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  • Hey! I'm Paul Begue, AST systems designer. Today is a really cool day because we're

  • gonna be harvesting our shrimp tank. This is the 600 gallon shrimp production

  • system. We started with PL 20s, post larval 20 days, no bigger than the end of

  • a pencil the first week in December and we've been pushing this system find out

  • how much we could feed and how many animals we could grow in there. Right now

  • with the heat in New Orleans and the shrimp as big as they are, it's time to

  • harvest so... so the last step in all this is going to be the Cajun challenge where

  • we actually find out how these things taste. Alright, so we're going to be doing

  • that on our end here at AST. Let's scoop these fish. Excuse me,

  • scoop these shrimp and find out what they look like. Alright, oh yeah look at

  • that. So we got some nice shrimp here. These are we calculated 28 shrimp to a

  • pound so these are going to be your medium to large shrimp that you get in

  • the grocery store. Real, real nice. So we're going to dump these right on this

  • ice. Right now...

  • and then we're gonna get one more look at these guys. We got about 3,000 in

  • there so we're gonna have some production numbers toward the end of

  • this and we'll make sure that we we tell everybody how many shrimp we had we had.

  • We might even do a couple videos of us eating them. Alright, so thanks again tune

  • in for more videos.

Hey! I'm Paul Begue, AST systems designer. Today is a really cool day because we're


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B1 中級

循環型養殖システムからのホワイトレッグシュリンプの収穫 (AST FIT&#41. (Whiteleg Shrimp Harvest from Recirculating Aquaculture System (AST FIT))

  • 12 1
    吳澤育 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日