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Have you noticed that songs are getting shorter?
The median length of Billboard Hot 100 songs dropped from over four minutes in 2000 to around three and a half minutes in 2018.
ビルボードのトップ 100 ヒットチャートの平均演奏時間は、2000 年の平均 4 分以上から 2018 年には 3 分 30 秒にまで短縮されました。
Music is changing because the way we consume music has completely changed.
Streaming is now king.
It's the biggest source of revenue in the music industry and a way for artists to bring new attention to their work.
So some music producers are changing the music they create to work the system in their favor.
But can chasing stream counts produce good music?
I'm Eduardo Araujo.
This is Quartz.
Quartz の時間です。
Please subscribe to our channel.
The way an audience listens to a song has shaped the music of every era.
Radio spreads new sounds directly into our homes.
The invention of the smaller forty five RPM record gives birth to the single that we know today.
45RPM という小さなレコードの発明で、今日も使われている「シングル」盤が生まれました。
Cassette tapes with their portability and ease of overdubbing gives birth to the mix tape.
And now we are here.
Streaming makes up nearly half of all music revenue in the world.
With 232 million monthly listeners on the leading music platform Spotify, there is an unprecedented amount of data on who is listening and what they're listening to.
主要プラットフォームである Spotify は、月間 2 億 3200 万人のリスナーを抱えており、これまでに例を見ないほどの大量のデータを通して誰が何を聴いているのかということが把握できるようになっています。
Now it's so much streaming data and information around, you know, not just how many plays they're getting but what territory people are listening to them in, right, what their audience looks like.
Is it Millennial, is it older,? Right.
Like you can really use data to figure out who you want to get in front of, who you want to focus on in a way that you never could before.
We have engineering over here, this is Max, creating the products of the future.
Jeff Ponchik is the co-founder and CEO of Repost, a company that helps artists use data to get more streams and followers.
ジェフ・パンチェックさんは、Repost の共同創始者兼 CEO で、同社はアーティストがより多くのストリーミングやフォロワーを獲得するためのサービスを提供しています。
So was that like one of the first things you did was get yourself a great programmer?
Is that step number one?
Repost has only been around for three years and hand selects the artists it wants to work with.
Repost は創業から 3 年経ち、提携するアーティストを自分たちの手で選び出してきています。
Repost functions like a distributor.
Repost は販売代理店のような形で機能します。
Distributors used to sign deals with labels to act as middlemen between the label and the record stores.
But now companies like Repost help them reach an audience on their own.
ところが今では、Repost のような企業がレーベル独自の聴衆に音楽を届けることができるようにしています。
Via places like SoundCloud or Spotify or YouTube.
SoundCloud や Spotify、または YouTube といった媒体を使って、です。
Jeff estimates that less than 10 percent of Repost's clients actually live off their music revenue.
ジェフさんが推測する限りでは、Repost のクライエントのうち音楽のみで生計を立てている人は 10 % にも満たないという事です。
But it does open a new door to artists that wasn't there before in the age of the record label.
Like, not everyone is going to be the next Beyonce, right?
But you might be able to make five ten thousand dollars a month then, you know, make a living doing what you love and not have to work at Starbucks anymore.
でも、上手くいけば月に 5 千~1 万ドル稼げるようになるかも知れないわけですから、そうすると好きな事をやって生活ができて無理やりスターバックスで働く必要もなくなってくるわけですから。
One way to maximize profit from streaming is understanding how payments are made.
ストリーミングから最大限に利益を得る方法の 1 つは、支払いがどのようにされているかを理解することです。
The amount artists receive on a single play is minuscule.
曲が 1 回流れるごとにアーティストが得る収入はごくわずかです。
Jeff says that on Spotify that number is somewhere around 0.004 cents per play.
ジェフさん曰く、Spotify では1回あたり 0.004 セントほどだそうです。
To make any real money they need millions of streams, and that means playlists have become the gatekeepers to being heard.
On Spotify, it's all about getting in those big Spotify playlists, right?
Spotify では、主要プレイリストに載るかどうかが全てなんですよ。
That's how you get discovered.
Getting your first playlist is definitely very exciting.
It's just crazy like you never really expect that.
And then all of a sudden your song gets a bunch of streams and you're like wow this is, this feels good, like, finally my work kind of paid off.
Some people are hearing it.
Twuan is a lo-fi hip hop producer from Salt Lake City.
Twuan はソルトレークシティーに住む lo-fi ヒップホップアーティストです。
He started making music at home in high school.
Now he's working with Repost and says he's living entirely off of his streaming revenue.
今では Repost と提携して、ストリーミングで得られる収入のみで生活をしていると話します。
Getting on a playlist takes luck and strategy to catch the attention of a human curator, or game an algorithm.
But there's something simpler artist can do to increase profits.
Make songs shorter.
If you upload a song to specifically Spotify that's an hour long or you upload a song that's a minute long, the amount of revenue you're going to get for either/or is going to be the same per listen as my understanding.
特に Spotify 上に 1 時間の長さの曲と 1 分の長さの曲をアップロードしたら、どちらも一回視聴されるごとに得られる収入の額は同じだと把握しています。
You release an album with a ton of songs on it that are really short, so it can cycle through as many tracks as quickly as possible.
It's kind of a way to hack more revenue.
It's a matter of math.
Sixty one minute songs will make 60 times as much as a 60 minute song.
1 分の曲を 60 回再生すると、60 分の曲を 1 回再生するよりも 60 倍の収入になるわけです。
The structure of the song matters, too.
Spotify only pays for songs once the listener has passed the 30 second point.
Spotify は視聴者が 30 秒以上再生した場合のみ、その曲が支払い対象となります。
This means the first 30 seconds are crucial.
ということは、最初の 30 秒がとても大切になってくるわけです。
What we hear in the first 30 seconds of the song has become almost an overture if you will.
曲の最初の 30 秒というのが、ある意味序曲的役割を持つようになってきているわけです。
If we were talking about a Broadway production, and we'll hear certain themes that we may hear reverberated again throughout the rest of the song.
While there are certainly deviations, traditionally songs are written in ABABCB structure.
例外はありますが、昔から曲の構成は ABABCB の形を取ってきました。
But one tactic artists use to keep people engaged is to move that B, the chorus or the hook, to the very top of the song.
しかし、聴く側の興味をつなぎとめるためにアーティストが使うテクニックとして、B の部分すなわちコーラスを曲の一番先頭に持ってくることが挙げられます。
So that listeners are always waiting for the catchiest is part of the song to come back around again.
And you can hear the effects of that in modern pop.
Like with this song.
And this song.
And this song.
But beyond the data and the money, there's the craft of actually writing songs you're proud to put your name on.
For many artists, balancing true creativity with market driven needs is crucial.
I do see and acknowledge cynically that I could use different tactics to make money, but I don't want to spend my time thinking that way.
I think the biggest danger with streaming services is that artists aren't going to be encouraged to make commercially viable, challenging work because it's not how they make money.
Streaming music has utterly transformed the music industry.
It has transformed the music that we hear.
And it has transformed the way that we discover and consume music, in general, in ... ubprofound ways that I think we're only just beginning to understand.
Hey. We're making a series for Quartz members we think you'll really like.
さて、新しい Quartz ビデオシリーズを作っていますが、絶対に気に入っていただけると思います。
It's called "Because China" because China is reshaping our world in all kinds of important and interesting ways.
「Because China」と呼ばれるこのシリーズは、中国がいかにして世界中の様々な点において重要かつ面白い方法で変革をもたらしているか、を取り上げています。
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