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  • [APPLAUSE] 2

  • >> I have never lied to any of you. 3

  • >> [APPLAUSE] 4

  • >> And the truth is they're right. 5

  • I hate liars. 6

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> So here's what I'm demanding. 7

  • I am demanding an apology from Roman Reigns. 8

  • Not just for accusing me of something I didn't do. 9

  • Not just for spearing me last week, but 10

  • I need an apology from Roman Reigns because he is calling me a liar. 11

  • >> [APPLAUSE] 12

  • [MUSIC] 13

  • >> Daniel Bryan wanted to stand face to face with the big dog, 14

  • Daniel Bryan is about to get his wish. 15

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> If Roman Reigns was gonna 16

  • apologize last week on SmackDown live for delivered a spear to Daniel Bryan. 17

  • How does Bryan think the big dog's gonna react to this tonight. 18

  • >> I guess Daniel Bryan might be hoping that Roman Reigns has had some 19

  • time to decompress, have some rational thought. 20

  • >> Whoa! >> Whoa, it's Erick Rowan from behind. 21

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> And 22

  • the man the videotape revealed was behind the forklift accident. 23

  • >> Just wiped out Roman Reigns. 24

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Rowan is 25

  • a behemoth just laying waste to the big dog right now. 26

  • >> Blindsided Roman Reigns, Reigns didn't even having a chance to defend himself. 27

  • >> And once again, Erick Rowan >> Acting of his own volition. 28

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> My God. 29

  • >> No, no, no. 30

  • >> Into a post. 31

  • >> My God, almost his skull is bounced off the ring post. 32

  • Is non-stop destruction from Erick Rowan. 33

  • >> And this is a whole fight, Rowan is no longer answering to Daniel Bryan. 34

  • Erick Rowan doesn't answer to anyone. 35

  • Roman didn't even have a chance, he was attacked from behind. 36

  • >> [APPLAUSE] 37

  • >> The Big Dog's about to fall victim 38

  • to the Iron Claw. 39

  • >> No no! Got ahold of Reigns! 40

  • Smashed into the canvas! 41

  • >> [APPLAUSE] 42

  • >> Roman! 43

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Roman! 44

  • >> Hey big dog, you're up? 45

  • So you think Daniel did this? 46

  • Well the joke is on you. 47

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Hey Daniel, 48

  • hey buddy how are you doing? 49

  • You're worse than everybody else. 50

  • You think you can control me? 51

  • >> What? >> Me, but I'm nobody's puppet. 52

  • >> What? 53

  • >> See last week you slapped me in the face not once, 54

  • not twice, but over and over and over again. 55

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> So why don't you step in the ring with 56

  • me right now, show me how bigger the man you are and slap me in the face. 57

  • Come on Dan. I'm proud of what I have done to you. 58

  • I'm proud of causing this little accident back stage. 59

  • I'm proud of crashing that car into yours. 60

  • But I'm most proud of the pain you're gonna feel at Clash of Champions. 61

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Erick Rowan's taking great 62

  • pride in the punishment he is inflicting, >> My God. 63

  • On Roman Reigns, the pain, the suffering, the agony. 64

  • This colossal human being he just launched Roman Reigns out of the ring, 65

  • has got the steel stairs in the hand. 66

  • Don't do this. 67

  • >> The face of Reigns >> [APPLAUSE] 68

  • >> My God. 69

  • >> No, no, no. 70

  • >> My God. 71

  • >> [APPLAUSE]



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B1 中級

ローマン・レインズとダニエル・ブライアンがエリック・ローワンにボコボコにされる:2019年9月3日のスマックダウンLIVE (Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan are blindsided by Erick Rowan: SmackDown LIVE, Sept. 3, 2019)

  • 19 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日