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- This episode of Nerdist News
is sponsored by Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda:
Link's Awakening game.
Spider-Man is coming back
to the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
They said it would never happen.
They said it couldn't be done, but here we are.
What has been torn asunder has been rebuilt anew!
The powers that be have convened again
and made a proclamation for all to hear!
Spider-Man is back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, baby!
- [Spider-Man] Oh, this is nice.
- After the very public divorce this summer
between Spider-Man movie rights holder, Sony,
and Marvel Comics owner, Disney,
over the use of the wall-crawler,
it seems like the old web-slinger's days
in the MCU were donezo, which beyond the loss
of the fat stacks of cash to be made
from both companies, this split seemed
to be a real buzz kill for the future of Marvel and Spidey.
With the groundbreaking deal in 2015
that led to the web-head's involvement
in the Marvel movie universe
through films like Captain America: Civil War
and the Avengers flicks, it appeared that MCU head,
Kevin Feige and company, were setting up Peter Parker
to be the new face for the films
following Tony Stark's sacrifice
and Steve Roger's retirement in Endgame.
However, when Sony and Disney couldn't find common ground
with a new deal
that would allow the Friendly Neighborhood superhero
to play in the MCU's playground,
it appeared that Spider-Man had been turned to dust
right before our eyes again.
- I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, Mr. Stark, please.
- Sorry about that.
But in true comics fashion, no character
truly stays dead for long.
The two companies announced on Friday
that they have worked out a new deal
to keep Tom Holland's Spider-Man in the MCU
for a bit longer.
- We won, Mr. Stark.
- According to this new deal, here's what will happen.
Kevin Feige will remain a producer
on the the third Spider-Man solo film
starring Tom Holland, the same role he played
in Homecoming and Far From Home.
That film is scheduled to come out July 16th, 2021.
Then, the wall-crawler will appear in one more Marvel film
beyond that, it's safe to assume
that this will be some sort of team-up
or Avengers type movie.
As for the financial arrangement?
According to Variety,
Sony will produce the next Spider-Man film
with Feige's guiding hand, along with Marvel
and Disney taking 25 percent of the box office profits
while retaining merchandising rights.
Marvel Studios president, Kevin Feige, had this to say
about the deal, "I am thrilled that Spidey's journey
"in the MCU will continue,
"and I and all of us at Marvel Studios
"are very excited that we get
"to keep working on it.
"Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero
"whose story crosses all ages and audiences
"around the globe.
"He also happens to be the only hero
"with the superpower to cross cinematic universes,
"so as Sony continues to develop
"their own Spidey-verse, you never know what surprises
"the future might hold."
Surprises, huh?
We'll get to that in a second.
As for the Sony side of the equation,
long time Spider-Man producer, Amy Pascal chimed in with,
"This is terrific.
"Peter Parker's story took a dramatic turn
"in Far From Home, and I couldn't be happier.
"We will all be working together
"as we see where his journey goes."
So is everything biscuits and gravy
for the MCU and Spidey? - Yeah.
- Yes? - No.
- Not quite.
There are a couple of things to draw out from all of this.
Despite his return, it will only be for two films total.
The third Spider-Man solo film
and one more film on the Marvel side of things.
If we had to bet, this will allow for Feige
to properly send Parker out of the MCU
and close out or wrap-up any storylines
they may have teed up with him.
The second interesting piece of information
is the aforementioned surprise.
Buried within Kevin Feige's quote, he said,
"As Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse,
"you never know what surprises the future might hold."
Well, this seems clear.
Sony is finally going to get its wish
and Spider-Man will appear in Sony's universe
of Marvel characters.
If you were hoping to see Tommy H and Tommy H
face off in Venom 2, it's going to happen.
Plus, you can bet your bottom dollar Tom Holland
is probably going to cameo
in either the upcoming Morbius movie,
or the just announced Madame Web film.
With Peter Parker obviously becoming the center piece
of Sony's Spider-verse, this does leave the door open
for a new kind of deal.
Now, we will admit this is all just speculation,
but it does fit in line with comics
and would make sense for both companies.
Could Marvel get another Spider-Man from Sony?
Perhaps, Miles Morales?
He was teased in Homecoming with the appearance
of his Uncle Aaron.
Into the Spider-Verse aside, it might be too much
for Sony to split the focus by having two Spider-Men
roaming around in their live-action films.
We could easily see them hand over the reigns of Morales
to Marvel while they keep Parker on their side
of the fence.
It would be an easy way for both companies
to have their cake and eat it too.
- You gonna eat that?
- Honestly, as long as Spider-Man
gets the MCU send off he deserves
before going back to the Sony sandbox
to play with other Spider-Man characters,
this is good news.
While things seemed pretty dire
with the public Sony-Disney divorce,
it was good to see that holding onto that slim chance
they could reconcile for visitation rights
was worth it. - There's a chance.
- There's always a chance. - There's always a chance.
- But what do you folks think?
Are you excited that Spider-Man is back in the MCU?
How excited are you?
Would you wanna see another version of Spider-Man
pop back into the MCU, and is it Spider-Man's
or Spider-Men, let's discuss.
Thanks again to Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda:
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