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  • What do horror movies and comedies have in common?


  • The two genres might seem totally different, but the reason they're both so popular is perhaps because what they have in common: their use of dramatic irony.

    それら2つは完全にことなったジャンルのように思われますが、人気の理由はおそらくこのようなものを共通して持っているでしょう。それは、これら2種類とも dramatic irony を使っているということです。

  • First, let's clarify.


  • There are three types of irony out there.

    irony には3種類あります。

  • Situational irony is when you expect one thing, but get the opposite.

    Situational irony とはある物事を期待したにもかかわらず、結果的に反対の結果が伴うものです。

  • Verbal irony is when someone says something, but truly means the opposite.

    Verbal irony とは何かを言った際に、本当は逆のことを意味してるものです。

  • Dramatic irony, though, is what we will be looking at right now.

    しかし Dramatic irony はまさに見ているものに起こります。

  • Dramatic irony is when the audience seems to know more about an event, a situation, or a conversation than the characters in the movie, on the show, or in the book do.

    Dramatic irony は、映画やショー、本に出てくる人物よりも、観客がそのイベントやシチュエーション、会話をよりよく理解した時に起こります。

  • The audience is in on a secret that the characters have missed.


  • This is a great story-telling device that creates tremendous emotion within that text.

    Dramatic irony とは限られたテキスト内からものすごい感情を生み出す、すばらしいストーリーテリング装置なのです。

  • Think about it for a moment.


  • How does it feel when, in a horror film, you know that the scary villain is hiding behind that door in the darkened room?


  • The music becomes eerie.


  • The lighting creates complete shadows.


  • This has to be bad for the hero!


  • Of course, though, that hero must enter the room to find the villain.


  • You feel tremendous tension and the suspense of knowing that someone will jump out and be scary, but you just don't know when.


  • That tension is dramatic ironyyou know something more than the characters in the film.

    この緊張が Dramatic irony です。ーあなたは劇中のキャラよりももっと知っているのです。

  • Now, take the typical comedy.


  • There will probably be some type of "misunderstanding".

    そこにはある種の '' 誤解 '' があります。

  • Again, we know more of what is going on than the characters do.


  • Picture two characters making a plan for a birthday surprise for their roommate, while that roommate overhears the entire conversation from the hallway.


  • From there, confusion and misunderstanding occur, and the tension builds.


  • But this isn't the same tension as the horror film since it is probably pretty funny, as the character tries to figure out the whos and the whats.


  • But it serves as a great example of the tension and suspense of dramatic irony.

    しかしそれは Dramatic irony の緊張感とハラハラ感の素晴らしい例として役立ちます。

  • This tension or suspense in both genres drives the story and keeps the plot progressing.


  • The audience wants, no, needs, to see the tension of the dramatic irony broken,

    聴衆は Dramatic irony の緊張感が壊れるの見るのを欲し…いや、必要とします。

  • either by the scary person jumping out of the shadows, or by someone finally revealing someone's true identity and clearing up the confusion.


  • So, when you feel like you are in on a secret, that is dramatic irony, a hallmark of all the great writers from Shakespeare to Hitchcock.

    もし自分が秘密を握っているように感じたら、それは Dramanic irony でシェイクスピアからヒッチコックまで全ての偉大な作家の作品の特徴です。

What do horror movies and comedies have in common?


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