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  • We were the smallest town for a while.

  • Do we still wish we were?

  • I don't know.

  • To be a...a population of one and the

  • population of two and you're both

  • in the same county in the same state.

  • I think that's pretty wonderful.

  • What is the population of Monowi?

  • Population one, me.

  • The population of Gross Nebraska

  • is one, two.

  • One, two.

  • We don't have enough people.

  • It's nothing against the town.

  • It's nothing against the people

  • running the businesses.

  • We simply have run out of people in this

  • this area.

  • All we have in town is the bank vault

  • that remains from the gross State bank.

  • And we have a community hall, and then

  • our house and

  • a trailer house across the street.

  • We had a high school here.

  • There was church until pulled maybe the

  • mid sixties.

  • We have the same paperwork and everything

  • to fill out that Omaha and New York City

  • and every other city has.

  • We don't have an election for mayor.

  • I just let him keep that job.

  • The young folks or any that go from here

  • to the city.

  • They can adjust pretty well and make a

  • good life there.

  • But you take somebody that's born and

  • raised in the city,

  • and they usually just can't hack it out

  • in this area.

  • Never gets lonely living in a town, dude.

  • There's always somebody passing through.

  • Values are different.

  • You don't have everything at your fingertips,

  • so you just learn to sitting and

  • converse more.

  • I'm not here because I have to be.

  • I can close up and leave here

  • anytime I want to go wherever I wanted.

We were the smallest town for a while.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

4つの物語 中西部のすべて (Four Stories All About the Midwest)

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    michelle に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日