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  • What's up, guys?

  • Welcome to the F.A.D.P.A.S.B.B.

  • Nice.

  • First annual Dude Perfect All Sports Baseball Battle.

  • Here we go!

  • Dude Perfect.

  • The rules of this battle are simple.

  • After each Round, the dude with the lowest score

  • will be eliminated.

  • Welcome to the first of three competitions.

  • Obviously, with all sports baseball battle

  • there will be a baseball theme running

  • through all the competitions.

  • However, we are starting off with some golf, long drive,

  • home run derby competition.

  • It's go time.

  • Purple Hoser, here.

  • First up, I got a metal bat in my hand.

  • A golf ball on a tee.

  • This is a childhood dream of mine.

  • We have elected to do it "Happy Gilmore" style.

  • So we have to start outside the brown circle.

  • Takin it to right field.

  • Oh!

  • That is a shot!


  • That was a bomb job and a half!

  • Wow.

  • Wow!

  • Oh my!

  • We don't have any angles in the forest.

  • And it went past the forest.

  • What would you say to us after a hit like that?

  • Welcome to the show.


  • Welcome to the show.

  • Let's go, baby!

  • Let's go!

  • I played one season of organized baseball.

  • A kid hit me on my first at bat and it scared me,

  • I'm not gonna lie.

  • Here we go!

  • Good luck, dude!

  • High!

  • You gotta go!


  • Right center!

  • Oh!

  • It barely gets over!

  • Home run!

  • If someone hits inside the park, you're in the clear, baby.

  • Yes!

  • Folks, not great at golf.

  • Not great at baseball.

  • We're playing both today.

  • So we're looking for prayer.

  • Here we go.



  • High to right field!

  • And it is short!

  • Oh, no!

  • Folks, I am officially on the chopping block.

  • Do we have to run to first?

  • My dad had a high school baseball game

  • where he hit two home runs.

  • He kept the baseball bat, it was in our garage.

  • We saw it growing up.

  • That's my inspiration right now.

  • Dad, this is for you.

  • Here we go.

  • He's starting in the circle.


  • Unfortunately, Cobes, before the match began it was very clearly

  • stated you had to start your "Happy Gilmore"

  • from outside the dirt.

  • We have to start outside the brown circle.

  • Start outside the brown circle.

  • Not only did you not do that, but you

  • walked up to about the batter's box and hit.

  • [DING] We need to meet with the Rules Committee real quick.

  • Just a sec.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, after further review

  • the Committee has what we like to call a gift for Coby Cotton.

  • And that is the fact that even though you

  • should be DQ'd right at this very moment,

  • we will allow him one re-hit.

  • I started inside the circle.

  • They clearly stated in the rules that you needed

  • to start outside the circle.

  • So I'm going to take this opportunity

  • and make the most of it.

  • Oh, wow.


  • Boom!

  • All right.

  • Well.

  • Ty, you're up.

  • Get it out of the park.

  • OK.

  • You move on.

  • Thank you.

  • Keep it in the park you'll probably still move on.

  • Yeah.

  • Here we come.


  • [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP]

  • Well, the good news is you don't have

  • to hit it too far to move on to the second competition, which

  • is gonna be a good one.

  • My lanta!


  • Na na hey hey hey Goodbye.

  • Hey, office needs a little bit of cleaning if you want

  • to go back there and start.

  • Hey, welcome to the finale.

  • I like our chances, huh?

  • Welcome to the finale.

  • Me too.

  • Me too!

  • I feel like you guys are saying something.

  • Second competition!

  • What's up, guys.

  • Welcome to Round 2.

  • While I was driving over here I realized something.

  • I have just won two straight battles,

  • which means if I can somehow pull this off today,

  • that's three.

  • Figure I keep this whole thing secret

  • so the guys won't see me talking about it.

  • Secret between us.

  • Let's go.

  • Welcome to Round 2 of All Sports Baseball Battle.

  • We've got baseball field goals.

  • We've gotten the first one worth 10 points, second worth 20,

  • third is worth 30.

  • Cory starting us off.

  • Here we go.

  • Let's go!

  • Whoo!

  • I'm in Round 2.

  • I feel pretty good about it.

  • But what I feel even better about is that my eyebrows back.

  • Oh, wow.


  • Let's do this.

  • [BUZZER]

  • Oh!

  • No!

  • The first one!

  • Hit number two.

  • It's up!

  • [BUZZER]

  • Oh!

  • No good!

  • [BUZZER]

  • Ahhh!

  • My lack of baseball experience caught up with me.

  • Cory, not a great performance.

  • That's OK, I've been there.

  • This one though, straight and true.

  • I'm ready!

  • Three, two, one go!

  • [DING]

  • It is good!

  • Kick number two.

  • Second kick is up!

  • [DING]

  • Good!

  • It is good!

  • It's deep!

  • Does it have enough?


  • It's good!

  • He's walking to the finale!

  • He is.

  • What a performance from Coby Cotton!

  • Well done.

  • Thank you.

  • Moving on to the finale.

  • I'll go next.

  • That was one heck of a performance by Coby.

  • I just need to put one of these three through

  • and I'm into the finale.

  • Stay loose.

  • One, go!

  • First kick is up!

  • [BUZZER]

  • No good!

  • Second kick is way--

  • [BUZZER]

  • No good!

  • No good!

  • The final kick is up!

  • [BUZZER]

  • Oh!

  • It's no good!

  • I feel good about a tee off with this guy.

  • Or it could be with this guy too?

  • Nah!

  • Yeah!

  • No!

  • It's not gonna be with this guy.

  • Good luck out there, T.

  • You're up!

  • You're up!

  • Coby had a pretty good performance.

  • It's weird to say that, but he did.

  • All I got to do is put one through the uprights.

  • Two, one, go!

  • Oh no!

  • [BUZZER]

  • Left!

  • [BUZZER]

  • Oh!

  • [BUZZER]

  • That is unbelievable!

  • We're moving you three boys into a t-off!

  • First two to make it from 50 yards move on to the finale.

  • Here we go, boys!

  • Three, two, one, swing!

  • I got it!

  • Cory!


  • [BUZZER]

  • Cory's safe!

  • I just squeaked into the finale.

  • So the dream is still alive.

  • Three in a row.

  • Let's go!

  • Tyler and Garrett, it's time for another t-off, boys!

  • Yeah!

  • Brothers.

  • Brothers.

  • I want to make a pact.

  • What?

  • Whoever wins this needs to go on to win the ship.

  • I agree.

  • OK, that's the pact we make.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, it all comes down

  • to this one final t-off.

  • Here we go, boys.

  • Three, two, one, swing!


  • Yeah!

  • Oh!

  • He's done it!

  • Whoo!

  • So this will be three battles straight that I have not

  • lived up to the expectations that I put on myself.

  • Well, unfortunately, this isn't about you!

  • This is about the finale bros!

  • Yeah!

  • Whoo!

  • Yeah!

  • Whoo!

  • Ladies and gentlemen, it's finale time.

  • It all comes down to a hockey shootout baseball-style.

  • Oh, baby.

  • Two shots each.

  • High score wins.

  • Let's do it, boys!

  • Whoo!

  • We're really excited to introduce

  • to you, Gary the Goalie.

  • You think he missed the memo?

  • We're coming to an ice hockey rink here, Gary.

  • He wore swim trunks.

  • Good luck out there.

  • Hopefully you get theirs and miss mine.

  • All right, Purple Hoser Nation.

  • I'm up first, I barely squeaked into the finale.

  • But I've never been in the finale

  • with just both sets of twins, so right now I'm

  • putting a little added pressure.

  • I'm gonna win this sucker.

  • Here we go.

  • Here we come.

  • [BUZZER]

  • That was just pure contact.


  • Yeah!

  • Whoo!

  • That's what I'm talking about!

  • Cor, you're up.

  • Garrett left the door open and I've got Coby after me.

  • So I feel pretty good about this.

  • I need to put a couple in the net and get that trophy.

  • Let's go.

  • [BUZZER]

  • Oh!

  • I hit the post.

  • I need to make this in order to force a shoot out with Garrett.


  • Yeah!

  • Bang!

  • Gary a little help here.

  • Guys, my spidey senses are tingling.

  • It's time for my second trophy, baby!


  • I almost fell.

  • Don't let that worry you because I'm actually confident.


  • Let's go!

  • Oh, man!

  • One in the books!

  • It all comes down to this.

  • Will Coby get a second trophy or will we all

  • be heading to a shootout?

  • In the words of my good buddy, Tyler Tony.

  • "One swing of the bat can change the world people!"

  • He's right, man.

  • One swing could change the world!

  • Let's go!

  • [BUZZER]

  • Oh!


  • Oh my!


  • That has got to be frustrating.

  • Gary-- Gary just blocked that right?

  • Am I wrong?

  • Game recognize game, Gary.

  • Well, we find ourselves in the sudden death penalty shootout.

  • If you make it you live another day.

  • If you miss it, you risk being eliminated.

  • Oh, man.

  • Let's get to it boys.

  • Good luck.

  • Whoo!

  • Good luck, baby!

  • Let's do this!

  • [BUZZER]

  • Oh!

  • How does that happen?

  • And now, I'm on the chopping block.

  • Let's do this.


  • Yeah!

  • Yeah!

  • Absolutely buried it!

  • I mean, my goodness.

  • Talk about putting the pressure on.

  • Yeah.

  • Have to put out of my mind the fact that Gary

  • blocked that earlier one.

  • Can't do it!

  • He's freaking out.

  • Thinking through my options.

  • OK, I think you're ready.

  • I think he's good.

  • Ready.

  • Make it or it's Cory's championship.

  • [BUZZER]

  • Oh!

  • Whoo!

  • How is that even possible?

  • Yeah!



  • Gary blocked him twice!

  • That hurts more than any battle loss ever.

  • Yeah!

  • Back to back to back!

  • Let's go!

  • Thank you guys at the office for the trophy presentation.

  • Whoo!

  • Well, Cor, three in a row.

  • They say to make something a habit

  • you got to do it seven times.

  • So, hey.

  • Good luck on four more!

  • I will try.

  • Let's go, team Cory!

  • All right!

  • Well done.

  • Thanks for watching, guys.

  • If you're not already a Dude Perfect subscriber,

  • click down here so you don't miss out on any new videos.

  • Special thanks to our friends at NordVPN

  • for making this video possible.

  • Besides keeping you safe online, with Nord

  • you can watch sports, or Dude Perfect videos,

  • no matter where you are in the world.

  • To learn more, click here.

  • Use the code "Dude Perfect" for a discount.

  • Finally, stoked to announce that tickets for our live tour

  • this summer are now available.

  • Click here to watch the video.

  • Find out if we're coming to a city near you.

  • Shows are selling out fast.

  • Signing off for now!

  • Pound it!

  • Noggin!

  • See ya!

What's up, guys?


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オールスポーツ野球バトル|デュードパーフェクト (All Sports Baseball Battle | Dude Perfect)

  • 106 2
    Jerry shiu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日