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  • - Los Angeles is home.

  • I was born and raised here.

  • I come from midwives

  • and I heard their stories as a child growing up.

  • In Los Angeles County African American women

  • are two to three times more likely to suffer

  • premature birth or to have a baby die within the first year.

  • You have to ask the question:

  • is the hospital really the safest place for them?

  • And my mission is all around making a change in

  • these statistics.

  • (soft music)

  • Oh, it's okay!

  • Midwifery is closing the gap

  • because each person is given a path.

  • Midwives are not anti-hospitals,

  • midwives are not anti-doctors.

  • We are advocates for people having access

  • to the care that they want.

  • That means they have the choice to give birth

  • in a hospital, in a birth center

  • or at home but supporting them whichever way they go

  • and then them getting the best possible care.

  • Right now if you were to Google midwifery you would find

  • the majority of people represented are an elite group.

  • More specifically, white and so I see myself

  • as hopefully someone who's an advocate for those

  • that are completely disregarded and unseen in

  • our community

  • and if you ask those women,

  • they'll tell you.

  • Well, it feels really good to be seen by someone

  • who looks like me, who understands the micro-aggression,

  • who understands the stress of just being a person of color

  • in the United States.

  • This is the Community Birth Center

  • and it's located in mid-city.

  • I run the birth center.

  • It was funded by women in the community

  • who I had served as a midwife.

  • What they find when they come

  • is a warm, inviting space.

  • When they make it into the exam room,

  • it's a conversation.

  • What's going on, what can I do for you today?

  • You're fine.

  • - When I get to nine months I'm gonna have like a

  • small planet attached to the front of me.

  • - You're great.

  • Last year, 2014, I had one premature baby

  • out of 100 babies born outside of the hospital

  • and in the hospital.

  • One premature baby.

  • That's kind of a big deal.

  • Are you having any dizziness

  • or any light-headedness?

  • Most midwives in a day are gonna see six to 10 people,

  • maybe on a really busy day 20.

  • As opposed to having to have the caseload of a doctor.

  • This is where we see a big difference

  • specifically for African American families.

  • (soft music)

  • The Community Birth Center offers a sliding scale

  • for families in need.

  • The average cost for out-of- hospital birth with a midwife

  • in Los Angeles is 6,500 dollars.

  • I charge $5,000.

  • I could never charge someone something

  • that I couldn't afford.

  • Being a single mom,

  • there are days that I don't feel like I have enough:

  • fiscally, emotionally, spiritually,

  • all of them; I just don't have enough

  • but I figure it out.

  • Will lack of income ultimately close

  • the Community Birth Center?

  • It's a very strong possibility

  • but I'll keep doing it for as long as I can

  • and I will never stop giving people care.

  • I will never stop the sliding scale.

  • It comes with great sacrifice

  • but it's worth it.

  • (soft music)

- Los Angeles is home.


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A2 初級

困っている家族を助ける助産師 (The Midwife Helping Families in Need)

  • 37 3
    許大善 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日