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bjbj Mike Chang: Hey, what s up guys? It is Mike Chang with Six Pack Shortcuts. Welcome
back. Today biceps, today s body part, give it away, biceps. Time to get some big ass
arms again. So this is what we are going to do. This is what you need. I am sitting on
a bench, but you can sit on the chair or whatever you want, but what you do need for this though
is heavy ass dumbbells. What I suggest, I talked to a lot of guys who say, hey Mike!
I don t have that weight dumbbells or my dumbbells aren t enough. What should I do? Well if you
want to build big arms you are going to have to lift heavy. So I would say this. Go out
to a store, go buy a pair of dumbbells that are heavy enough for you to do about I will
say about 7 to about 8 reps with on a curl. Use that until you are able to do 12, then
go get yourself another pair. So what I am using here is 50 pound dumbbell which is pretty
heavy for me. What we are going to be doing two exercises really, really good. One exercise
is going to be the concentration curl to basically work on our peak, give us that peak and how
to come up high. The second exercise is going to be hammer curls where we are going to be
working our brachs which is this piece of muscle on the side. A lot of guys think that
that s the bicep, but that actually your brachs and that s kind of where I call it for short
because I can t really pronounce the real names like brachial and stuff. But what it
is really is it is a muscle here and it connects into your forearm. So this whole piece right
here, this piece right here. It is like this one right here. So that s actually one piece.
So our second exercise of doing hammer curls is going to work on that. So this way you
get a fully developed bicep. Alright, so the way we are going to do this, we are going
to be going with concentration curl first. We are going to go ahead and do about four
sets and with this way you want to get anywhere from about 6 to about 8 reps, and then you
are going to do one arm at a time and we are going to switch. We are going to do two arms.
We are going to do both arms first, rest, do it again. 4 sets on these and then 4 sets
on hammer curls. So 8 sets total and that s pretty much all you need really for biceps,
because remember guys biceps is a really small muscle compared to rest of your body like
your chest, leg, back and stuff like that. Alright, ready. Let s do this. Make sure you
lean, keep your limbs open, have them inside your arms, inside your legs right here and
as far as where your elbow are, you can have your elbows up right here, but what I like
is my elbow to be a little bit lower. I hope you see in the camera. So this is my elbow
this time right here in the middle of my thigh instead of sitting on top, okay. Got to do
one more. Other arm. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Alright. So don t rest too
long. I would say give about 30 seconds rest and then go again. Alright, let s go again.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Alright,
set number two. So what I want you guys to do is you want to pretty much go to failure.
I might be able to squeeze out maybe one more rep, but the form would be pretty ugly and
the exercise is concentration curl. So you get to want to work your biceps as much as
you can. One, two, three, four, five. Alright that s it. One, two, three, four, five. Okay
so one more set and here is the tip when you are doing concentration curls. When you are
curling make sure when you curl try to keep your wrist straight and also if you can make
sure it is flat or if you want you can slightly point your feet together. Okay, doing this
is going to work lot more bicep. Now if we do this, this is going to work more of your
arm, more of your biceps inside. So you don t have to worry about doing that because we
are going to be working on that next. So make sure your wrist straight and keep it flat
as minimal, tilt it a little bit if you can. I always didn t have the best wrist so I try
to tilt it a little bit but sometimes it is going to hurt my wrist. But you keep it straight
even if it hurts. Alright, last set. That s it. Alright so we are done with concentration
curls. Let s go into some hammer curls. Hammer curls, you got to grab the dumbbells, you
are going to come this way. We do hammer curls couple of different ways. You can do them
alternating or you can do them together. What I am going to do in this one, I am going to
just start together and also I am going to do them together. I am going to do as much
reps as I can or basically failure and the way biceps are feeling I am doing right now
I may not be able to do a lot. It is okay guys. It is not probably the amount of repetitions
you can do. You start off in a good way -- just as long as you pick the good way that s really
just ripping your bicep apart when you are working on it. This way it grows back bigger
and stronger, even when you get to your next exercise and you are not able to do as many
reps it still kind of works with just as long as your form is good and you are actually
working the muscle. Now I may go ahead and have a little bit of cheating form into it.
Cheating is basically where you do a little bit of rocking, use a little momentum. It
does however take the stress off your bicep, but at the same time though it still allows
you to finish the repetition and you do work on the way down. What I mean by that is, when
you curl, when you curl up and you come down this motion down here is called a negative
which basically is where you are actually working your muscle. It is this right here
comes up; you are squeezing your muscle. But when you come down, it is basically pulling
your muscle apart. So it is called a negative and negative is that actually what makes you
grow, what makes you stronger. So, that s why cheating is sometimes very beneficial;
but be careful in your form. If you are a beginner and you are doing this make sure
you get your form right before you ever attempt to do any cheating. If it is not, you are
probably going to get injured. So just keep that in mind. Alright. Okay. Resting will
work about 30 seconds give it a take. Go again. Okay, alright. t forget to drink a lot of
water to stay hydrated. Alright, two more sets. Alright guys, we have got one more set.
You know what s happening? It kind of forms a little tight on this one actually. One more.
Alright I will stop. So there you have it. 8 sets for big biceps. Concentration curls
for the peak and hammer curls for your brachs, your forearms. So hope you enjoyed the workout. It is really
going to help you grow those arms. No more spaghetti arms. So thanks for watching. For
more nutrition and workouts, check out the website, sixpackshortcuts.com. I will see
you on the next video. Peace! :p%c [Content_Types].xml #!MB ;c=1 _rels/.rels theme/theme/themeManager.xml
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