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  • - This episode of Nerdist News is sponsored by

  • Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening game.

  • Patrick Stewart shares new details

  • on Star Trek: Picard.

  • Pop culture and science fiction are gonna have

  • a pretty busy couple of years coming up,

  • but one thing fans definitely got on the top of their

  • to-watch lists is the upcoming Picard series

  • coming to CBS All Access that will see

  • Sir Patrick Stewart return to the iconic role

  • of Jean-Luc Picard which he last played

  • in 2002's Star Trek Nemesis.

  • In this age of reboots, remakes, sequels,

  • and nostalgia grabs,

  • the new Picard show seemed like the one

  • returning property that fans were on board with

  • right from the announcement.

  • To be fair, fan hype for this series was brewing

  • back when it was just a bunch of unfounded rumors,

  • and while this year's Comic-Con gave us

  • our best look at the series yet with this cryptic trailer,

  • which left multiple grown men in our office

  • crying by the way, (bell ringing)

  • the greater details of this show remain under wraps

  • other than the broadest story strokes.

  • We know that Picard has retired from Star Fleet

  • to his vineyard after commanding the greatest

  • rescue armada in history.

  • We take this to mean the evacuation of Romulus

  • we saw in Prime Spock's memories

  • in 2009's Star Trek film.

  • We also know that Picard has to put together

  • a rag-tag team for a mission,

  • and we know the Borg will be involved somehow,

  • but that's all we really know about it,

  • so that's why we're grabbing at any table scraps

  • of information or details we can find,

  • and luckily this week,

  • Sir Patrick Stewart delivered when he opened up

  • to the Examiner live about his motivations for returning

  • to the character and what the show could cover.

  • As to why Stewart is coming back to his role as Picard,

  • he said, "I don't regard it as going back.

  • "In fact, we are definitely moving the series forward,

  • "and that's what made the difference for me.

  • "It was a very difficult decision."

  • Honestly, it's great to hear that this level of thought

  • is being put into things.

  • This doesn't seem to just be the continuing adventures

  • of Jean-Luc Picard or a season eight to the Next Generation,

  • but rather a very specific story

  • that will impact Picard in a major way.

  • Sir Patrick went on to say, "We are looking at a new world

  • "with new objectives, problems, and issues that could not

  • "have been raised when we were making the Next Generation,

  • "and I found that very exciting.

  • "It's very exciting, and people will be surprised

  • "and perhaps even shocked."

  • Shocked, you say?

  • Well, sign us up!

  • Now obviously, this is the benefit of being

  • on a streaming service and not on the late 80s

  • and 90s broadcast television,

  • and while the Next Generation had its share

  • of shocking moments, and we're looking at you Conspiracy

  • aka the episode that gave us all nightmares.

  • Seriously, how did this air?

  • (lasers whining)

  • But overall, Next Gen was relatively tame,

  • so it would be interesting to see how Star Trek: Picard

  • will wrestle with even bigger issues.

  • Plus storytelling on television has changed a lot

  • since the Next Generation ended.

  • While that Star Trek series wasn't known

  • for much serialized storytelling

  • beyond some two-parters,

  • Deep Space Nine was when the franchise got deeper

  • into story arcs that last seasons long.

  • It sounds like Picard will give audiences the chance

  • to see characters dive into longer plots that develop

  • over seasons of television,

  • and this fits in line with what CBS All Access

  • content head Julie McNamara had to say

  • about the series at the TCAs.

  • "I would say that it is in production,

  • "sort of size and scope, probably more similar to Discovery.

  • "In terms of the characters and the nature

  • "of the storytelling,

  • "probably more like Next Generation.

  • "But of course, we're a number of years later now,

  • "so there are some shifts in the storytelling style,

  • "but I think it's a really nice hybrid of the two."

  • While Star Trek Discovery might have taken a bit

  • to find its footing in season one,

  • one thing the show has done well is juggle character moments

  • and big sweeping special effects action

  • and longer story arcs,

  • So if that is what is delivered in Picard,

  • the show is definitely in capable hands.

  • Plus if we needed any more proof that the show

  • is shaping up nicely,

  • in addition to Brent Spiner and Jeri Ryan

  • reprising their roles as Data and Seven of Nine,

  • Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis will show up

  • in Picard as Riker and Troi.

  • Seriously, we're hanging on to every table scrap of news

  • because every table scrap of news

  • is getting us more hyped.

  • Hopefully, we'll be hearing more Picard news

  • coming out of New York Comic-Con next month

  • and maybe even an official release date beyond early 2020,

  • but what do you folks think?

  • Are you excited for Picard to premiere,

  • or are you super excited for Picard to premiere?

  • What other Star Trek cast members

  • do you hope make an appearance?

  • And should Jean-Luc Picard have a new catch phrase

  • for this new show beyond engage and make it so?

  • Let's discuss.

  • Thanks again to Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda:

  • Link's Awakening game for sponsoring today's episode.

  • Prepare to embark on an exciting adventure

  • after Link has been washed ashore

  • on the reimagined Koholint Island.

  • To find his way home,

  • Link must use all of his skills and weapons

  • as he fights his way past moblins,

  • octarocks, and even goombas?

  • Relive the classic story on the Nintendo Switch

  • and Nintendo Switch Light systems, available now.

  • (upbeat techno music)

  • (logo chiming)

- This episode of Nerdist News is sponsored by


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パトリック・スチュワートが『スタートレック:ピカード』の新情報を公開!?(Nerdist News w/ Markeia McCarty) (Patrick Stewart Shares New Details on Star Trek: Picard! (Nerdist News w/ Markeia McCarty))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日