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When I buy groceries here in England, I usually like to pick up things like apples, peppers, cheese, and wine, but that's now, before Brexit.
ここイギリスで食料品を買うときは、通常リンゴやピーマン、チーズ、ワインのようなものを選んでいますが、それはイギリスが EU を脱退する前の話です。
If Britain were to crash out of the EU without a deal, these products might be hard to find in my local supermarket, so some economists say my grocery basket may look more like this.
イギリスが合意のないまま EU から離脱した場合、これらの製品を地元のスーパーマーケットで見つけるのが難しくなってしまうかもしれません。
For the last few years, government agencies and companies across the country have been studying what might happen in case of a no-deal Brexit.
It's better for all of us if we can leave the EU with a withdrawal agreement in place.
離脱協定を締結して EU を離れることができれば、私たち全員にとって良いことです。
The government needs to be prepared for every eventuality, the departments are all working on the basis of a reasonable worst-case scenario.
The government has been doing a lot to try and prepare for a no-deal Brexit, but there is a limit to what the UK government can do on its own.
According to government documents, Bank of England reports, and other studies, buying groceries would only be one of my problems.
政府の資料、イングランド銀行の報告書、およびその他の調査によると、食料品の購入は私が対面する問題の 1 つにすぎないとのことです。
Studies warn we could see home prices plummet by as much as 30%, medicine shortages, and a jump in inflation.
調査によれば、住宅価格が最大 30% 下落し、薬が不足し、インフレが加速する可能性があります。
First, let's explain what a no-deal Brexit actually is.
In 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union.
2016 年、イギリスは欧州連合を離脱に関する投票を行いました。
Hence, Brexit.
Now, Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he's working to achieve what his predecessor, Theresa May, couldn't.
Strike an exit deal with the EU that Parliament can get behind, too.
EU との出口交渉は暗礁に乗り上げたままですが、議会も遅れをとっています。
If he can't, well, Johnson said he's pulling the UK out anyway.
We're leaving on the 31st of October, no ifs or buts.
我々は 10 月 30 日に離脱します。先に伸ばすための理由はありません。
If that happens, Britain would leave the European Union overnight with no transition period to ease out of its membership.
その場合、イギリスは EU からの離脱を容易にするために、移行期間を設けず一晩で欧州連合を離脱します。
That would be a no-deal Brexit, and according to a government document known as Operation Yellowhammer, the consequences could be pretty dire.
Food shortages, crisis at the border, even the risk of rioting across the UK.
Food supplies and the economy as a whole could be hit, while government spending could dry sharply.
So let's go back to those groceries.
This pile is what we produce in the UK, and this is what we import.
In a no-deal scenario, these fresh fruits and vegetables from other EU countries could go bad before they even reach the UK.
同意がないと想定する場合、他の EU 諸国からの新鮮な果物や野菜は、英国に届く前にダメになってしまう可能性があります。
That's because thousands of shipments would have to go through new customs checks which could cause traffic jams and huge delays.
William Bain of the British Retail Consortium explains that the UK is particularly vulnerable to food shortages.
Could you talk about how the UK stacks up against other countries, like, say, the U.S., in terms of our dependence on food imports, particularly from the EU?
特に EU からの食料輸入への依存という観点から、イギリスがアメリカなど他の国とどのように比較しているかについて、話していただけますか?
So we've been a net importer of foods, really, for the last few decades.
I think consumer tastes are not going to change too much and we're still going to want to have our sandwiches with some tomato in it in December as much as we do in June or July.
消費者の嗜好はあまり変わらないだろうし、6 月や 7 月と同様に 12 月にもトマトを入れたサンドイッチを手に入れたいと思っています。
For British exporters, a no-deal could also mean tariffs on products like cheese and beef, which, retailers say, could see levies of nearly 50%.
英国の輸出業者にとって合意なき離脱は、チーズや牛肉などの製品に対する関税が課される可能性がありま、小売業者によるとこれはほぼ、50% の課税になる可能性があります。
So how can Britain keep buying and selling goods across its borders?
One answer could be negotiate new trade deals.
1 つの答えは、新しい取引の交渉です。
As of September 2019, the UK government said it signed 14 new trade deals.
2019 年 9 月の時点では、イギリス政府は 14 の新しい貿易協定に調印したと述べた。
25 others are still in the works, but replacing the EU bloc, which is by far the UK's main trading partner, won't be easy.
その他 25 の国はまだ作業中ですが、イギリスの主要な貿易相手国である EU 連合を置き換えることは、決して簡単ではありません。
One of the difficulties for knowing exactly what the impact of coming out of a deep free trade agreement is that countries haven't really done this in the past.
自由貿易協定からの影響が何であるかを正確に知ることの難しさの 1 つは、国が過去にこれを実際に行っていないことです。
There have been lots of examples of countries trying to integrate their trade more closely.
There's essentially no examples of countries moving in the other direction.
Perhaps the only example in the past was the breakup of the USSR.
That was a single economic bloc that then broke up, but really apart from that, there's no past precedent to look back to.
The Bank of England's latest estimates say, in a worst-case scenario, GDP could fall by 5.5%, unemployment could almost double to 7%, and inflation could peak at 5.25%.
イングランド銀行の最新の予測では、最悪のケースの場合、GDP は 5.5% 低下し、失業率はほぼ 2 倍から 7% になり、インフレは 5.25% に達する可能性があります。
Other reports disagree on precisely how much the economy will be hurt by Brexit, but the vast majority of economists agree it wouldn't be good for the UK's economic growth.
Adding a no-deal into the equation, even worse.
So what is the government doing about it?
They currently have about 17,000 civil servants working on this specifically, and that is everything from trying to make sure that there are systems in place at the borders, at the ports, to ease the flow of lorries going through to France.
彼らは現在、この問題に特化して取り組んでいる約 17,000 人の公務員を抱えており、それはフランスへのトラックの流れを容易にするためのシステムを、国境や港で設置しようとすることから始まります。
If the UK does leave the EU without a deal, the UK government may have to borrow around $37 billion every year from fiscal '21 onwards, according to one estimate.
英国が EU と合意せずに離脱する場合、試算によると英国政府は、21 会計年度以降年約 370 億ドルの借り入れをしなければならない可能性があります。
Those who support a no-deal say the investment is worth it, because it will lay a groundwork for a new, stronger UK, but those who oppose no-deal say there will be too much damage.
Even with those best mitigations, it doesn't take away from the harm that's gonna be caused to the consumer by a no-deal Brexit.
Brexit opened up a huge amount of debate about the UK's trading relationships, not only with the EU, but with the rest of the world.
は、EU だけでなく、世界の他の国々との英国の貿易関係について膨大な量の議論を始めました。
We'll see what happens on the Brexit deadline, but like many Brits, I may want to stockpile some of this stuff just in case I can't get it anymore.