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  • At the age of five, I was molested at the church my family has been members of for over 50 years.

    5 歳の時に性的虐待をされました。僕の家族が 50 年以上も通っていた教会で。

  • He told me to never tell anyone and I'd be sinning if I did.


  • What is your biggest secret?


  • During my teenage years of depression, I got involved with the psychotic and obsessive guy that abused, threatened, and blackmailed me.

    10 代の頃、すごく参っていた時期があって、サイコでしつこい男と関わっていました。暴力を振るわれたり、脅されたり、恐喝されたりしてました。

  • I swore if I had the money, I would have hired someone to kill him to relieve me of the nightmare I lived in.


  • My father died 14 years ago, but I still add his number to my contacts list every time I get a new phone.

    14 年前に父が亡くなりました。でも、いまだに新しい携帯にするたびに、父の電話番号をアドレス帳に入れています。

  • I'm addicted to porn.


  • I am Christian, but sometimes I get terrified that this is all that there is.


  • I'm not religious or affiliated with any religion...


  • But we all have that similar feeling, and I have that same feeling that you, your eyes open all of a sudden, This is where you are and this is all that you have...


  • And that's scary.


  • I don't think much about leaving, but I do fantasize about what my life would be like if I didn't get married at 21, have two children before 25, or quit teaching because more money needed to come in.

    家を出ようとまでは思わないけど、もし 21 歳で結婚していなかったら、どんな人生だっただろうと想像することはあります。25 歳で 2 人の子持ちじゃなかったらとか、お金持ちになって教師の仕事を辞めていたらとか。

  • When mom told me you had killed yourself, I was so relieved I would never have to tell you I'm gay.


  • Umm..


  • First of all as a person who is gay, when I was in high school, I worked on a suicide hotline for three years.

    まず僕もゲイなんだけど、高校生の時に自殺ホットラインで 3 年間活動していたんです。

  • I don't want anybody to ever feel relieved at.


  • I mean, what I gathered from this, is that a parent took their own life like to be relieved.


  • That's a lot of turmoil.


  • I feel for them.


  • I love my dad, but wish he would get a DUI just once.


  • Yeah, I think that's always really hard when you have a parent and you feel like that parent isn't as responsible you might like them to be.


  • I think you can still love someone but wish them to step up.


  • I think that's like a perfectly plausible thing to ask.

    それを求めるのは もっともなことだと思います。

  • My best friend died because of me.


  • I'm 19 and I met her in a children's depression hospital after an attempted suicide.

    いま私は 19 歳です。自殺未遂を起こして小児うつ病院に行った時に彼女と知り合いました。

  • A day after she contacted me and for some reason, I didn't reply.


  • I was scrolling through my Instagram feed.


  • I clicked their icon and read the comments, “RIP, miss you so much”.


  • It was.. , then I knew I had killed someone I love.


  • This situation hits me.


  • It hits me so deeply and almost instantly.


  • It's a subtle reminder that the influence that you leave on somebody could be eternal.


  • There's power in your presence; there's power in your influence; there's power in who you are.


At the age of five, I was molested at the church my family has been members of for over 50 years.

5 歳の時に性的虐待をされました。僕の家族が 50 年以上も通っていた教会で。

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