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In a perfect world, you could hit Costco on your way home from work, find a parking spot right next to the door, run in, grab a rotisserie chicken for dinner, breeze through the express checkout line, and be back in your car in 10 minutes flat.
理想的な世界では、仕事からの帰宅途中にコストコに立ち寄り、ドアのすぐ隣に駐車場を見つけ、駆け込み、夕食用にロティサリーチキンを手に入れ、エクスプレス・チェックラインを通って、10 分以内に車に戻ってくることができる。
But there are two problems with this fantasy scenario: first off, you never find parking right next to the door, and secondly, there are no express checkout lines at Costco; and, as it turns out, there probably never will be.
しかし、この理想的なシナリオには 2 つの問題がある。第一に、ドアのすぐ隣に駐車場がないこと、第二に、コストコにはエクスプレス・チェックアウトがないこと、そして結局のところ、おそらく実現しないだろう。
You have to admit that the Costco checkout lines are pretty efficient — they've got it down to a science by now.
But for those of us you can enter Costco's labyrinth of bargains and proceed to the registers with only three items, well, even that super-efficient checkout process can feel like it takes an eternity when you're stuck behind a few customers with overflowing shopping carts.
しかし、私たちの場合、あなたはコストコのバーゲンの迷路に入り、たった 3 つの商品でレジに進むことができる。このような非常に効率的な精算プロセスでさえ、ショッピングカートがあふれている数人の顧客の後ろにいると、永遠の時間がかかるように感じることがある。
Consumer Reports posed this scenario to Costco CEO Craig Jelinek, and asked why the store doesn't have express lines.
Jelinek explained, "Costco's ability to sell merchandise at incredibly low prices is based on adhering to various operating disciplines at every turn."
"Instead of having an express line — that often would be open but without a member in line — we have invested millions of dollars to speed up the entire front-end process."
"Our policy is no more than one member in line and two members waiting behind."
私たちの方針は、列に並んでいるのは 1 人の会員で、2 人の会員が後ろに待機していることだ。
The average completed front-end transaction is just over 1 minute."
フロントエンド・トランザクションの平均完了時間は 1 分強である。
Now, that's all well and good, Mr. Jelinek, and as we said, the checkout process is pretty efficient, but we would love to know which Costco location you're frequenting because just two members waiting and a 1-minute per transaction average sounds like a dream come true.
ジェラインクス氏が先ほど述べたように、チェックアウトのプロセスは非常に効率的だが、どのコストコの店舗で頻繁に行っているのかを知りたいと思う。2 人の会員が待っていて、1 回の取引が平均 1 分というのは夢のように思えるからだ。
In fact, that sounds like an express line.
But hey, if not having a five-items-or-less lane means that those prices stay jaw-droppingly low, who are we to complain?
しかし、もし 5 品目以下のレーンがなければ、それらの価値は非常に低いままである、不平を誰かに言えるだろうか?
Now that our dreams of ever having a Costco express line have been dashed, what about self-checkout?
Self-checkout can be convenient, especially if you've only got one or two items, but Costco tried self-checkout in select stores back in 2010, and by 2013 that dream was dead, too.
セルフ・チェックアウトは便利だが、コストコは 2010 年にセレクトショップでセルフチェックを導入したが、2013 年には消えていた。
Jelinek told Bloomberg Businessweek at the time, "They are great for low-volume warehouses, but we don't want to be in the low-volume warehouse business."
His employees do the job better than the customers themselves, he explained, which actually sounds about right when you think of how often those machines tell you you've put an unexpected item in the bagging area, even though there is nothing but air in the bagging area.
According to FierceRetail, a Costco source reported, "Our members processed per hour went up, from 50 per hour to 60 per hour with the removal of self-checkouts."
FierceRetail によると、コストコの情報筋は次のように報告している。「 1 時間あたりで処理した会員は、セルフ・チェックアウトの廃止により 50 から 60 に増加している」
"Today your total is $432.88."
「今日の合計は、432.88 ドルです」
"A bargain!"
Efficiency aside, there was also a matter of merchandise loss, with one store showing a $60,000 loss over a six-month period, all of which was attributed to the self-checkouts.
効率性はさておき、ある店舗では半年間で 6 万ドルの損失を出したが、これはすべてセルフ・チェックアウトによるものだった。
But in 2019, during the third-quarter conference call, the chain's CFO, Richard Galanti, said that Costco is testing self-checkout again in about 125 stores across the country, with plans to increase that number to about 250 of the company's 536 U.S. locations.
しかし、2019 年の第 3 四半期の電話会議で、コストコの CFO(最高財務責任者)であるリチャード・ガランティ氏は、コストコは全米の約125店舗でセルフレジを再びテストしており、その数を同社の米国内 536 店舗のうち約 250 店舗に増やす計画だと述べた。
Galanti explained, "It's very fast, and customers are using it."
"Our members are using it, And it's saving some labor at the front end."
"As important, on the highest volume units, it's getting people through the front end faster."
The warehouse giant has also accepted mobile payments since August 2018, and the company rolled out self-serve digital kiosks in their food courts earlier that same year.
巨大な倉庫は 2018 年 8 月からモバイル決済も受け入れている。同年の早い時期にはフードコートにセルフサービスのデジタル・キオスクを展開した。
So while the bulk-buy paradise doesn't seem to be against installing technology in the name of efficiency, Costco is definitely against its employees sitting at an express line register with no customers queued up.
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