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Hey there, Adam LoDolce from SexyConfidence dot com where I help the 21st century woman create a love life that she absolutely loves.
ハイみなさん、セクシーコンフィデンス ドット コムのアダム・ロードルチェが、21 世紀の女性が絶対に愛するラブライフを作るお手伝をしています。
And in this super short video I'm going to be sharing with you the 5 signs that a dude you might have just started dating is seeing other women.
そしてこの超短編ビデオでは、デートを始めたばかりの男が他の女性を見ているという、5 つの兆候をあなたと共有していきます。
Keep watching.
The first sign is that you're not in a committed relationship with him.
If he hasn't said the words that, I'm not seeing anyone else, then don't assume he isn't.
Chances are, nowadays, if a guy is not in a committed relationship with you then he's probably dating and talking to lots of other women.
Just like you should be talking to other guys as well.
It doesn't mean you have to be sleeping with a ton of other guys. It means that you should be talking to other guys and keeping your options open.
Then of course, once you both declare that you are in a committed relationship, then it becomes exclusive.
The second sign is that he won't hang out with you on the weekend.
2 番目の兆候は、彼が週末にあなたと一緒に出かけないことです。
Let me tell you sexy confidence ladies something right now.
You do not want to be the Tuesday night rotational girl.
I repeat, you do not want to be the Tuesday night rotational girl.
If he's only hanging out with you during the week and then he disappears on the weekends, then chances are, he's going out and meeting new girls to fill his dating pipeline.
And you are the Tuesday night girl.
Don't be that Tuesday night girl.
Number three, is he freaks out even if you go near his phone.
Let me look it up on Yelp.
Yelp で調べてみましょう。
Sketchy dudes are sketchy about their phones because that's where sketchy shit takes place.
怪しい男は自分の携帯電話のまわりでも怪しい行動をとります 。それは携帯が怪しいコトが起こる場所だからです。
But, ladies, please, don't be the NSA hacking into his phone to see what he's doing.
If you're not in a relationship with the guy, you don't have a right to know what he does with his phone.
And if you are in a relationship with a guy, and you can't trust him enough not to go ahead and snoop and go through all his text messages, then it's time to reconsider the relationship.
そして、あなたが男女の仲にあり、あなたが彼と先に進むために十分信頼ができす、詮索し全てのメッセージを見ているのであれば、2 人の関係を考え直す時です。
Number four is his answer is always "maybe," and he never really wants to commit to any plans.
4 つ目は、彼の答えは常に「多分」で、どんな計画にも決して約束をしたくないということです。
If he's only saying maybe to you, then he's actively searching for some other girl to say yes to him.
And then when she says no to him, he says yes to you.
And finally, number five, is that you're always accusing him of seeing other girls.
そして最後に、5 つ目になりますが、あなたは彼がいつも他の女の子に会っていると非難しているということです。
Listen, relationships require trust, and if you constantly don't trust him and keep nagging about him seeing other women, then he's not going to put up with that shit.
So the moral of the story is, if you're just talking to the guy in a casual situation...
Then you know what?
Assume he's seeing other women.
If you're not happy with that situation, sit him down, have a conversation that he needs to be committed or you move on.
Finally, if you are in a committed relationship, it's going well, and he hasn't given you any reasons not to trust him, then you've got to trust him.
And if you enjoyed this video and you have questions like this that always come up in your dating life, I would definitely recommend you check out my Unity program right here where you can ask me any question in our private forum.
そして、このビデオを楽しんでいただき、あなたがあなたのデートしている中でいつも出てくるこのような質問があれば、 私たちのプライベートフォーラムで質問をすることができる、統一プログラムをそこからチェックすることをお勧めします。
You can get early access to videos just like this up to 4 to 6 weeks in advance.
動画は、最大 4〜6 週間前にアクセスすることができます。
You can join my monthly coaching call.
And even get a weekly text from me with your dating homework each and every week.
You can check that out right there.
And, of course, don't forget to head on over to SexyConfidence dot com.
そしてもちろん、セクシーコンフィデンス ドット コムに行くことも、忘れないでください。
You can click on that link right there, where you can sign up for my email list and get more videos just like this every single week.
And, finally, please, if you enjoyed the video, please give it a like on YouTube. That really helps me out a lot.
And don't forget to share it with a friend of yours who might need to hear this.
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そしてもちろん、購読ボタンを押すと YouTube からの通知を受け取り、ビデオが出たと同時に視聴することができます。
Thank you so much for watching, and I'll speak to you soon.
Bye bye.