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  • Hello everybody my name is N'ael

  • I'm an SSI Dive master and a PADI Rescue Diver, and I've been diving around the world for about 10 years now

  • And I've to see that the one main concern of the beginners are the air consumption

  • During the divethey are always afraid that

  • They are going to be a burden for the group because they use their air very quickly they want to explore more

  • But they can't because of the air consumption

  • So I know that air consumption depends a lot of things

  • Could depend of your lung capacity could depend the depth of the dive

  • The way I breathe in the water the what we call the breathing rate

  • That can calculate at the end of the dive

  • But I want to give you the tips that I use

  • To reduce my air consumption and be able to do a 1 hour and a half foot dive by using

  • half of my tank in a twenty meters deep dive

  • So my first tip would be to be aware of how you breathe

  • because you're underwater

  • Your brain is going to say "stop! Hold your breath! It's underwater

  • You can't breathe!"

  • so you really have to train it to just make that switch and say ok

  • I'm underwater. I can breathe.

  • it can be just

  • consciously breathing

  • in and out

  • Usually what I do is, I breath in

  • I hild my breath for just let's say two seconds and

  • Then let it go

  • But I don't do that when I go up and down

  • Because it could be realy dangerous for your lungs to just hold your breath

  • but if you're stable and

  • and enjoying your dive you can train yourself to do that

  • or you just go in the pool and train yourself to just

  • consciously breathe the more efficient way

  • Don't breathe how to breath until your brain says BREATHE

  • Then go

  • you just inhale

  • Exhale

  • sometimes you can

  • practice it

  • when going to sleep

  • It helps me a lot

  • To put me to sleep when I consciously concentrate on the way I breath

  • It helps me relax, and enjoy more my dive to

  • concentrate on the way breathe

  • Just try and get used to do that because I know it's not the regular way for people to breathe

  • There is a popular belief that smokers are

  • Better diver in the way that they don't use as much

  • air as others that just because they already know how to

  • Take deep breath

  • not consciously in the way of diving

  • But they come to see breath in, hold and then exhale.

  • You don't need to start smoking

  • To have a better air consumption. It just depends on the way that you think of breathing

  • My second tip would be to

  • work on your buoyancy

  • I started diving when I was a teenager and

  • Honestly, I was all over the place. I kicked the bottom. I was up and down all the time, and it's just

  • When I started to work on my buoyancy

  • that my air consumption started decreasing

  • simply because when you put air on your jacket.

  • You are using the same air that you are breathing

  • So that's air that you are not gonna use to breathe

  • That you put on your jacket

  • the best way to reduce the air comsuption is by having a neutral buoyancy

  • Which means just the right amount of weight

  • So that you'll be able to be comfortable in a dive

  • that could be tricky because it depends on every

  • situation, but over the time you'll learn how much weight you need

  • But buoyancy is not just being overweight or

  • Just having the right amount of weight. It's also

  • The way your body is under water.

  • One of my tricks to be neutraly buoyant

  • is to contract my abdominals and just

  • Have a very flat body

  • by contracting that

  • Part of my body, I allow my back to be completely straight and to my fin to be

  • natural extent of my body when I'm

  • Diving.

  • I also not kick up and down I frog kick most of the time

  • That way if I need to go up or down. I just use my breath or my lungs as

  • My buoyancy device

  • if I need to go up. I just take a deep breath

  • if I want to go down, I just

  • exhale.

  • I know it sounds really complicated right now

  • But try it in a pool!

  • Once you get the trick when you once you get that feeling in your body that you are completely

  • flat I think you might understand what I'm talking about

  • One exercise I had myself do a lot of times

  • is that on the pool you know you have theses

  • Square things that make lines and I try to stay at the depth of that line for five to ten minutes

  • Just to make sure that my buoyancy is perfect, and I won't have any issue in the water

  • It won't be perfect for the first time I've been diving for ten years

  • I get some tricks

  • and I

  • grew up diving so I think it was more easy for me to just adapt and grew up diving than for some people to

  • conciously make the effort for their body to

  • Take the diving position

  • So I know I was verry lucky to start diving young so maybe what I'm telling you is like

  • Nonsense and you say you're never gonna be able to do it. Just try it and

  • Talk to your divemaster of what you could do

  • If you're not able to have a flat back

  • for any reason

  • Maybe they have an alternative or other tricks that they could provide you

  • Finally my last tip is

  • Completely on the way to breathe

  • It might sound a bit crazy

  • Also, but I'm gonna add some videos of me

  • Demonstrating it so it makes a little more sense

  • Maybe you already know that there is different ways of breathing for

  • Example I can inhale from my belly or my side

  • and what I do underwater is mainly

  • Breathing from this part of my body not this part.

  • That way I can be wider

  • But not deeper

  • by getting myself wider

  • I also allow myself to be neutrally buoyant in the way i breathe.

  • Of course if I really wants my lungs to be

  • The device that put me up. I'm not gonna do that but if I wanna breathe and not move

  • I'm gonna breathe this way.

  • It might take you a couple of attempt to do this

  • I know it's not that easy to do but once you get the trick you know

  • again try this technique

  • While being on the commute or

  • trying to get asleep because it's not

  • irrrelevant time to do it and once you get the

  • distinction

  • try it on the pool, and you'll see how different it is

  • So I am aware that these are not the easiest tricks

  • You've seen you have to work on your body you have to understand. How it work is where the best tricks

  • I had during my diving career

  • So I hope they helped you at least give you a bit of a clue of

  • What you could change in your way of diving

  • If you have any other tricks that you used and that worked a lot for you

  • please let

  • them on the comment section

  • because

  • Everybody is different everybody

  • evolved on the diving differently so if

  • this worked for me it might not work for you, but

  • Something that someone else experienced could be the best match for you

  • I do scuba diving videos every month. I cover a subject that

  • You request or that I think it's important so if you have anything any question

  • Let me know in the comment section. I'll try to

  • Have an entire topic on that or at least

  • Respond on the comment section.

  • otherwise I am doing travel videos on this channel

  • Sometimes involving scuba diving so you can always subscribe to my channel to be notified every time

  • I upload a video

  • you can give me a thumbs up to say that you liked this video

  • And you want to see more

  • and I hope to see you next time bye

Hello everybody my name is N'ael


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B1 中級

水中でより良い呼吸をする方法|Crazydivers (How to breathe better and less underwater | Crazydivers)

  • 27 1
    Nael に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日