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Hi, Bob the Canadian here.
Welcome to this English lesson where I'm going to talk about the past, the present, and the future.
Many of you have asked me to do a video about those verb tenses, and I thought what I should do is go over five of the most important verbs that you need to know as an English learner and just do an English lesson where I talk about those five verbs, but also give you some examples of how to use them in the past, the present, and the future.
Hey, welcome to this video where we're going to look at the five most important verbs that you need to know as you learn English.
But before we get started, if you are new here don't forget to click that red subscribe button below, and for all of you, if you enjoy this video, please give me a thumbs up at some point while you are watching.
The first verb I want to look at is the verb "to be." The verb to be is used to describe your state of being.
では、最初の動詞は"to be"です。"to be"は状態・状況を表すために使われます。
That's kind of a complex definition, isn't it?
But let's think about the verb to be, and let's think about being happy.
では、動詞の"to be"、それから"being happy"という表現を見ていきましょう。
So yesterday I was happy.
まず、”Yesterday I was happy.”(昨日は幸せな状態にあった。→「昨日は幸せだったなぁ。」)
Right now I am happy, and tomorrow I will be happy or I am going to be happy.
"Right now I am happy."(現在、幸せな状態にある。→「今 幸せだなぁ。」)そして、"I will be happy." または 、"I am going to be happy."(明日、幸せな状態になるだろう。→「明日は幸せになるぞ。」)
You can use both interchangeably in English.
So yesterday I was happy.
ではもう一度、"Yesterday I was happy."
Right now I am happy.
"Right now I am happy."
Tomorrow I will be happy or I am going to be happy.
"Tomorrow I will be happy."または、 "I am goint to be happy."
The next verb is the verb "to want."
次の動詞は、"to want" です。
When you want something you are expressing a desire for that thing.
So usually I want ice cream.
So yesterday I wanted ice cream.
例文は、"Yesterday I wanted ice cream."「昨日はアイスクリームが欲しかった(食べたかった)。」にします。
Right now I want ice cream, and tomorrow I will want ice cream or I am going to want ice cream.
"Right now I want ice cream."「今、アイスクリームが食べたい(欲しい)。」そして、"Tomorrow I will want ice cream."または、"I am going to want ice cream." 「明日はアイスクリームが食べたくなるだろう(欲しくなるだろう)。」
I think though, usually I just want ice cream all the time. It's not that good of a thing to want, but it is tasty and yummy, isn't it?
So, yesterday I wanted ice cream.
ではもう一度、"Yesterday I wanted ice cream."
Right now I want ice cream, and tomorrow I will want ice cream or I am going to want ice cream.
"Right now I want ice cream." そして、"I will want ice cream." または、 "I am going to want ice cream."。
So the next verb we're going to look at is the verb "to go."
次の動詞は"to go"です。
And this one's a little tricky.
So pay attention.
In the past tense we would say yesterday I went to the bank.
過去形では、"Yesterday I went to the bank."「昨日、私は銀行に行った。」と言います。
The verb changes quite a bit when we put it in the past tense.
過去形にすると、この動詞は まるっきり違う言い方になってしまいます。
So yesterday I went to the bank.
"Yesterday I went to the bank."
But notice in the present, if I say right now or today, I wouldn't say I go to the bank.
ですが、注意が必要です。"right now"や "today"をつけて言う時は、現在形の"I go to the bank"とは言いません。
It is grammatically correct.
I would actually use the present continuous.
I would say right now I am going to the bank or today I am going to the bank.
つまり、"Right now I am going to the bank."「今、銀行に行くところです。」または、"Today I am going to the bank."「今日は銀行に行きます」となります。
So a little tricky with this verb.
And then of course tomorrow I will go to the bank or I am going to go to the bank.
そして未来形はもちろん、"Tomorrow I will go to the bank." または、"I am going to go to the bank."「明日、銀行に行く予定です。」 です。
Sorry, I think the future is a little tricky too, isn't it?
Tomorrow I am going to go to the bank.
"Tomorrow I am going to go to the bank."「明日、銀行に行くつもりです。」
Notice I use the verb to go twice in that sentence to indicate something that will happen tomorrow.
注目してください。この文では動詞の"to go"を2回使いました。 明日起こるできごとを表します。
So that's the verb to go.
では、動詞の"to go" をもう一度。
Yesterday I went to the bank.
"Yesterday I went to the bank."
Right now I am going to the bank, and tomorrow I will go to the bank or I am going to go to the bank.
"Right now I am going to the bank." そして、 "Tomorrow I will go to the bank." または、"I am going to go to the bank."
So the verb "to like" is our next verb.
では、次の動詞は"to like"です。
When you like something it means that you enjoy it or you appreciate it.
And we could say things like, yesterday I went to a movie, and I liked the movie.
過去形では次のように表現します。"Yesterday I went to a movie and I liked the movie."「昨日、映画を映画に行ったのですが、良い映画でした。」
You could say, right now I am watching a movie and I like the movie.
また現在形では、"Right now I am watching a movie and I like the movie."「今、映画を観ているんだけど、良い映画だよ。」と言います。
And you could say, tomorrow I am going to go see a movie and I will like the movie or I am going to like the movie.
そして、未来形では、"Tomorrow I am going to go see a movie I will like the movie." "I am going to like the movie." 「明日、映画を観に行くんだけど、気に入ると思うよ。」となります。
Oftentimes we use the word like in the present tense to talk about things we like in general.
現在形ではよく、一般的に好きな物について話す時に "like"という言葉を使います。
So you could say things like I like cats, I like dogs, I like reading, I like movies.
例えば、"I like cats."「私は猫が好きだ。」"I like dogs."「私は犬が好きだ。」I like reading.「私は読書が好きだ。」I like movies.「私は映画が好きだ」と言うことができます。
And these are great things to be able to say when you're starting to speak English. You want to be able to describe the things that you like.
So this verb is super important because when you get into that first English conversation, you're going to want to be able to talk about the things that you like.
So the next verb is "to have." In its simplest form when you have something, it means that you own it.
では、次の動詞 "to have"にいきましょう。一番簡単な意味は、何かを持っている時に使われます。つまり、所有を表します。
So you could say things like, yesterday I had a car.
過去形は、"Yesterday I had a car."「昨日は車を持っていた。」です。
Right now I have a car, and tomorrow I will have a car or I am going to have a car.
現在形では、"Right now I have a car."「今、車を持っている。」そして未来形では、"Tomorrow I will have a car." または、"I am going to have a car."「明日は車を持っているだろう。」となります。
Maybe you're going to buy a car tomorrow, so tomorrow you will have a car or you are going to have a car.
まあ、"You're going to buy a car tomorrow, so tomorrow you will have a car or you are going to have a car."「明日、君は車を買うから、明日には車持ちだろう。」という具合です。
So once again, yesterday I had a car.
ではもう一度、"Yesterday I had a car."
Right now I have a car, and tomorrow I will have a car or I am going to have a car.
"Right now I have a car." そして、 "Tomorrow I will have a car." または、"I am going to have a car."
Well hey, that was five of the most important verbs that you need to know in English.
There are more conjugations below.
こちらから その他の活用法をご覧いただけます。
If you noticed all of my examples, I used the first person.
I said things like I am or I have.
"I am" や、"I have" という表現の例文を使いました。
But if you look below, you will find even more conjugations that you should look over and you should memorize.
こちらでは、覚えておいた方が良い活用法を もっとたくさん知ることができると思います。
Bob the Canadian here, you're learning English with Bob the Canadian.
僕はカナディアンのボブ。カンディアン ボブとの英語のレッスンでした。
Thanks again so much for watching, and have a great day.
And if you have time, why don't you stick around and watch another video.