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  • We've all found ourselves in conversation and felt attacked


  • like we started off talking about one thing and then the other person twisted

    何かについて話しているときに、 相手がこちらの言葉を

  • our words and before we knew it, we lost our cool, lost respect in their eyes, and maybe even acted like a jerk.

    ねじ曲げてしまい、 知らず知らずのうちに冷静さを失い、彼らの信用も失って、愚かな行動さえとってしまったかもしれない

  • Now, I don't normally do the same person twice in a row but


  • this interview between Cathy Newman and Jordan Peterson


  • was just too interesting of an opportunity to discuss how you can handle someone

    面白すぎたので、 あなたがバカに見えるよう陥れてしまうような

  • who uses subtle conversational tricks to bully you into looking dumb.


  • So in this video, you're gonna see firsthand some of the most common tricks


  • that people might be using on you and you're also gonna learn

    説明したいと思います そしてそれを逆にどう利用して

  • how to reverse those so that you can walk out of a kind of aggressive situation

    攻撃的な状況から 逆に会話の前よりも信用を勝ち取って

  • having earned more respect than you had going in.


  • So first off, to stop a conversational bully,


  • you have to realize what's going on before it's too late.


  • Now, typically, a person will reveal their aggressive attitude early on


  • with their tone of voice and their word choicekind of like this

    声のトーンや言葉選びから示します、 こんな感じで

  • ...but I wasn't specifically aiming this message at young men to begin with;

    私は最初から若い男性だけに向けて 発信しようと思ったわけではありません、

  • it just kind of turned out that way but


  • And it's mostly, you admit, it's mostly men listening.


  • In this case, Cathy is indicating very clearly that she thinks Jordan has done something wrong.

    このケースでは、キャシーは明確に ジョーダンが悪いことをしたという スタンスを示しています

  • Otherwise, why would she use the word "admit?"

    そうでなければなぜ「認める」という言葉を 使うのでしょう?

  • She makes her stance clear a moment later when she implies that he should be bothered for being divisive. Just watch.


  • Does it bother you that your audience is predominantly male? Is that a bit divisive?

    あなたの支持者は圧倒的に男性が多い ということは変だと思わないのですか? 分断的だとは思わないのですか?

  • The point here is that even when they're being passive-aggressive,

    ここでのポイントは、相手が自分に対して 分かりにくく攻撃的であった場合でも

  • people will often indicate that they're about to attack you before they actually do.


  • So if you hear someone say something like,

    もし誰かがこのようなことを言ったら 注意してください

  • "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" be prepared.


  • That person thinks that you've done something wrong and you need to be


  • very careful what you say next not because you did do something wrong

    次に何をいうか注意を払う必要があります あなたは何も悪いことをしていないのに

  • but because a conversational bully may be trying to trap you into saying

    会話で意地悪をする人は あなたに自分が思っていないことを

  • something that you disagree with so that they can attack that straw man.

    言わせようとしている可能性があるからです、 わら人形の論法で攻撃できるように

  • And the first way that this often happens is called the "so-you're-saying trap." Here's what it looks like.

    このような手法で最初に行われるのが、 「~ということを言いたいのですね」という罠です これがその例です

  • So you're saying women have some sort of duty to sort of help fix the crisis of masculinity?


  • Women want to dominateis that what you're saying?

    「女性は優位に立ちたいと願っている」 そうおっしゃるのですか

  • So you're saying that anyone who believes in equality whether you call them feminists or whatever you want to call them

    「平等」が実現できると信じている、 フェミニストなどの人たちはあきらめるべきだと

  • should basically give up because "it ain't gonna happen."

    考えるのですね、 「そんなことは起きないのだから」と。

  • Let me just get this straight; you're saying that we should organize our societies along the lines of the lobsters.


  • The general pattern here is that someone says, "So you're saying..."

    ここで見られる共通のパターンは 誰かが「あなたは〇〇と思っているのですね」

  • and then proceeds to oversimplify or mischaracterize what you actually said.

    と言ってあなたが実際に言ったことを過度に簡略化し 誤った捉え方を表すのです

  • I won't spend too long here because it's very easy to spot


  • and it's rather simple to avoid and get around by saying,

    あまり時間はかけません このように言えばいいのです

  • "Well, actually, what I was saying is..." and then repeat yourself.

    「まあ、実際に私が言いたかったのは・・・」 と言ってもう一度言い直すのです

  • ...along the lines of the lobsters.


  • I'm saying that it's inevitable that there will be continuity

    動物と人間がなにかを構築したときに 同じような特徴が現れる

  • in the way that animals and human beings organize their structures.


  • But there's a much sneakier way that people may mischaracterize your beliefs and then attack them.

    ですが、あなたの考えをねじ曲げたものに対して 攻撃する方法でより分かりにくい物があります

  • Basically, it's when someone's words imply that you believe something you don't and they don't actually say it.


  • So in business, they call this "assuming the sale" like when a car salesman says,


  • "So would you like that with the leather interior or with the fabric interior?" before you even decided to buy the car.


  • Now, with the several thousand dollar purchase, you're likely to notice this and say,

    数千ドルの買い物なので、 この場合には気づいてこう言うでしょう

  • "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said I was buying in the first place?"


  • But it's very likely that this is happening to you in conversation all the time and you don't even notice. Here's how it might look.


  • [Cathy talks over Jordan] Yeah, but why? Why should woman put up with those reasons?


  • Embedding the question "why should women put up with it?" are several important presuppositions; namely


  • one, that there is something to put up with and two, that Jordan thinks woman should put up with it.

    一つはなにか我慢しなければいけないものがあり、 二つ目はジョーダンが女性は我慢すべきだと思っているという前提です

  • Now, the trap here for Jordan would be to answer Cathy's question directly


  • and many of us fall into it in similar situations


  • then we start arguing for things that we don't even really believe just out of habit.

    そしてつい自分が信じていないことについて 弁護しはじめてしまうのです

  • Instead, you need to identify that hidden presupposition and then call it out.

    その代わり、あなたは隠された前提を見抜いて それについて言及する必要があります

  • So watch how carefully Jordan listens to Cathy's questions


  • so that he can catch what she's not saying.

    ジョーダンがキャシーの質問をどれだけ注意深く 聞いているか見てください

  • "Why should women put up with it?" I'm not saying they should put up with it. I'm saying that the claim


  • Here's another example of assuming-the-sale from later in that conversation.

    「販売の前提」のもう一つの例が 後の会話にも出てきます

  • See if you can spot the hidden presupposition and ask yourself what you might say to respond to it.

    隠れた前提を見つけて自分だったら何を言うか 考えて見てください

  • ...which women do a lot of.


  • But why shouldn't women have the right to choose not to have children?


  • So what's the hidden presupposition


  • that Jordan thinks women must have children. And of course, he defends a woman's right to make any decision about that.

    子供を持つべきだと考えているということです もちろん、彼は女性には子供の出生に関してどんな判断もする自由があると反論します

  • ...the right to choose and demand it, correct?


  • They do. They can. Yeah, that's fine.


  • But you're saying that makes them unhappy.

    ですがそうすると女性は不幸になると 言いたいのでしょう

  • Here's one more example. See if you can spot the hidden presupposition here.


  • [Cathy talks over Jordan] So you want to say to your followers now, "Quit the abuse. Quit the anger."


  • Did you catch it? The presupposition is that Jordan's followers are abusing people.

    分かりましたか?ここでの前提は、 ジョーダンの支持者は人を虐げているというものです

  • Now, he can't answer that question directly; he has to address that hidden point first and he does.

    彼はこの質問に直接かえすことができません。 まず、隠れた前提を指摘しなければいけないからです

  • Well, we'd need some substantial examples of the abuse and the anger before I could detail that question.


  • There's a lot of it out there.


  • When I cut the clips like this, it makes it very easy to see these hidden presuppositions but in real time, this can be difficult.


  • One simple thing that you can do to make it easier on yourself is to purposely

    これをより簡単にするシンプルな方法は、 ジョーダンがこの会話を通して行っていたように

  • assume a relaxed posture as Jordan does throughout this entire conversation.


  • Now, this posture actually helps you to think less frantically because your body

    この姿勢はもっと冷静に考えられるように することができます。あなたの体が

  • is signalling to your brain that everything is okay; you're in control.

    脳に「大丈夫、自分をコントロールできている」 とシグナルを送るのです

  • You'll also want to give yourself some time to pause after each question

    それぞれの質問のあと少し間を置くのも 望ましいです。

  • which Jordan definitely does. In addition,

    ジョーダンもこれを行っています。 そして

  • you're going to want to study up on frames and frame games because

    このように前提を操作する手法を知っておく に超したことはありません

  • there's a clearly a whole level of conversation that is going on behind the words.

    会話がすべて隠された前提の中で 交わされることがありますから

  • Now, I've talked about this in other videos


  • specifically the one on Tyrion Lanister from Game of Thrones


  • and I'll leave a link to that in the description if you want to check it out.


  • Moving along though, the last clip contains a small example of the third conversational bully tactic


  • in this video which I'm naming the "smash technique." Take a look.


  • [Cathy talks over Jordan] So you want to say to your followers now, "Quit the abuse. Quit the anger."


  • It's subtle here but Cathy smashes together two very different termsabuse and anger.


  • Now, by ending on anger, it would be easier for Jordan to just forget it and answer the question.

    「怒り」という言葉で終わってます。 ここでジョーダンにとっては「虐げる」という表現を忘れ質問に答えるのが簡単です

  • But that would tacitly accept that his followers were abusing people.

    しかし、それは暗黙のうちに彼の支持者が 人々を虐げていることを認めてしまいます

  • That's why the smash technique is so frustrating; people are embedding hidden statements that you actually disagree with and

    だからこのスマッシュ論法がやっかいなのです 相手は自分が認めていないことを分からないよう組み込んで

  • then moving through them before you have the time to voice that disagreement.

    あなたがそれに反論するまえに 流してしまうのです

  • You may also have seen people barrage you with questions

    人に質問を集中砲火のようにあびせる人を みたことがあるかもしれません

  • just to overwhelm you into having to accept their points like this

    あなたを圧倒させ、彼らの観点を認められるために こんな手法でーーー

  • ...otherwise, why would that only be seven women running FTSE 100 companies in the UK?


  • Why would there still be a pay gap... [Jordan talks over Cathy]


  • Why are women at the BBC saying that they're getting paid illegally less than men


  • It can be easy to get overwhelmed and to lose focus as you try to answer

    圧倒されて、答えようとしているうちに簡単に どこに集中すればいいか分からなくなってしまいます

  • all of these questions but with the smash technique in general, the best policy is


  • to slow down the tempo of conversation


  • and tackle one question or one point at a time.


  • Let's just go to the first question; those both are complicated questions.

    まず最初の質問に戻りましょう どれも複雑な問題ですから

  • So hopefully, now you're more aware of the so-you're-saying trap


  • when people "assume the sale" and of course, the smash technique.


  • This moves us to the second section of this video which is


  • how to persuade someone in these kinds of situations.


  • And I will say, it seems to me that it doesn't look like Jordan is necessarily

    私からしたらジョーダンはこの中で キャシーの考えを変えようとしているよりは

  • trying to change Cathy's mind but simply to debate in front of an audience.


  • There are still some valuable tips to be gleamed from this video and a few things that I'd add


  • First, do not straw man the other person's ideas even if they're doing it to you.


  • And to be clear, I don't know if I mentioned this,


  • straw manning is when you create a caricature of their ideas and then attack those rather than what they truly believe.

    相手の意見を風刺画のようにねじ曲げて、 相手の本当の意見ではなくそれを攻撃することです

  • Instead, show the other person that you are truly engaging in their real points,

    その代わり、自分が相手の考えを真剣に 理解しようとしている姿勢をみせましょう

  • attempt to understand them, and sometimes this mean that you have to ask them to repeat themselves so that you can.


  • Seven? Seven women... repeat that one


  • Seven women running the top FTSE 100 companies in the UK.

    ヨーロッパのFTSE のトップ100人のうち、 女性は7人です

  • Well, the first question might be.


  • After you've made an honest attempt to understand them, you need to make sure

    まず相手の考えを誠実に理解しようとしたうえで 相手が自分を理解できるよう

  • that they can understand you which is necessary for persuasion.


  • And to do that, you often have to use the visual imagery.


  • For instance, here's a very abstract point without any images that Jordan makes.


  • ...that it's inevitable that there will be continuity in the way that animals and human beings organize their structures.

    人間と動物が構築するものに共通の特性があるという ことは避けられないでしょう

  • It's absolutely inevitable. And there is one-third of a billion years of evolutionary history behind that.

    とうてい避けられません。3億年以上の進化の歴史が 背後にあるのですから

  • Now, maybe you can understand that but it kind of lacks any emotional oomph.

    これは理解できるでしょうが、 心理的な後押しが足りないように感じます

  • But notice how the addition of a concrete example makes that one-third of a billion years just feel different.

    しかし、この後に付け加えられる例により 3億年という期間に違った印象をあたえます

  • That's so long that a third of a billion years ago, there weren't even trees; it's a long time.

    3億年は木も存在していなかったのですよ、 途方も無い時間です

  • So adding concrete examples especially ones that people can easily imagine


  • is a smart persuasive move and lastly, when you're arguing, oftentimes

    賢明で説得しやすくなります。 最後に、議論をしているときに相手の考えを変える、

  • the best way to get someone to change their position is not by changing their mind

    一番いい方法は 彼らの考えを変えようとするのではなく

  • but by gently showing them that they are already agreeing with you.


  • I talked about this in the frame video but here's an example from this interview.

    フレーム(前提)を操作する手法の動画でも言いましたが、 このインタビューから見てみます

  • Why should your rights to freedom of speech trump a trans-person's right not to be offended?


  • Because in order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive.

    考えるためには、相手を不快にさせるリスクを 取らなければいけないからです

  • I mean, look at the conversation we're having right now.


  • You know, like, you're certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of truth.

    答えを追求するために、 あなたは私を不快にすることを恐れていませんよね

  • Why should you have the right to do that? It's been rather uncomfortable.

    あなたになぜそんな権利があるのですか? そんなに心地が良いことではないのですが

  • This is huge. Jordan is no longer arguing that her point is wrong;

    これはとても大きなポイントです。 ジョーダンはもはや彼女の考えが間違っているとは 言っていません

  • he's arguing that she already agrees with himher behavior and her previous statements demonstrate

    彼女がすでに賛同していることを示しているのです 彼女の態度や主張が

  • that she cares more about free speech than not offending people.

    言論の自由の方が他人を不快にさせることより 重要だと示しているのです

  • And then Jordan doesn't try to make this point wrong; he shows her how they're actually very much in alignment.

    彼女の主張が間違っていると示していません ジョーダンは双方がすでに同じ方向をむいていることを示しているのです

  • You're doing what you should do which is digging a bit to see what the hell's going on.

    あなたはやるべきことをしています。 何が起きているのかを明らかにするために 掘り下げていますよね

  • And I gave you what you should do but you're exercising your freedom of speech to certainly risk offending me.

    何をすべきかを私はもう言いましたが、 あなたは言論の自由を行使して私を不快にするリスクを負っていますよね

  • And that's fine. I thinkmore power to you as far as I'm concerned.

    それは別にいいのです。 私は、それがあなたの力になっていると思っています

  • And then of course Cathy feels stumped because she does actually agree with Jordan and she's proven it herself.


  • People have a strong desire to remain consistent


  • with things they've already said and done so oftentimes, this becomes

    つよい思いを持っています これは自分の考えに固執している人を

  • one of the few ways to persuade someone who's really dug in their heels.


  • You're basically showing them that they don't have to move

    相手に自分と賛同するときに 自分の持っていた確固たる意見を

  • in order to agree with you; they already do right where they're dug in.


  • And then of course, Jordan hits her with the "gotcha."

    そしてもちろん、ジョーダンは彼女に最後の 「やったね」で後押しするのです

  • ...uh, and... [sighs] I'm just trying to work that out but I mean... [sighs]

    ああ、そうですね・・・(ため息) 今考えているのですが・・・(ため息)

  • Jordan: Hah. Gotcha. Cathy: You have got me. You have got me.

    ジョーダン:「やったね」 キャシー:やられちゃいましたね

  • Even though I laughed at that phrase at the time I was watching the interview,

    これを見ていたときは この言い方に笑ってしまいましたが

  • I have to say that last bit "gotcha" does not improve Jordan's persuasive case.

    最後の「やったね」というフレーズは 相手を説得する助けにはなっていません

  • It actually makes Cathy feel silly and wrong as opposed to

    実際にはキャシーに自分が間違っていて バカであるように感じさせているのです、

  • happy to discover that she and Jordan are really on the same team all along

    ジョーダンが最初から同じ立場であることを喜ぶ という望ましい状況とは対照的です

  • and if I had to give one last point of constructive criticism,


  • it would be that Jordan answered all of Cathy's questions

    ジョーダンはキャシーの質問すべてに答える 方がよかったです

  • rather than trying to proactively address her deeper unstated emotional concern.

    彼女の意識にある、言葉で表されていない心理的な不安を 積極的に指摘するより。

  • And in my opinion, that emotional concern is that Jordan is her enemy

    私の考えでは、その不安とはジョーダンが 彼女の敵であり

  • that if he believes something, it must be against her interests.


  • If Jordan could have found that and pointed to a more common ground

    もしジョーダンがそれに気づいて より賛同できるベースを探っていれば

  • that they share which we all of course have, I don't think the interview


  • would have continued in such an argumentative fashion but


  • Jordan's role isn't necessarily to convince Cathy Newman of anything

    ここでのジョーダンの役割は必ずしも キャシー・ニューマンを納得させることではなく

  • it's to debate for an audience and to promote his book

    観客の前でディベートをして自分の本を 宣伝することです

  • which I think he did at an A+ level.


  • If you think that I missed something or you just want to discuss,

    もし何か見逃していることがあったり、 意見を交わしたければ

  • leave a comment below. I'm actually to be checking periodically but

    コメントを下に残してください。 定期的にチェックしていますが

  • I will be most active in the comments for that first hour after the video goes live


  • which is now 2 p.m. Eastern on Mondays so hit subscribe and hit the notification bell

    月曜の午後二時なので、 通知ベルのマークを押してくれれば

  • to make sure that you're notified when I am here and chatting.


  • That way you can hop on if you want to discuss anything with me


  • or if you have a question that you'd like to ask.


  • I also think that this video makes a very strong companion for both the Tyrion video


  • that I mentioned about frames which are super interesting


  • and the previous Jordan Peterson video which will teach you how to get respect

    前に投稿したジョーダン・ピーターソンから学ぶ 人をいじめずに尊敬される方法についての

  • without being a bully so click the screen if you want to check either of those out.


  • Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next one.

    この動画を楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです 次の動画でお会いしましょう

We've all found ourselves in conversation and felt attacked



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます