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  • (mysterious music)

  • - [Voiceover] C-sections are the most common major surgery

  • performed on human beings.

  • Over basically one generation of moms,

  • the C-section rate has gone up by 500%.

  • The problem is that your number one risk for

  • having a C-section might be which hospital you go to.

  • That's what wakes me up in the morning.

  • (mysterious music)

  • I'm Neel Shah, an obstetrician over at

  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

  • I'm an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School,

  • and I'm part of the core faculty here at Ariadne Labs.

  • A lot of people don't realize the full magnitude

  • of the problem with C-sections.

  • Basically, in the late 1960s, early 1970s,

  • C-section rates were about five percent.

  • Then all of a sudden, the C-section rate

  • starts to skyrocket.

  • Not just increase, but skyrocket.

  • So, before the end of the century,

  • the C-section rate goes up to one in three.

  • And we don't really have a great idea why this is happening.

  • As a surgeon myself, it's hard to believe

  • that one in three human beings needs

  • major surgery to be born.

  • But that's sort of where we are right now.

  • And the consequences are significant.

  • So, things like severe infection, hemorrhage,

  • organ injury, in addition to five billion dollars of spending annually,

  • we're talking something like 20,000 major,

  • avoidable surgical complications that we're seeing

  • from C-sections we didn't need to do in the first place.

  • I was really puzzled when I first started this job,

  • thinking like, what can we possibly do about this.

  • Epidemiologists, economists, policy makers,

  • lots of people have been thinking about this

  • for a long time.

  • The clue for me was the fact that across country,

  • C-section rates vary from seven percent to 70% by hospital.

  • If hospital performance is so uneven,

  • and it's not explained by patient risk or patient preference,

  • that means the hospital itself could be a risk factor.

  • All of our projects right now are actually trying to

  • figure out what makes hospital A different from hospital B.

  • (electronic music)

  • What we've seen is that often times the

  • labor floor is in kind of like an

  • almost forgotten about corner and

  • it just doesn't get a lot of investment

  • or attention from the hospital.

  • When we visit a bunch of different hospitals,

  • we realized that they're laid out very differently,

  • and that might matter.

  • For example, there are no rules for how many

  • labor floor rooms you should have

  • based on the amount of patients that you see.

  • The place that does twice as many deliveries

  • also does way more C-sections.

  • The only way that's possible is if they're

  • moving people through much faster.

  • Almost all labor floors seem really

  • tight on resources, so the idea is when you have

  • a huge surgeon patient volume, how do you

  • flexibly recruit more rooms?

  • How do you bring in more staff?

  • You report C-section rates back to your doctors.

  • Like, I have no idea what my C-section rate is

  • until somebody tells me.

  • Now we're testing this hypothesis that management matters

  • in childbirth just the way it matters

  • in every other industry.

  • We're starting to parse differences among C-sections.

  • So, rather than looking at all C-sections all together,

  • we're trying to just take the lowest risk women

  • and focus on their C-section rate.

  • As soon as you start to do that, two things happen:

  • Insurance companies start to pay attention,

  • and then, just women start to pay attention.

  • And I actually think this is an area where

  • women's views on this are probably

  • going to be the driving force behind the change.

  • There's really no other moment in people's life

  • where they're so discerning

  • as when they become pregnant.

(mysterious music)


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A2 初級

データ探偵。帝王切開を修正するための一人の医師の探求 (The Data Detective: One Doctor's Quest to Fix Cesarean Sections)

  • 24 1
    許大善 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日