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  • Who says you can't enjoy both the traditional and modern things in Tokyo?

  • Yanaka-ginza is near Nippori station in Tokyo

  • Many people transfer through this station to get to Narita airport

  • So I've arrived in Nippori Station and

  • Yanaka Ginza Street is approximately 3 to 5 minutes away by walk

  • So, it's already really local and really residential when you get out of the station

  • so I'm looking forward to the local shops that are here

  • When you first arrive you will see these stairs

  • which are very popular for seeing the sunset

  • Also this area is very popular for its stray cats

  • So I have arrived and that's the sign up there

  • Yanaka-Ginza street is a popular shopping street with about 70 small shops

  • and stretching around 170 meters long

  • This downtown area survived the earthquakes and wars

  • so you can still experience the traditional older feeling of Tokyo

  • As you walk a long the streets

  • you can see Japanese people doing their normal everyday shopping and errands

  • so there's a little bit of everything practical here

  • This is a great way to see how the locals live and avoid the tourist crowds

  • There are also many goods and souvenirs sold here

  • so you should also check that out

  • So there's lots of street food here

  • and I think I'm going to have this one behind me

  • If you come to Yanaka-Ginza you must try the street food

  • They try to keep it affordable for the locals so its all around 100 yen or so

  • The next shop I went to, is this one right here

  • and they sell donuts shaped like a cats tail

  • and they have different flavours like

  • custard, chocolate, red bean and much more

  • These shops are not only popular with the locals

  • but also many Japanese celebrities come here

  • So I was trying to take a photo of this

  • the thing I just got and then it just snapped

  • and I don't know if you guys can see it but it just snapped off

  • and it fell on the ground

  • Looks like tigger from winnie the pooh

  • looks like his tail

  • These are also some very popular shops on the street

  • this one has red bean inside

  • and obento that tastes better than your local convenient shops

  • and don't forget to take a selfie with the cats

  • So now we're going to walk to the next location which is Sendagi

  • So actually Yanaka-Sendagi-Nezu make up the area called Yanesen which is basically their names combined

  • and it's a great traditional local area to take a stroll around

  • I'm kinda lost ...

  • Found this machine

  • If you put 1000 yen inside, you don't know which one you will get but you will get a prize

  • and there's some really good ones and some booby prizes

  • Since the Edo era this part of Tokyo has been famous for artisan and craftsman

  • so you should find some really interesting interesting shops here

  • I went to this shop that crafts their own candy, one of the very few who do in Japan nowadays

  • When you first go in, the walls are lined with hard candy in all shapes and colours

  • You can either buy the pre-made ones or you can get it customize and design it yourself

  • and see them make it right in front of your eyes

  • There are many animals you can choose from but they are usually around 1000 yen

  • and I picked this rabbit and I also picked the pose it did

  • and you can also do add ons for special days or special occasions

  • In the Edo period candy making evolved into a kind of street performance

  • where Candy craftsmen would walk the streets of the city making candy for children on request

  • While you can't see candy making on Tokyo streets anymore, this shop keeps the tradition alive.

  • and this was the first time I saw candy being made right in front of my eyes so it was a pretty cool experience

  • and you can also take their classes and actually make one yourself

  • and why I chose the rabbit is because my favourite animal is the rabbit

  • so if I could have any pet I wanted, I would chose the rabbit

  • How about you guys?!

  • So I want to show you guys more of the Japan, like the local ...

  • So when you walk these local streets, it's when you see more locals and how everyday life is like in Japan

  • So I think that is really cool because especially in Tokyo

  • the everyday lifestyle kind of gets washed away by the big city, the buildings

  • But if you actually look into the local areas or just the backstreets

  • you will see a lot of Japan's culture

  • If you ever stop by Nezu, you have to visit Nezu Shrine which is one of Japan's most oldest shrines

  • Nezu shirine is surrounded by nature, and it has with ponds with carp in it

  • and also pathways with small shrines called tori

  • and is a place where the locals often come so it doesn't have a touristy feel to it

  • This shrine is styled after the famous Toshugu Shrine in Nikko

  • so you don't have to go far from Tokyo to see something similar

  • So I hope you guys could see more of the local normal everyday Japan life in this video

  • If there was anything you guys found interesting or something you didn't know about Japan

  • I would love to hear it down below

  • Thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video :)

Who says you can't enjoy both the traditional and modern things in Tokyo?


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B1 中級

東京の隠れた名所 (Tokyo Hidden )

  • 118 4
    周建丞 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日