字幕表 動画を再生する
Do you think it's possible to control someone's attention?
皆さんは他人の注意力を 自由に操れると思いますか?
Even more than that,
さらに ―
what about predicting human behavior?
行動の予測は できるでしょうか?
I think those are interesting ideas, if you could.
I mean, for me, that would be the perfect superpower,
actually kind of an evil way of approaching it.
But for myself, in the past, I've spent the last 20 years
私は この20年間 人間の行動を
studying human behavior from a rather unorthodox way:
普通とは違ったやり方で 研究してきました
picking pockets.
When we think of misdirection,
we think of something as looking off to the side,
人の視線をそらすことだと 思われがちですが
when actually it's often the things that are right in front of us
実際 一番目に入りにくいのは
that are the hardest things to see,
the things that you look at every day that you're blinded to.
普段 目にするものこそ 見えなくなりがちです
For example, how many of you still have your cell phones
例えば 皆さんは
on you right now?
今 携帯を持っていますか?
Great. Double-check.
Make sure you still have them on you.
I was doing some shopping beforehand.
さっき私が 盗ったかも知れませんよ
Now you've looked at them probably a few times today,
今日 何度か 見ているはずです
but I'm going to ask you a question about them.
Without looking at your cell phone directly yet,
can you remember the icon in the bottom right corner?
右下のアイコンを 思い出せますか?
Bring them out, check, and see how accurate you were.
当たっているか 確認してください
How'd you do? Show of hands. Did we get it?
どうですか? 当たった人は手を上げて
Now that you're done looking at those, close them down,
さあ 終わったら閉じて
because every phone has something in common.
No matter how you organize the icons,
you still have a clock on the front.
So, without looking at your phone, what time was it?
では携帯を見ずに 時間が言えますか?
You just looked at your clock, right?
さっき時計も 見えたはずです
It's an interesting idea. Now, I'll ask you to take that a step further with a game of trust.
面白いでしょう 今度は信頼関係が必要です
Close your eyes.
I realize I'm asking you to do that while you just heard
there's a pickpocket in the room, but close your eyes.
Now, you've been watching me for about 30 seconds.
皆さんは私の姿を 30秒は見ましたよね
With your eyes closed, what am I wearing?
目を閉じたまま 服装を思い出せますか?
Make your best guess.
What color is my shirt? What color is my tie?
シャツの色は? ネクタイの色は?
Now open your eyes.
By a show of hands, were you right?
It's interesting, isn't it? Some of us are a little bit
人によって観察力が 違うせいだと
more perceptive than others. It seems that way.
But I have a different theory about that, that model of attention.
でも私は注意を そうは捉えていません
They have fancy models of attention, Posner's trinity model of attention.
ポズナーの注意モデルなど 複雑な捉え方もありますが
For me, I like to think of it very simple, like a surveillance system.
私はもっと単純な 監視システムの様なものだと思います
It's kind of like you have all these fancy sensors,
人間には いろいろな センサーが備わっていて
and inside your brain is a little security guard.
For me, I like to call him Frank.
So Frank is sitting at a desk.
He's got all sorts of cool information in front of him,
high-tech equipment, he's got cameras,
he's got a little phone that he can pick up, listen to the ears,
all these senses, all these perceptions.
あらゆる知覚 感覚が利用できます
But attention is what steers your perceptions,
is what controls your reality. It's the gateway to the mind.
その人の現実を操るのは 心への入口である「注意」なのです
If you don't attend to something, you can't be aware of it.
注目していなければ 気付きません
But ironically, you can attend to something without being aware of it.
ただ皮肉にも 無意識に 注目することがあります
That's why there's the cocktail effect:
When you're in a party, you're having conversations with someone,
and yet you can recognize your name
and you didn't even realize you were listening to that.
自分の名前が出ると 聞いてないのにわかります
Now, for my job, I have to play with techniques to exploit this,
私の仕事では 注意に限りがあることを
to play with your attention as a limited resource.
So if I could control how you spend your attention,
if I could maybe steal your attention through a distraction.
気を散らして 注意を奪えばいいんです
Now, instead of doing it like misdirection
私はミスディレクションや 人の視線をそらすような ―
and throwing it off to the side,
instead, what I choose to focus on is Frank,
皆さんの頭の中にいる ―
to be able to play with the Frank inside your head,
your little security guard,
and get you, instead of focusing on your external senses,
外界からの刺激に 集中させないようにして
just to go internal for a second.
少しの間 頭の中に 注意を向けさせるのです
So if I ask you to access a memory, like, what is that?
私が記憶を たどるように仕向けて ―
What just happened? Do you have a wallet?
何が起きた? 財布はある?
Do you have an American Express in your wallet?
クレジットカードは? などと
And when I do that, your Frank turns around.
たずねると フランクは後ろを向きます
He accesses the file. He has to rewind the tape.
彼は記憶を 巻き戻して確認します
And what's interesting is, he can't rewind the tape
面白いことに 記憶を確認しつつ
at the same time that he's trying to process new data.
新しい情報を 処理することはできません
Now, I mean, this sounds like a good theory,
but I could talk for a long time and tell you lots of things,
and they may be true, a portion of them,
but I think it's better if I tried to show that to you here live.
実際に 見ていただきましょう
So if I come down, I'm going to do a little bit of shopping.
そちらに行って 品定めしましょう
Just hold still where you are.
Hello, how are you? It's lovely to see you.
やあ こんにちは お会いできて光栄です
You did a wonderful job onstage.
You have a lovely watch that doesn't come off very well.
Do you have your ring as well?
Good. Just taking inventory. You're like a buffet.
まだ調べているだけです 選り取り見取りですね
It's hard to tell where to start, there's so many great things.
Hi, how are you? Good to see you.
Hi, sir, could you stand up for me, please? Just right where you are.
ちょっとその場に 立っていただけますか
Oh, you're married. You follow directions well.
That's nice to meet you, sir.
You don't have a whole lot inside your pockets. Anything down by the pocket over here?
ポケットには あまり入っていません こちらには何かあるかな?
Hopefully so. Have a seat. There you go. You're doing well.
だといいんですが どうぞお座りください
Hi, sir, how are you?
Good to see you, sir. You have a ring, a watch.
Do you have a wallet on you? Joe: I don't.
財布は持ってますか? Joe: いいえ
Apollo Robbins: Well, we'll find one for you.
AR: 今 見つけてあげますよ
Come on up this way, Joe.
Give Joe a round of applause.
皆さん ジョーに拍手を
Come on up Joe. Let's play a game.
Pardon me.
I don't think I need this clicker anymore. You can have that.
Thank you very much. I appreciate that.
Come on up to the stage, Joe. Let's play a little game now.
ジョー あがってください ちょっとゲームをしましょう
Do you have anything in your front pockets? Joe: Money.
前ポケットに何か入れてますか? Joe: お金が
AR: Money. All right, let's try that.
AR: お金ですね やってみましょう
Can you stand right over this way for me?
Turn around and, let's see,
if I give you something that belongs to me,
this is just something I have, a poker chip.
Hold out your hand for me. Watch it kind of closely.
手を出してください よく見ていてください
Now this is a task for you to focus on.
これを見張るのが あなたの役目です
Now you have your money in your front pocket here? Joe: Yup.
お金は前ポケットですね Joe: はい
AR: Good. I'm not going to actually put my hand in your pocket.
AR: なるほど ポケットに手は入れません
I'm not ready for that kind of commitment.
One time a guy had a hole in his pocket,
以前 お客さんのポケットの中に
and that was rather traumatizing for me.
穴が開いていて それ以来のトラウマです
I was looking for his wallet and he gave me his phone number.
It was a big miscommunication.
So let's do this simply. Squeeze your hand.
やることは簡単 手を握ってください
Squeeze it tight. Do you feel the poker chip in your hand? Joe: I do.
よーく握ってくださいね チップはまだありますか? Joe: はい
AR: Would you be surprised if I could take it out of your hand? Say yes.
AR: 私が抜きとったら ビックリしますよね
Joe: Very. AR: Good.
Joe: 確かに AR: 結構 ―
Open your hand. Thank you very much.
I'll cheat if you give me a chance.
チャンスがあったら やりますよ
Make it harder for me. Just use your hand.
難易度を上げて あなたの手だけを使います
Grab my wrist, but squeeze, squeeze firm.
Did you see it go?
Joe: No. AR: No, it's not here. Open your hand.
Joe: いいえ AR: もう無くなってますよ
See, while we're focused on the hand,
it's sitting on your shoulder right now.
Go ahead and take it off.
Now, let's try that again.
さあ もう一度
Hold your hand out flat. Open it up all the way.
手を開いて まっすぐ伸ばして
Put your hand up a little bit higher, but watch it close there, Joe.
もう少し高くあげて でもしっかり注目して
See, if I did it slowly, it'd be back on your shoulder.
ほら 私がゆっくりやっても チップはまた肩の上です
Joe, we're going to keep doing this till you catch it.
あなたがチップを とれるまでやりますよ
You're going to get it eventually. I have faith in you.
Squeeze firm. You're human, you're not slow.
しっかり握って あなたはのろまなんかじゃない
It's back on your shoulder.
You were focused on your hand. That's why you were distracted.
手に集中していて 気を取られたんです
While you were watching this, I couldn't quite get your watch off. It was difficult.
あなたが見ている間は 時計をとったりするのは無理です
Yet you had something inside your front pocket.
ところで 前ポケットに 何があったか ―
Do you remember what it was?
Joe: Money.
Joe: お金です
AR: Check your pocket. See if it's still there. Is it still there? (Laughter)
AR: 調べてください まだありますか? (笑)
Oh, that's where it was. Go ahead and put it away.
ありましたね またしまっておいて
We're just shopping. This trick's more about the timing, really.
I'm going to try to push it inside your hand.
Put your other hand on top for me, would you?
It's amazingly obvious now, isn't it?
It looks a lot like the watch I was wearing, doesn't it?
私がしている時計に 見覚えは?
(Laughter) (Applause)
Joe: That's pretty good. That's pretty good. AR: Oh, thanks.
Joe: 本当にすごい AR: ありがとう
But it's only a start. Let's try it again, a little bit differently.
でもまだほんの序の口です 少し違うことをしましょう
Hold your hands together. Put your other hand on top.
Now if you're watching this little token,
今 チップに注目しているでしょうが
this obviously has become a little target. It's like a red herring.
明らかに注意を そらすためのターゲットです
If we watch this kind of close, it looks like it goes away.
近くで見ていると 無くなったように見えます
It's not back on your shoulder.
It falls out of the air, lands right back in the hand.
どこからともなく 手の中に落ちてきます
Did you see it go?
Yeah, it's funny. We've got a little guy. He's union. He works up there all day.
面白いでしょ 相棒が一日中 上にいるんです
If I did it slowly, if it goes straightaway,
it lands down by your pocket. I believe is it in this pocket, sir?
ポケットの中に入ります ここにありますね?
No, don't reach in your pocket. That's a different show.
手は入れないで その手のショーではないので
So -- (Squeaking noise) -- that's rather strange. They have shots for that.
さて ― (鳴き声) みんな考えてますよ
Can I show them what that is? That's rather bizarre. Is this yours, sir?
皆さんに見せていいですか? おかしいな これはあなたの?
I have no idea how that works. We'll just send that over there.
どうしたんだろう チップを送っただけなのに
That's great. I need help with this one.
結構です もう一つ手伝ってください
Step over this way for me.
Now don't run away. You had something down by your pants pocket.
逃げないで ポケットの中に何かありますね
I was checking mine. I couldn't find everything,
自分のを確認したら どうも何か足りません
but I noticed you had something here.
Can I feel the outside of your pocket for a moment?
Down here I noticed this. Is this something of yours, sir?
何かあります これはあなたのですか?
Is this? I have no idea. That's a shrimp.
なぜだろう エビが入ってる
Joe: Yeah. I'm saving it for later.
Joe: 後で食べようと思って
AR: You've entertained all of these people in a wonderful way,
AR: 皆 楽しんでくれました あなたのおかげです
better than you know.
So we'd love to give you this lovely watch as a gift. (Laughter)
だから この素敵な時計を プレゼントします(笑)
Hopefully it matches his taste.
But also, we have a couple of other things,
それから まだあります
a little bit of cash, and then we have a few other things.
現金が少しと それからこれも
These all belong to you,
along with a big round of applause from all your friends. (Applause)
皆さんからの 大きな拍手もね(拍手)
Joe, thank you very much.
ジョー どうもありがとう
So, same question I asked you before,
さて 先程と同じ質問をしましょう
but this time you don't have to close your eyes.
What am I wearing?
Attention is a powerful thing.
Like I said, it shapes your reality.
So, I guess I'd like to pose that question to you.
If you could control somebody's attention,
what would you do with it?
Thank you.
翻訳:Kazunori Akashi 校正 Yuko Yoshida