed

  • as you learn more about p_h_p_

  • in your browser go to the issue are l

  • w_w_w_ dot

  • and they empty

  • dot info

  • slash he and

  • slash index dot html

  • month comes into versions mam which is free and bam pro

  • the painful version

  • with some useful administrative features

  • the free version contains everything you need for this workshop

  • quickly download an album

  • this download sussex filed the contains both the basic version

  • anthony commercial version

  • there's no obligation to use the commercial version if you don't want it

  • and the basic version doesn't have a time limit it always remains free

  • when the download is finished and be known as that

  • doubleclick the member package icom

  • launch the installation

  • and follow the instructions on screen

  • you need to accept the license agreement

  • and install for all uses on this computer

  • there's no need to change the install the patient

  • by default it goes into applications folder

  • and to y'all

  • mac abusive password when

  • and the installation process is quite quick

  • close the install a program and switched to your applications folder

  • double-click the mam folder

  • and double click the mam polycom

  • this launches phenom control panel which starts up the apache and mysql service

  • and immediately launch usual browser with the welcome to mam page

  • notice that the you are ellen the browser begins with local host

  • so long

  • ate a space-age

  • local host is the name of the web server running on your local computer

  • and the eight eight eight eight

  • indicates that the patchy is listening for requests

  • on and on standard

  • ninth configures apache and mysql to run on non-standard bolts to avoid possible

  • conflicts with existing programs but it's best to change to the standard

  • ports

  • switch to the mamta control panel

  • click preferences

  • and then ports at the top of the panel here

  • and then click set the default apache and mysql ports

  • you see that has changed report number two eighty for apache

  • and three three zero six for maya sql

  • and to confirm the change

  • click okay

  • and mam tries to restart the server is left-wing search almanac administered

  • password

  • because carey

  • and when both service have started up again

  • you should see to green lights

  • now if you don't see two green lights if they fail to start up that means that is

  • a conflict with another program

  • and i'll explain a little later what you need to do in that case

  • but assuming that you've got to green lights

  • instead of using local host column eight eight eight eight

  • you know we need to change it too

  • local host

  • just on its own

  • if you remove fat

  • eight eight eight eight and how long

  • and press enter

  • you should see them banff welcome screen if you tried it with the concrete eight

  • h after the local host

  • it's in a message saying that the server couldn't be found

  • but this indicates that your testing environment is now working correctly

  • when testing with p_h_p_ apache and mysql always need to be running if you

  • want to turn them off

  • currents of the ma'am

  • control panel

  • and click

  • but remember that each time that you want a test

  • you need to start up member gain

  • actually there is no problem leaving bump running all the time

  • even when you know in the asleep mode

  • and mysql service take up very few resources indeed

  • so if mom is working correctly you can ignore the rest of this figure you've

  • got a working p_h_p_ development environment

  • but if you fail to get these to green lights when you change the apache and

  • mysql paltz it means another program is probably using port eighty

  • to go back into the mam preferences

  • and click reset mt ports

  • that changes and back to the original eight eight eight eight

  • and a_t_t_ page nine

  • and then click ok to confirm to change

  • after resetting the mam defaults

  • you always need to at co alone eight eight eight eight

  • after local host in the u all relative testing environment

  • but apart from the past

  • everything should work exactly the same

in this video i'm going to show you how to install p_h_p_ on macula sam


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

PHP 第1.4章 Mac OS XにMAMPをインストールする (PHP Chapter 1.4 Installing MAMP on Mac OS X)

  • 93 5
    Ethan に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日