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  • It came to me deep in the night, as it so often does.

  • We shall be as a meadow!

  • Clara - the landing.

  • Denise - Haberdashery.

  • From Miss Audrey.

  • Inspiration came to her in the night.

  • Inspiration must be blind.

  • Like love! And justice. And worms.

  • Oh, I wish I could do that, though. Arrange things. Don't you?

  • These days, I think I could do anything I set my mind to.

  • Really? Anything?

  • What is there to stop me?

  • I know. She scares me, too.

  • Clara!

  • Sorry, Ma'am. Customer.

  • You weren't back.

  • Ladies, please take a seat.

  • Denise! Le salon d'essayage.

  • We have searched cellar to roof.

  • A female could get in and out and no-one any the wiser.

  • We are vulnerable.

  • My department has always adhered to the highest standards!

  • Miss Audrey, no one supposes this a reflection on you or your staff.

  • He belongs in the police station.

  • No. I don't want him at the police station.

  • I want him here. Dudley, you know infants.

  • When Alice was sick last winter and couldn't nurse the baby,

  • what did you do?

  • Mellin's Infant Food. Able's across the street will have it.

  • Arthur!

  • Infant food. Able's. Yes, sir!

  • Jonas, get a message to Peter Adler.

  • Tell him I wish to speak to him, on a matter of urgency.

  • Dudley - the newspapers.

  • Yesterday we were paying a guinea a line for advertising space,

  • tomorrow they'll give us the front pages for free.

  • But Mr Moray, sir. Who is to look after him?

  • Why - us.

  • The Paradise!

  • They wish to donate money for the baby.

  • If we had a box, or a tin?

  • Miss Audrey. My name is at the top of the list.

  • I see that, but they have asked for Denise.

  • All the morning customers have been asking for Denise!

  • Indeed. She is quite the cause celebre -

  • the girl who found the Paradise Baby.

  • I believe it will be a new sales record.

  • I shouldn't worry.

  • With all the fuss being made of this one,

  • we'll have every unwanted brat in the city dumped at our door.

  • Plenty of bastards to go round, then.

  • Oh, I know! What business have I?

  • But I heard and I had to see for myself.

  • Allow me to introduce Mr Peter Adler.

  • Peter, Miss Katherine Glendenning.

  • I see you have already met my other guest.

  • Oh, he is quite the most beautiful thing.

  • A heartbreaker, in the lair of a shameless opportunist.

  • Oh, come on, Adler!

  • This is an opportunity that may serve us both.

  • Poor Miss Glendenning must be wondering what devilish pact

  • we have in hand.

  • I am the patron of a Foundling Home, Miss Glendenning.

  • Moray is hoping we will be able to find room for his unexpected guest.

  • Though not quite yet.

  • I want him in my store a day or two longer.

  • A baby? Here? Moray, what can you be thinking of?

  • The publicity.

  • You wanted me, Mr Moray, sir?

  • Yes. Take him into the Paradise.

  • I want him seen.

  • I want him loved.

  • Understand?

  • Yes, sir!

  • Our friend has a reputation as a man of innovation and drive.

  • Perhaps he is also hoping to demonstrate

  • that there is a softer side to him -

  • the human face of the all-conquering capitalist.

  • Hmm, you have my measure.

  • Do I have your support?

  • We will take him. On one condition.

  • A donation?

  • And a visit. Our foundlings to your store.

  • We do our best to fit them for work, give them a future.

  • Well, who knows?

  • If one of them impresses,

  • you may even be moved to extend the offer of a job.

  • Supposing the press were still on hand to report the gesture.

  • Miss Glendenning. Moray.

  • Adler.

  • You must let me know when this visit is to take place.

  • Your Foundlings interest me, Mr Adler,

  • I should like very much to be here.

  • Of course.

  • Miss Glendenning.

  • You're wasting your time, you know. He's far too high-minded.

  • Now I wonder, is that meant as a warning or a challenge?

  • Seriously, watch your back,

  • she'd do anything for the kind of money you earned today.

  • Isn't that right, Sam?

  • Who - Clara?

  • Ay, she'd kill her own grandmother to get commission on the hide.

  • Oh! Can I hold him? Please can I hold him!

  • It won't last. People want to tell their friends

  • they bought something from the girl who found the Paradise baby.

  • But he isn't! He isn't the Paradise baby!

  • He wasn't born here - he was just dumped.

  • In Miss Audrey's stupid saloon!

  • It's not funny! No, come on, come here. They're just being childish.

  • Everywhere I've took him they've called him that - the Paradise baby.

  • But I was born here in the loading bays.

  • And when you're rich and famous, there'll be a plaque out there.

  • Saying what?

  • His mam was the drayman's tart.

  • She dropped him like a turd then fell down dead of the shame.

  • God, you're full of spite! Don't take it out on him.

  • What? I was just saying what I've heard.

  • What? What you heard? Where, from who?

  • Oh, you know - people.

  • Oh, come on! She's just got it wrong.

  • Your ma was the drayman's daughter, she died of a fever.

  • Your pa was lost at Sebastopol

  • and you were brought up by the men who worked in the bays.

  • You told me the story, yourself.

  • But what if that's all it is - a story?

  • Last week, Moray bestrode the narrow world like a colossus,

  • this week he's Florence Nightingale in pantaloons.

  • The man's a genius.

  • What do you know about a man called Peter Adler?

  • Apart from his market value.

  • His market value is not to be sniffed at.

  • They call him Saint Peter at the club. Rich as Croesus.

  • Full-time philanthropist. Why?

  • I thought I might invite him to dine. Would you object?

  • Not at all.

  • But I don't imagine it's my displeasure

  • you're hoping to provoke.

  • Every front page bar one!

  • "City foundling finds new, celestial home",

  • "An angel in Paradise", "Cherub among the chinaware".

  • We are paying for your front pages -

  • Adler's brats trooping through at any moment.

  • I doubt the wheels of commerce will grind to a halt because

  • a few children pay us a visit.

  • Not children - foundlings, begotten in sin,

  • abandoned while God looked the other way.

  • They remind us of everything that's foul in ourselves.

  • If ever I feel despondent,

  • I need only a minute in the company of Jonas and lo!

  • The clouds lift.

  • Where's the baby?

  • Haberdashery got hold of him yesterday and hasn't let go since.

  • Well, warn haberdashery not to become too attached.

  • We have him on loan only.

  • People are starting to speculate.

  • As to why the child was left here.

  • And? What do they conclude?

  • That he is yours.

  • You should read the editorial in the Chronicle, Dudley.

  • "Once, such a child would have been left on the church steps.

  • "Today, the populace puts its trust not in God, but in commerce."

  • We are the new church. I slipped once. 18 months ago.

  • I have not done so since.

  • It is not - could not be mine.

  • Mr Dudley, sir.

  • Mr Moray, Mr Dudley.

  • It's private. A list.

  • A list with only two names.

  • They worked here, when it was Emmerson's.

  • No-one else left who did.

  • They tell tales in the bays, about how I came to lose my arm.

  • Ever heard any?

  • No. A story for every day of the year,

  • most of them not fit to be repeated.

  • None of them even close to the truth.

  • Why don't you put them right?

  • Because the story can change all it likes.

  • This never will.

  • Arthur?

  • Good luck.

  • They're on their way!

  • Moray! You've shown us all the way.

  • Everybody trusts a man holding a baby!

  • I hear you're throwing your doors open too, very charitable.

  • Mr Adler!

  • Children.

  • Welcome to the Paradise.

  • Go on, Grace.

  • I'm holding a party later - destitutes, vagrants,

  • gentlemen of the press, all welcome!

  • Keep holding hands.

  • Thank you.

  • After you, Peter.

  • Hurry! Hurry! They are on their way. Remember, girls.

  • We must not judge.

  • Suffer the little children, as the good Lord said.

  • Where are you going? Er, stock room.

  • I can see the crawlers in their hair from here. Filthy little things!

  • Don't let them touch anything.

  • And this is the Ladieswear department,

  • in which Miss Audrey is Queen.

  • Nonsense. I am not. Ridiculous child!

  • Why, what a beautiful curtsey!

  • But you know, Mr Moray meant only that Miss Audrey is in charge here.

  • Indeed, she is very fearsome and awfully elegant,

  • sometimes I quite feel like curtseying to her myself.

  • Miss Audrey,

  • may I have your permission to show the girls the gowns?

  • I feel sure they would like to see them.

  • And maybe touch.

  • Just a little.

  • Perhaps I could help.

  • Our very finest gowns are so precious

  • that only Miss Audrey may touch them,

  • even Mr Moray is forbidden.

  • But if we may beg some silk samples from the Great Hall,

  • you could feel for yourselves

  • how taffeta is so stiff it almost stands up

  • on its own and chiffon so soft that it runs over your skin like water.

  • After which, Mr Moray has put on a luncheon for us.

  • Well, if you think you might be hungry.

  • Luncheon - splendid!

  • Shall we have a look around?


  • Only, do you know - I was vain enough to put on new shoes

  • for this visit, they are pinching me horribly.

  • I think I may need some help with the stairs.

  • I've got new shoes too.

  • New to her.

  • She means new to her.

  • Come on, Grace.

  • It was kind of you, earlier - to take the trouble with Grace.

  • Such a taking little thing.

  • Hmm. What's her story?

  • Grace is one of our "wanted" children.

  • Her bed and board are paid for - probably by a parent,

  • who hopes to reclaim her when their circumstances change.

  • It means she cannot be put up for adoption.

  • I'm glad. Everyone needs to know they are wanted,

  • don't you think?

  • Just as everyone needs clothes and shoes that fit.

  • Moray! I have an idea.

  • 40 foundlings to be clothed and shod at her expense?

  • It'll cost a fortune!

  • Lucky she has one.

  • She's just playing games.

  • Trying to make Moray jealous, by setting her cap at that Adler.

  • Anyone can see.

  • What would you know? You spent the whole time in the stock room.

  • Hey, think of the commission! Who do you think will get it?

  • "A store that expanded in stages, And paid all its staff paltry wages,

  • "Saw fit to employ A sweet baby boy,

  • "And got itself on the front pages!" What do you think?

  • You won't leave that? Why not?

  • It's funny.

  • He's laughing.

  • You mustn't. You can't!

  • Don't let him scare you, Denise.

  • He pays your wages, doesn't mean he owns you.

  • I'm not speaking for him! I'm speaking for myself.

  • And the only thing I'm scared of is the whole city finding out

  • how childish you are. "Childish"?

  • Denise. I often take a night cap at this time, in my private parlour.

  • I wonder, would you care to join me?

  • You like ratafia?

  • Yes.

  • Something else we have in common.

  • I saw it in your face today, with the child -

  • that a babe in your arms was not fulfilment.

  • There is too much else first.

  • Perhaps there will be too much else always.

  • I received several offers of marriage in my youth.

  • One in particular - we were fond, very fond.

  • But a married woman may not be employed in a shop.

  • And after every offer, I would return to my work,

  • and the answer would come to me

  • before I had even asked myself the question.

  • "I choose this, over him."

  • Over everything, I choose this.

  • I have never regretted my choice.

  • I have loved my work and cherished it

  • and forsaken all others to cleave to it.

  • I will never let it be taken from me.

  • Miss Audrey,

  • if you are seeking assurance that I will not take my ideas to Mr Moray.

  • Even if the ideas come from me,

  • he will know they are yours.

  • There is a difference in the order of our minds.

  • I see that, now.

  • My notions are small, insular. We shall be as a meadow.

  • Yours are as quick and as vital

  • as the world to which they are a response.

  • So.

  • I have decided.

  • There will be no more ideas.

  • No more thoughts.

  • I am to stop thinking?

  • If you wish to remain at the Paradise.

  • There are things, Denise, he will not tolerate, even from a favourite.

  • You must make certain you never stand accused of them.

  • Don't mistake me. I have no wish to lose you.

  • But I refuse to lose this.

  • Now...

  • Run along.

  • Between Pauline's snoring, the baby's crying

  • and embarrassment over your uncle's ridiculous antics,

  • you are like to have an unsettled night.

  • You say you don't regret your choice.

  • But what if you did not have to choose?

  • What if you could have had both?

  • No more thoughts, Denise.

  • No ideas, no questions, no what-ifs.

  • Just willing hands and an empty mind.

  • Will Peter Adler be accompanying Miss Glendenning today,

  • do you think?

  • How else would I be able to see them together?

  • I'm glad you take it so lightly.

  • She is playing a game, Dudley. A very old, very simple game.

  • It's called "the other man".

  • You know her better than I.

  • Well enough to know she'll have tired of Saint Peter and his foundlings

  • by the time the week's out.

  • If I had not been taken in by the bays, not known by the bays,

  • and not taken in by you when you turned Emmerson's into the Paradise,

  • I should be a foundling too.

  • My ma, she was the drayman's daughter,

  • she was unloading cloth with her father when her pains came on...

  • Arthur, Arthur! We know all this.

  • But how? How do you know it?

  • I mean, you weren't there, at the bays.

  • So, who told you the story?

  • Helene. Yes.

  • But she wasn't present. She heard it from Miss Audrey.

  • Girl! What are you doing in here?

  • Oh, erm, please, Miss Audrey,

  • I thought he would like to see the birds,

  • on the wallpaper, before the customers come.

  • Birds? Nonsense! Shoo! Go on! Shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo!

  • Miss Audrey. And you boy! Stop lurking!

  • No good ever came of a lurker.

  • Mr Adler, the velvet or the delaine wool?

  • Above all, I wish them to look like children, rather than foundlings.

  • The velvet is very popular with the better class of family.

  • But the wool is less formal, more comfortable.

  • And considerably cheaper. Then I say the wool has it.

  • Seconded! And now undergarments.

  • Well done. That's half a crown each you just cost us.

  • Don't you ever think about anything but money?

  • 60 yards of the delaine wool and they're making their way

  • to ladieswear for undergarments.

  • Girl, you are having an idea. I have told you.

  • There will be no more. No more, I say!

  • Yes, Miss Audrey. I understand.

  • Miss Audrey, I fear we have quite stripped your shelves.

  • Stripped? Oh no! Not stripped. I assure you. Never, stripped.

  • The seamstresses are already hard at work on the wool.

  • Preliminary fittings this evening.

  • Denise and Clara will be on hand to assist.

  • The children will arrive, as soon as the store is closed.

  • I will pass on the message, myself.

  • Miss Audrey! I cannot help with the fittings this evening.

  • I have pains. Women's trouble.

  • Indeed?

  • Terrible cramps, ma'am. I can barely stand.

  • And yet you did so whilst there was commission to be had.

  • You will assist with the fittings, Clara,

  • or I will consider your job half-finished

  • and your commission forfeit. Miss Audrey!

  • Not now. And stop lurking!

  • Thank you. You have been most helpful.

  • Perhaps Mr Moray should think of opening a department for children.

  • So many of his customers are mothers.

  • And it would have made your task today so very much easier.

  • Don't you think?

  • We are grateful to Miss Glendenning, of course. Who could not be?

  • But my ambition is to make the home independent of anyone's generosity.

  • If my name is to be remembered at all,

  • I should like it to be as the man who made the home

  • autonomous of any benefactor.

  • Well, you may soon find yourself with a new benefactor.

  • The collection started

  • by our customers has grown beyond all expectation.

  • The baby comes with a dowry.

  • Then the fund requires proper administration.

  • A patron. Give a public face to the giving

  • and the people will give more.

  • You raise a sufficient amount, you invest it wisely

  • and then Adler's home

  • may yet achieve the independence he hopes for.

  • Why a patron?

  • Why not a patroness?

  • You offer yourself, Miss Glendenning?

  • I do, Mr Adler. And what a delightful figurehead you would make.

  • Though, perhaps, more for decoration than use.

  • You doubt my capability? You are, an exquisite confection of froth,

  • frivolity and fashion, who gives delight wherever she goes.

  • Here, here. And that is, that is your glory and your gift.

  • Why seek to stray into areas for which you are so wholly unfitted?

  • Judging by your profits,

  • your customers seem a pretty deep-pocketed lot,

  • why should their giving come as a surprise?

  • It's the extent of it that's unexpected. How so?

  • The majority of them are women - mothers.

  • An unwanted child touches something in them.

  • I would have thought that obvious.

  • You are quite the expert on my customers.

  • Hardly that,

  • but I do feel you are missing an opportunity.

  • Indeed?

  • Naturally, my own experience is of the froth and frivolity variety.

  • But having spent the day attempting to outfit 40 infants,

  • I can assure you,

  • a department supplying ready-made items for the young

  • would be a godsend for their carers

  • and a goldmine for you.

  • A children's department?

  • Splendid notion, Moray.

  • What can have brought it to mind?

  • Though, in good conscience, I can't claim credit for the idea.

  • One of your shop girls was talking about it.

  • I feel sure you would have caught up with her,

  • at some point.

  • Aren't you the pretty one?

  • Yes.

  • I bet there's not a princess in the land bonnier than you.

  • Well. That's another one done.

  • What are you doing?

  • Same as you, just clearing up.

  • All done. Goodnight.

  • Mr Adler! I thought you had gone.

  • Well, unfortunately, without this. Hence my return.

  • Would you share your thoughts for the customary penny?

  • Oh, they are not worth so much.

  • I was thinking about a dress.

  • Thus proving Moray right.

  • I think Moray likes to vex you.

  • And you him.

  • Was it a nice dress?

  • Exquisite. My first, truly grown-up gown.

  • Black silk crepe, buttoned high to the throat.

  • Black? You were in mourning?

  • For my mother.

  • They hadn't told me she would die.

  • I was...

  • ..lost.

  • I could neither be what I had been before,

  • nor see what I must become.

  • And then they put the dress on me.

  • And I knew exactly who I was.

  • I was sorrow incarnate.

  • I was grief.

  • I was my father's solace.

  • Ever since then,

  • I have used clothes to declare who I am.

  • And if, on a particular day, who I am is not who I've a mind to be,

  • why, then, I use clothes to transform myself.

  • And these last days, in my company,

  • who have you been, then?

  • These last days...

  • ..I have been...

  • ..someone I rather liked...

  • ..someone I would like to be more often.

  • Well.

  • I am glad that provoking Moray's jealousy has not been my only value.

  • Miss Glendenning.

  • Katherine.

  • I have seen your kindness, I know you would not wish me pain.

  • If my attentions would be unwelcome,

  • if your affections are already engaged.

  • I would ask you, in kindness, to speak now.

  • Thief! You thief! Give it back or I'll kill you.

  • I swear, I'll kill you.


  • It was a nightmare. Clara had a nightmare.

  • It was the baby crying worked into her dream. Yes.

  • I'm sorry for waking you, Miss Audrey. I'm all right now.

  • I don't know what it is you think I've taken.

  • The money! You saw me, you knew I had it.

  • What money? You knew I wouldn't be able to go to anyone. What money?

  • From the collecting tin.

  • You stole money from the foundlings?

  • It was given for a child! What does it matter whose child?

  • She's yours. Isn't she?

  • That little girl, Grace.

  • She's yours.

  • I pay bed and board.

  • She can't be adopted if she's paid for.

  • But my commission's gone down since you came, and the money's due.

  • Clara, I swear to you. I didn't take it.

  • Then who did?

  • I don't know.

  • Well, then I've lost her.

  • I've lost her.

  • Denise. The collecting tin is full again.

  • When you have finished, take it down to the office.

  • Yes, Miss Audrey.

  • Girl! Miss Audrey.

  • You are dallying with a baby.

  • Oh, he likes the pretty glass. Enough!

  • I have had enough!

  • He cries, he disrupts.

  • There are nightmares and birds and glass.

  • It is not for us to understand what he likes, but the other way around!

  • Infants are as wax - to be imprinted with the proper way of things.

  • What is needed is method.

  • Now, then, master...


  • Let us see.

  • Nine pounds, seven shillings and ten pence.

  • And still they give.

  • Bank it with the rest.

  • He has that effect on all of us.

  • I sometimes think if I were left alone with him too long,

  • I would find myself confessing to murder.

  • By the way, Mr Moray would like to see you.

  • Do you know why?

  • There is to be a public presentation.

  • Our baby and the money collected for him,

  • are to be given over the Foundling home.

  • I presume Mr Moray wants you to finish what you started.

  • A children's department, Denise?

  • How dare you?

  • How dare you move behind my back, using my connections,

  • laying me open to ridicule.

  • How dare you manipulate me!

  • No, sir. I... I gave you encouragement.

  • I gave you licence -

  • too much, it seems.

  • You may be clever,

  • but know this -

  • I am not to be played.

  • I am never to be played.

  • Do you understand?


  • Miss Glendenning. She asks for you.

  • Tell her...

  • ..I am on my way.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Can we talk?

  • Not here.

  • Peter Adler wishes to pay court to me.

  • I told him that his attentions would not be unwelcome.

  • I see.

  • I wished you to hear it from me.

  • Well.

  • Why allow someone else the pleasure?

  • Oh, you are impossible!

  • I offer you honesty and you turn it into something - tainted.

  • You make me feel like something tainted.

  • And you wonder why I am choosing Adler over you.

  • (Hello, darling. Hello, baby.)


  • Miss Audrey!

  • Oh, Arthur. Lurking! Again!

  • I am not lurking. I'm waiting!

  • I've been waiting hours to talk to you - days!

  • When I was born, you told Mr Moray's wife.

  • But how did you know?

  • Know what?

  • About me! Were you there?

  • All I've got is a story!

  • I want to talk to someone who was actually there.

  • It's yours.

  • He must remember his mother's face, still.

  • But he will forget.

  • He will be like you.

  • I was not present at your birth.

  • I was told of it.

  • By someone who knew your grandfather.

  • Come!

  • You were right. Sorry?

  • Miss Glendenning and Adler.

  • And what are you going to do?

  • Nothing. Wish them well.


  • Oh, what would you... Pistols at dawn?

  • If she wants him, let her have him!

  • And if you are worrying about the effect

  • this will have on my relationship with her father...

  • I am worried about what effect it will have on you!

  • When I asked you, about the baby,

  • whether it could be yours, you said you had "slipped".

  • You knew that! I told you at the time.

  • "Slipped", Moray?

  • It is not a crime.

  • Why do you punish yourself for it?

  • Because...

  • felt like infidelity!

  • That time, with Clara.

  • It felt like infidelity.

  • And is it for the same reason that you refuse to fight for the comfort

  • and companionship of a woman

  • any man would feel proud to call his wife?

  • Helene is three years gone, Moray.

  • You are still here.

  • Clinging to your grief as if it were a lifeline.

  • And if Alice died?

  • Would you grieve?

  • Three years. It...

  • It is nothing!

  • It is yesterday.

  • It is not.

  • Forgive me, but...

  • I sometimes think you cleave to her memory with more passion

  • than you ever felt for her living.

  • A man who would so wed himself to the past,

  • is either ready for the grave himself,

  • or looking for a way to escape the pain of the present.

  • And I don't think you are ready for the grave.

  • What would you have me do?

  • I would have you be happy.

  • Mister Lovett knew my grandfather?

  • I'm sure your grandfather deserved better.

  • But what should I do? Ask.

  • It is time for you to take your turn.


  • The longer one has been holding him, the emptier one's arms.

  • For this reason, if no other, do not give him back to Pauline.

  • 'And I was taken in,'

  • by one of the yard-men's families and then another,

  • until Mister Moray turned Emmerson's into the Paradise

  • and gave me a place for life.

  • Well, the story had a happy ending then, didn't it?

  • But I want to know how it began!

  • My ma, she was the drayman's daughter.

  • She was. And she died in the epidemic, along with my grandad.

  • She did.

  • And my father, he was a soldier.

  • No.

  • He was a drayman.

  • But, if he wasn't killed, then why didn't he want to know me?

  • Well, there wasn't a lot left of him

  • when your grandfather had finished with him.

  • Big men, as a whole, draymen, all that lifting and shifting.

  • And your grandfather was the biggest.

  • It was on account of your mother being so young.

  • How old was she?

  • About the age you are now. Give or take.

  • And my pa?

  • Older.

  • She couldn't fight him off, you see.

  • He wanted to give you away, your grandfather.

  • But the lass was having none of it.

  • She said the situation was none of your doing.

  • Pretty little thing, she was.

  • You favour her, you know.

  • Anyone who'd seen her would know you belonged to her.

  • I heard a noise. I didn't know it was...

  • He sleeps when I hold him.

  • When I put him down, he wakes.

  • Sorry.

  • Denise!

  • Why a go-between?

  • Of all people, Miss Glendenning?

  • I told you to come to me.

  • I gave you licence - an invitation.

  • But Miss Audrey is my every day.

  • You are only my high days and holidays.

  • I think I see.

  • You find yourself in a difficult situation -

  • conflicting demands, loyalties, pulling you this way and that.

  • But, you are Denise.

  • You are resourceful.

  • You find a way and then

  • I crush you for it.

  • Yes?

  • Yes.

  • It must have seemed...very unfair.

  • I wish I had half your ingenuity to apply to my own predicaments.

  • I am sorry if you are troubled, sir.

  • My uncle always said, the only thing that matters, really matters,

  • is that you can meet your eyes in the mirror

  • each day and know you've been true to yourself.

  • Your uncle is a wise man

  • and a shockingly bad poet.

  • Well. Good...goodnight. Goodnight.

  • By the way...

  • ..Adler has asked that we might name the baby.

  • Since they both share an early start in the Paradise,

  • I thought perhaps "Arthur".

  • What do you think?

  • Arthur. Yes.

  • Arthur, Arthur. Arthur.

  • Did you do something to Clara cos of what she said about your ma?

  • Did you take something from her?

  • You have to give it back. You know that, don't you?

  • I don't have it any more.

  • I only took it to pay her out.

  • I didn't want to keep it!

  • So, I put it in the tin -

  • for the foundlings.

  • Don't ask.

  • From the staff and customers of the Paradise,

  • with our best wishes, now and for the future.


  • Thank you very much.

  • I also wish to announce that as from next month,

  • the Paradise will be the first and only store in Europe

  • to provide its customers with a dedicated children's department.

  • An innovation for which I must thank

  • Miss Katherine Glendenning.


  • Arthur?

  • Bye, little Arthur. Be good. Don't forget us.

  • Thank you, Arthur.


  • Sir? We've all written things in it.

  • Things he might want to know - when he's older, about his time here.

  • Pauline, she's done ten pages!

  • But some of it's hard to read because of all the crying.

  • And if he ever does want to visit, could he ask for me?

  • I could show him where he was found!

  • Cos I'll still be here. I'll always be here.

  • I shall be sure to let him know, Arthur. Thank you.

  • Oh, dear, I'm afraid I'm finding this all a little heartbreaking.

  • Oh! Not on this little chap's account.

  • He won't be with us long.

  • We've already had enquiries.

  • No, break your heart for children like Grace.

  • We could have found her a loving home many times over,

  • were we free to do so.

  • But she is wanted!

  • You told me when circumstances change she will be reclaimed.

  • 99 times out of 100, circumstances do not change.

  • And in the meantime, she is denied everything,

  • because someone, somewhere would rather hold to a fantasy

  • than look the truth in the face.

  • Filthy little things.

  • I saw you in the street earlier.

  • Standing at my door.

  • Gave me quite a turn.

  • Made me think that these last years were a dream.

  • That you had said "yes" that last time I asked you.

  • That you were my wife,

  • coming home with our children.

  • I came to tell you,

  • that if you've had enough of making yourself ridiculous

  • with your dolls and your verses, you can take them down now.

  • The child's gone to the foundling home.

  • It was only ever meant to be the joke of a moment.

  • It was Denise, the way she looked at me.

  • It made me realise where her heart lies,

  • even if she does not know it herself.

  • And it is not here.

  • It's for her I have fought on, only for her

  • and now I don't know whether there's any fight left in me. Enough!

  • Denise, Denise, Denise!

  • She cannot stop herself.

  • I see that now, ideas flow from her like water from a spring.

  • And the longer it goes on,

  • the more he will see the difference between us.

  • Your niece and her ideas will be the death of me, in the end.

  • But the end is not yet come,

  • for either of us.

  • Your standards are slipping.

  • I needed someone to keep me in line.

  • Someone I could write real verses for.

  • As I recall, you were prevented from versifying as you wished

  • by your inability to find anything other than the word "tawdry"

  • to rhyme with my name.

  • Don't delude yourself, Edmund.

  • We wouldn't have suited.

  • Well.

  • We'll never know now, will we?

  • Clara!

  • Where have you been?

  • Out.

  • What happened to the money?

  • Oh, a lot of drinks. A lot of friends.

  • I hate you.

  • Not just saying it cos I'm drunk.

  • I really, really hate you.


  • Miss Audrey? Are you unwell? You look afflicted.

  • Miss Audrey?

  • I'm so glad that we've come through the bad times and we can be friends.

  • I am glad, as well.

  • You'll make no effort to tempt Catherine back

  • into some sort of reconciliation.

  • Denise will be in charge until further notice.

  • I will not let you undermine me.

  • You will face who you are and what you do to people who love you.

  • Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd

Subtitles downloaded from Podnapisi.NET


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パラダイス第3話 (The Paradise: Episode 3)

  • 159 11
    Susy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日