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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Word Origins 4. Today the word origin

  • we're going to do is 'Halloween' Now which is coming up soon. So it will be very suitable

  • for that time. All right. Let's take a look at the note here. The origin of the

  • word Halloween comes from Scotland. In Scottish all Hallow E'en meant holy Eve.

  • Yeah. So hallow really meant holy. The eve meant either like evening or eve. We

  • know even today in English. eve always means the day before. Just like we say

  • New Year's Eve and we say Christmas Eve. It's always the day before. So all Hallow

  • e'en meant Holy Eve. Let's continue this of course was the evening before

  • the celebration of All Saints Day. It's kind of ironic in a way. Because way back

  • in about a thousand years ago , All Saints Day was the more important holiday. And

  • was celebrated a lot where today unfortunately not many people know All

  • Saints Day anymore. It's mostly a Christian holiday and I think even most Christians

  • don't know All Saints Day anyway. But it used to be a very big holiday where they

  • honored a lot of the saints, you know from , from before that time. Let's

  • continue. This holiday it was a feast day to celebrate all Christian saints it was

  • originally called 'All Hallow Day.' Again hallow , hallow was also , I mean it could

  • be connected to holy but it was also an old word for Saint. So All Hallow, for

  • all the saints. It used to be celebrated in the spring.

  • but was moved to November 1st by Pope Gregory the IV in 835 AD. So he moved it

  • to November 1st which was simply the day after, another day that the Celts used

  • for a Samhain festival. Okay. So let's take a look at that. So October 31st used to

  • be the last day of the year in the old Celtic calendar. Okay. The Celts used to

  • believe the boundaries between the living and the dead were closer at

  • the very end of the year. They thought it was easier for the dead to visit the

  • living at this time. The Celts used to have a pagan festival called Samhain.

  • All the traditions of the original Halloween costumes of ghosts , witches,

  • devils, etc. came from this festival. So really, this really comes from the pagan

  • festival that we celebrate Halloween from. So that's what they thought. It was

  • believed the dead rose for one night just before All Saints Day. But the name

  • was actually changed due to All Saints Day because it really was changed to the

  • the Eve or the day before the All Saints Day. Okay. Let's continue. After the Pope

  • moved the holiday the Samhain Festival started to be referred to as all

  • Hallow E'en which eventually formed into the word Halloween today. So it's kind of

  • ironic. So these two holidays are directly connected even though All

  • Saints Day really is not so well known anymore. And it's mostly just a Christian

  • holiday. Halloween however, is celebrated throughout the entire country

  • in the US. It is mostly an American holiday even though its roots come from

  • Scotland and the pagan festivals that they used to have there. Okay. Anyway , well I

  • hope you got it. I hope it was informative. Thank you for your time. Bye- bye

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Word Origins 4. Today the word origin


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英語の家庭教師ニックPの単語の起源(4)ハロウィン (English Tutor Nick P Word Origins (4) Halloween)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日