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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Music Lyrics Explained 5. Bobby

  • Pickett Monster Mash. All right. Now Monster Mash is a very famous classic

  • Halloween party song. it's not the latest or the coolest

  • but it is one that if you're at enough Halloween parties, it almost

  • always gets played. It's a classic song. It always comes back every year, but

  • anyway let's look at it. So the name of the song is the Monster Mash. All right.

  • Now mash, now even just the title mash can have two meanings. It's suitable

  • because it almost couldn't have a double meaning here. Mash could mean to crush

  • something you know and monsters often crush things. But it could also be a

  • mixture of things and here it's I think it's a mixture of all these characters

  • from horror movies are actually in this song. So it could it could play on both

  • here. If you say a Monster Mash. So it's a mixture of monsters. Okay. So anyway

  • let's get into it. Let's start the lyrics then I'll explain. it, All right. I was

  • working in the lab late one night when my eyes beheld an eerie sight. All right.

  • if you are , obviously this is this is being sung almost like from DR.

  • Frankenstein and he was in the laboratory. Remember of DR. Frankenstein

  • made Frankenstein in the lab, and his eyes beheld, well beheld is the past

  • tense of to behold , to see something. An eerie sight. Eerie means very strange or

  • mysterious or scary. So let's continue. I was working in the lab late one night

  • when my eyes beheld an eerie sight from from my monster from his slab began to

  • rise and suddenly to my surprise. All right. Now my monster from his slab. A

  • slab is this. A large flat surface where a dead body is laid on. So I'm riemember this

  • supposed to be Frankenstein. Remember Frankenstein was like a dead

  • body. So all right let's continue. So that's just what he says here. For my, for

  • my monster from his slab began to rise and suddenly to my surprise. And then

  • this is the chorus. That gets repeated throughout the song. He did the mash. He

  • did the monster mash. The monster mash. It was a graveyard

  • smash. Well remember if you say something is a smash, it means it is a big hit. Oh oh

  • Yeah. He did the mash. It caught on in a flash. It caught on means , if something catches on

  • a flash it catches on very quickly. He did the mash. He did the monster mash.

  • This is the type of song too, that if you're at a Halloween party and even if

  • you're not a good dancer sometimes you can get up and dance this song, you

  • pretend like you're Frankenstein and move like Frankenstein. Kind of like this.

  • He did the mash. He did the monster mash. So that's what you could do in a song like

  • this. So it's actually a pretty fun song. If you actually check it out and listen

  • to the whole song complete. All right. Let me continue. From the lavatory in the

  • castle east to my master bedroom where the vampires feast. Okay. So I guess it's a

  • big castle. Master bedroom of course that's the main bedroom that's always in

  • a house. Where my, when my vampires feast. Feast of course they have a large

  • meal. Where they feast. Okay good. The ghouls all came from their humble abodes.

  • To get a jolt from my electrodes. All right. So ghouls we say, ghoul is an

  • imaginary creature from stories that eat people. All right. So the ghouls all came

  • from their humble abodes. Humble abodes, a way of something, a way of saying your home

  • is not fancy. We always say this is a humble abode. So they don't live in

  • high-class. All right. From their humble abodes.

  • Yes. so the monster mash very good. Ghouls all came from their humble abodes to get a jolt from my electrodes.

  • Well jolt means a shock. Remember in the old Frankenstein movies, he used to

  • have those little bolts coming out of his neck. That's where the electrode

  • would be. The electrode, electrode here of course this is a conductor that one uses

  • to make electrical contact to a circuit. So the original Frankenstein, he got he

  • came to life through electricity. And he used to have those little bolts sticking out

  • of his neck. So that's what that's about. Okay. Let's continue. The zombies were all

  • having fun. The party had just begun. Well of course here,

  • if you say zombies you know, well we know zombies in all the movies that they have

  • now that's a dead person in some religions especially in voodoo. That

  • comes back to life and they look and behave like they're still alive. Those

  • are zombies. So , so you got everything at this party.

  • So yeah , the zombies were having fun. The party had just begun. The guests included

  • Wolfman , Dracula , and his son. So all the normal horror people are here.

  • Okay. The scene was a rockin'. All were digging

  • the sounds. Igor are on chains backed by his bang hounds. Okay. So the scene

  • meaning that music scene . Or the rock scene they were rocking. Here remember if

  • we say to rock, in this sense, it means to play or dance to rock music. Digging, well

  • especially like in the 1960s and 70s , dig was a common word. It meant that you liked

  • something. So it's a word that the hippies used to like to use. Yeah. I dig it. So that's why

  • it's in this song. The scene was a rockin' all were digging the sounds. So they

  • thought the sounds were cool. Igor on chains backed by his baying

  • hounds. All right. Okay. Bay means to howl. So the hounds are the

  • dogs are howling oh oh (howling sounds ),. So they, they were doing that during this song. They were

  • howling. Yeah. By his baying hounds. The coffin bangers were about to arrive with

  • their vocal group the Crypt kicker five. Okay. So this is like another rock band.

  • Crypt, crypt is an underground burial chamber or room. So they usually show it

  • by like skeletons or something. So the crypt kicker five. it's supposed to be a

  • joke of course. Not a real band. Yeah. So and then of course the chorus goes they

  • did the mash. They did the monster mash. The monster mash , it was a graveyard

  • smash. All right. So let's continue with the rest of the song. Out from his coffin

  • Drac's voice did ring. It seems he was troubled by just

  • one thing. So this is Dracula out of his coffin he came out of his coffin. Drac's

  • they just shortened it for Dracula. His voice did ring. His voice sounded

  • here. So remember here . If we say to ring, if something rings, it makes a

  • continuous loud sound . It did ring. Seeing, he was troubled troubled or worried

  • by just one thing. Open the lid and shook his fist and said 'whatever happened to

  • my transylvania twist.' So it's making a joke. Like maybe all these monsters had

  • songs maybe. A twist there's a song or we twist your body like this. So he said

  • whatever happened to my Transylvania twist.So maybe that was , that used to be

  • the cool song among the monsters. Now it's the Monster Mash. You know, it's like

  • Frankenstein song. So that's that's what they're saying here. So open the lid and

  • shook his fist. And said whatever happened to my Transylvania twist. And of

  • course they sing it in a little bit of like a Dracula accent. You know an

  • Eastern European Transylvania accent. All right. Good, and then of course it goes

  • back to the chorus. You know, and they you know they did the mash , they did

  • the Monster Mash. . That continues again and then it goes to the next part.

  • Now , now everything's cool Drac's a part of the band and my monster man is the

  • hit of the land. So I guess Dracula got into the party.

  • He doesn't care that his song isn't the main song anymore. He's just playing

  • along. So he's part of the band and he's singing with them.. And my monster man, my

  • monster man. Of course this is Frankenstein because dr. Frankenstein is

  • talking is the hit of the land. Well you know the most popular one of the land.

  • For you, the living, the living you know, the people alive. This mash was meant too.

  • So you know you're invited too. You, you living people. When you get to my door

  • tell then Boris sent you. Yeah. So I actually sometimes to use the name Bobby

  • Boris Pinkett and if you remember back at that time in the old horror movies.

  • One of the most famous directors of the Horror movies was Boris Karloff. So

  • that's why I probably used that name as well. All right good. Oh. Yes

  • All right. And then of course it just it really comes to the end here. Basically

  • they say, they say well and then it just you know sluts going to the end you

  • know, Wah-ooh Monster Mash. Wah-oog. Yes easy Igor you impetuous young boy. Well

  • here of course if we say impetuous. Someone who is impetuous does things

  • quickly and without thinking about what will happen. As we say you impetous

  • young boy. Oh Monster Mash wah-ooh wah-ooh. And that's the end of the song. So if you

  • ever get invited to a Halloween party in the US or you know and you know Halloween is

  • mostly in American holiday. Anyway they might play this song and this is what

  • this song means it's actually a song about a bunch of monsters all getting

  • together and you know playing music together and dancing together. Well

  • anyway , I hope you got it. I hope you enjoyed it . I hope it was informative. Thank

  • you for your time. Bye-bye

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Music Lyrics Explained 5. Bobby


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英語の家庭教師ニックPの音楽の歌詞が説明されている(5)ボビーPickett - モンスターマッシュ (English Tutor Nick P Music Lyrics Explained (5) Bobby Pickett - Monster Mash)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日