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  • - Is the live-action Aladdin sequel a mistake for Disney?

  • What up, I'm Maude Garrett,

  • and if you haven't watched the Little Women trailer yet,

  • what are you doing?

  • Go, go watch it, just pause this video, we're gonna wait.

  • Go, you're still here.

  • (elevator muzak)

  • Anyway, Avengers: Endgame, The Lion King,

  • Captain Marvel, Aladdin,

  • what do these films all have in common?

  • They are all members of Disney's 2019 billion dollar club,

  • which, as the name implies,

  • means that they all crossed

  • the billion dollar mark at the box office, just this year.

  • And Disney still has Frozen 2, the Maleficent sequel,

  • and Star Wars: Episode IX on the horizon.

  • What was that, the sound of cha-ching.

  • (cash register chime)

  • Despite its dreary earnings call last week,

  • the House of Mouse, (imitates Mickey Mouse)

  • is having a better year across the board,

  • with many of its films raking in the cash from fans

  • hungry for those signature superhero movies

  • and live action adaptations.

  • And one of these hits might just have more to offer,

  • Aladdin!

  • That's right, now while the film received mixed reviews

  • among fans and critics,

  • the movie did make bank at the box office.

  • And just this week,

  • one of the film's producers, Dan Lin,

  • spoke with Syfy about the possibility of a sequel.

  • (clears throat) He's American, alright.

  • "We'd love to.

  • "People clearly loved the movie

  • "and watched it multiple times

  • "and we get lots of fan letters

  • "and people asking us to make Return of Jafar,

  • "and I can just tell you

  • "that we're in early stages right now,

  • "but we are certainly talking about another movie."

  • Ha, so many Rs.

  • Lin continued:

  • "Like with Aladdin it will not be a straight remake

  • "of any movie that's been made before,

  • "so we are looking at where's the best way

  • "to go with these characters."

  • So if one of your three wishes from the Genie

  • was for an Aladdin sequel, you might be in luck.

  • That said, what could Disney's approach

  • to an Aladdin sequel be?

  • And is it a mistake to make a sequel to Aladdin at all?

  • So far, Disney's live action adaptations,

  • or animations if you're considering the Lion King.

  • Have been its solo films,

  • drawing mainly from the Disney Renaissance

  • of the late '80s and early '90s, AKA our childhood.

  • However, this year we will be getting Maleficent Two,

  • a sequel to the reimagining of Sleeping Beauty.

  • So we don't know how well that film will do

  • with audiences and critics just yet.

  • But considering the first film's success,

  • plus the addition of Michelle Pfeiffer as a villain, yes,

  • it should be a hit.

  • And with Aladdin specifically, Disney has a few options.

  • Like Lin mentioned, the animated Aladdin

  • already has The Return of Jafar as a sequel.

  • Now this movie, I didn't realize this,

  • became Disney's equivalent of a cult hit.

  • The direct-to-video successor

  • made $300 million in VHS sales.

  • VHS, now for the younger viewers, it's actually,

  • it's a video tape.

  • Where, it had movies on it.

  • They were the size and weight of a brick,

  • and it came in a thick case,

  • and it made the most most satisfying noise

  • when you opened and closed them.

  • Oh, what memories, it came before the DVD,

  • for those wondering.

  • (TV set clicks off)

  • Now, beyond The Return of Jafar,

  • Aladdin also has a third film installment in the franchise.

  • Aladdin and the King of Thieves.

  • Not to be confused with the Prince of Thieves,

  • there's been an upgrade.

  • Now it wasn't as beloved or profitable

  • as the Return of Jafar,

  • adapting this film could be another viable option

  • considering the fans' lukewarm reception

  • to the live-action Jafar,

  • critiquing him for his lack of hotness.

  • But honestly who wants a daddy Jafar?

  • (buzzer beeps)

  • They were also saying

  • that he wasn't necessarily that scary as well.

  • Whatever happens with Jafar,

  • as long as Disney writes the wrong

  • with what they did to Iago in the live-action adaptation

  • and allow him to speak in the sequel, we're gonna be good.

  • Hashtag Let Iago Squawk.

  • (imitates parrot)

  • What was that?

  • (imitates parrot) Better.

  • Another possibility for an Aladdin sequel

  • could be a new original story,

  • yes, a whole new world, right, just like the name says.

  • Jumping off the ending of the first film,

  • and bringing back characters from that movie.

  • Despite the trailer's first impressions,

  • (exclaims in disquiet), Will Smith's Genie

  • was actually generally cited as the highlight of Aladdin,

  • so, bringing him back

  • and potentially putting the focus on him for the sequel,

  • could be a fun way to continue its story.

  • Plus, Disney has had the most critical success

  • in their live-action adaptations

  • with the films that put a twist

  • on the original source material,

  • like Cinderella, and hoping it's gonna be Mulan as well,

  • I feel good about that one.

  • But should Disney

  • be dipping into its animated sequel well this soon?

  • There are still live action remakes in the Disney pipeline,

  • I mean, like we mentioned, the upcoming Mulan in theaters,

  • we've got Lady and the Tramp,

  • the adaptation's coming on Disney+,

  • a bunch of others on the way

  • for that streaming service too, just to name a few.

  • And Disney still has animated films to remake

  • from the Disney Renaissance and beyond,

  • like Hercules, yes, Tarzan, mmm,

  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame, eh, Pocahontas, yes,

  • and plenty more,

  • so why choose to pursue an Aladdin sequel,

  • when there are so many other films that are on the table?

  • Look, at the end of the day,

  • the live-action Aladdin made a billion dollars.

  • (cash register ding)

  • Now while it didn't quite have

  • the divisive reaction as The Lion King, which I liked.

  • Fans still took their magic carpets to the theaters

  • to see the movie.

  • And with 90s nostalgia not going anywhere anytime soon,

  • an Aladdin sequel could definitely draw back

  • its original audience and more.

  • Were it to do something different in a sequel.

  • Or, it could have a similar underground success

  • if it went the Return of Jafar route.

  • Now it is important to keep in mind

  • that we still don't know if any Aladdin sequel

  • will actually be happening, but all things considered,

  • the fan hype for the Aladdin sequels,

  • the box office success of the first Aladdin,

  • and the general craving for the 90s Disney films,

  • if Disney wants to continue its box office dominance,

  • then another trip to the Desert of Agrabah

  • would be a safe bet.

  • Plus an Aladdin sequel would be an opportunity

  • to break the traditional live-action mold

  • and potentially bust out of the staleness remake fatigue.

  • So, if you want it, keep rubbin' that lamp Aladdin fans.

  • But what do you folks think?

  • Would you want to see a sequel to Aladdin?

  • Do you prefer The Return of Jafar or The King of Thieves?

  • And why isn't there a live action Hercules

  • in the works already?

  • (exclaims) Let's discuss.

  • Thank you guys so much for watching,

  • if you do like what you saw

  • why not give us a Like and Subscribe?

  • If you wanna get notified

  • every time we go live with the show or drop a new video,

  • feel free to mash that little bell right there, ding.

  • So you can be up to date on all the latest theories,

  • news, and rumors in the pop culture world.

  • Buh-bye.

  • (soothing electronic music)

  • (pencil scratching) (paper rips)

- Is the live-action Aladdin sequel a mistake for Disney?


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実写版アラジン続編はディズニーのミス?(Nerdist News w/ Maude Garrett) (Is the Live Action Aladdin Sequel a mistake for Disney? (Nerdist News w/ Maude Garrett))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日