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  • >> They are using Islamist tactics to invert reality.

  • What they're seeking, they have a grotesque Holocaust envy.

  • >> That's Qanta Ahmed on Laura Ingraham Show going after representatives Ilhan Omar and

  • Rashida Talib.

  • Now, of course, Laura Ingraham never shies away from having defamatory conversations

  • about progressive members of Congress and this is no exception.

  • Let's hear more of what this lunatic had to say.

  • >> They knew what was in the Quran where we recognize Jews where we recognize the sanctity

  • of Moses, the holiness of the Torah, but they're not.

  • They are using Islamist tactics to invert reality.

  • What they're seeking, they have a grotesque Holocaust envy.

  • And just hear me out on that.

  • Islamic envy what they see as the special mark upon the Jewish people that is the membership

  • of genocide.

  • It's a terrible thing that befell the Jewish people, but Islamists envy it.

  • They want to take over and appear the most persecuted, the most victimized, the most

  • disadvantaged, while they deny the Holocaust, while they deny the existence of Israel.

  • This is why you are seeing this.

  • There is nothing genuine about these politicians, I don't care whether they were Democrats or

  • Republicans.

  • >> I actually wanna tell you the very next couple of sentences she said.

  • She then went on to say right after that, the question is where's the Speaker of the

  • House?

  • Where's Speaker Pelosi to not just reprimand them, silence and marginalize them.

  • That's what I'm upset about.

  • So here is Dr. Quanta Ahmed who goes on Fox News to make up things that no one's even

  • ever heard before.

  • I've never even heard that conspiracy theory before.

  • That Muslims are envious of the Holocaust, that they'd wish they also suffered from the

  • Holocaust?

  • That's definitely news to me.

  • I grew up in a Muslim family.

  • I have never hear that in my entire life.

  • >> Okay.

  • First of all, you're absolutely right about that, but there was so much slander in that

  • one statement that I don't even know where to start.

  • Where did they deny the Holocaust.?

  • She referred to them as Holocaust deniers.

  • She also referred to them as Islamists.

  • How are they Islamists?

  • I mean, it's amazing how people on the right can just go ahead and claim whatever they

  • want.

  • And here's the thing that frustrates me about the left.

  • While we're concerned about policing language and making sure we're doing everything right

  • and that we don't come off to strong, they're punching us in the face.

  • They are lying about people, they are defaming people, they're doing anything and, everything

  • to punch below the belt and, destroy what they deem the opposition.

  • That was a disgusting segment.

  • >> By the way, you can see it in the tape clear as day what Ana said.

  • She said while they deny the Holocaust and the existence of Israel.

  • They do neither one of those things, especially denying the Holocaust.

  • I mean what a scandalous charge to put on someone with no evidence at all.

  • Okay.

  • Anyway, people like Doctor Qanta Ahmed are brought on Fox News and they're paid generally

  • by the right wing to attack other Muslims, and to say, I'm the good Muslim but the rest

  • of the Muslims are terrible people.

  • They're Islamists, and here let me make up things about them and lie about them.

  • She should be sued for what she said.

  • >> Absolutely.

  • >> And then to say, now, remember they should never be allowed to speak.

  • Why isn't Speaker Pelosi reprimanding them, silencing them, and marginalizing them?

  • Why won't they marginalize the Muslims?

  • Hey, don't worry though.

  • I'm Dr. Qanta, Ahmed and I speak on behalf of all Muslims.

  • And then of course, Laura Ingraham goes, you see?

  • That's the reasonable one.

  • They've done this over and over again with African Americans in this country, Latinos,

  • women, and now Muslims.

  • They bring on a puppet and go, hey, go out there puppet and say what we want you to say.

  • She goes, do I have the money?

  • I will, I will.

  • I'll tell them whatever you want about the Muslims.

  • Grotesque.

>> They are using Islamist tactics to invert reality.


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フォックスニュースの詐欺師は、ラシダ・トレイブとイルハン・オマーについてのひどい嘘をついています。 (Fox News Shill Tells DISGUSTING Lies About Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日