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- He was a popular American author.
- He wrote the book Think and Grow Rich.
- He's Napoleon Hill and here are his top ten rules for
(wooshing noise)
- A definite purpose must be accompanied by a definite
plan for detainment, followed by appropriate action,
now you have to have a purpose, you have to have a
plan, and you have to start putting that plan into action.
And ladies and gentlemen, it's not too important that
your plan be sound.
It is in fact, it's not too important because if you find
that you've adopted a plan that is not sound, it's
not working you can always change.
You can modify your plan, but it is very important that
you be definite about what it is you're going after,
what your purpose is, that must be very definite.
Learn to adjust yourself to other people's state of
mind and difficulties so as to get along peacefully
with them and to refrain from taking notice of trivial
circumstances in your relations with other people by
refusing to allow them to become controversial
Great people always avoid small incidents of controversy
when possible.
If you want the mind to pick up an idea, and to form
a habit so that the mind will automatically act upon
that idea you've got to tell the mind what you want
over and over and over again.
No end to it.
When Mr. Coue came over here some years ago with his
famous formula, day by day in every way I'm getting
better and better, he cured thousands of people
but a very great number than that he didn't cure.
And I wonder if you would know why?
(audience murmuring)
There was no desire, there was no feeling put into that
statement, you might as well just blow into the wind
as to make a statement to let you put some feeling
back of it, unless you believe it.
Well you need a pocket sized notebook, all something
on the order of this one here, looseleaf at that.
And on the page one write down a clear description of
your major desire in life.
The one circumstance or position or thing which you
will be willing to accept as your idea of success.
And remember before you begin writing that your only
limitations are those that you set up in your own
mind or permit others to set up for you.
And two, on page two of your notebook, write down a
clear statement of precisely what you intend to give
in return for that which you desire from life and then
start in right where you stand now to begin giving and
three, memorize both of your statements, what you desire
and what you intend to give in return for it.
And repeat them at least a dozen times daily and always
end your statements with this expression of gratitude
for the blessings with which you were gifted at birth.
Any dominating desire, plan, or purpose which is
backed by that state of mind known as faith, is taken
over by the subconscious section of the mind and acted
upon immediately.
I don't know for sure ladies and gentlemen, but I suspect
that there's a relatively small number of people
in the world at any one time who understand the
principle of faith, who really understand it and know
how to apply it.
And even if you do understand it, if you don't back
it up with action and make it a part of your habit life
you might just as well not understand it because
faith without deeds is dead.
Faith without action is dead, faith without absolute
positive belief is dead.
I don't know how you're going to get any results
through believing unless you put some action back of
that belief.
And incidentally, if you tell your mind often enough that
you have faith in anything, the time will come when your
subconscious mind will accept that, even if you tell
your mind often enough that you have faith in yourself.
Have you ever thought about nice thing would be if
you had such complete faith in yourself that you wouldn't
hesitate to undertake anything you wanted to do in life?
Had you ever thought about that?
What a benefit that would be to you?
Your personality determines whether people are attracted
to you or shy away from you, it is the show in which
you display your character to the world and it is
the one thing which distinguishes you from all other
human beings.
It is your trademark by which people recognize you and
it is the thing which determines your success or failure
in selling yourself through life.
Therefore, you should see your personality just as others
see it, so you may improve it where it needs improvement.
If you would sit down and put an hour by hour of account
of the actual work that you put in each day for one
week and then an hour by hour account of the time
that you waste that you could devote to anything you
want to do badly enough.
You're going to get one of the shocks of your life.
We're not efficient, you know we have about eight hours
to sleep, about eight hours to earn a living, and
have eight hours of free time that you can do anything
that you want to with here in this country where we live.
And then definiteness as a purpose makes one more alert
in recognizing opportunities related to the object of
one's major purpose and it inspires the courage to embrace
and act upon those opportunities.
Now, we all see opportunities almost everyday of our lives
which if we embrace them and acted upon them could benefit
us, but there's something in us that we
call procrastination, we just don't have the will,
the alertness, the determination to embrace opportunities
when they come along.
But if you condition your mind with this philosophy, you'll
not only embrace opportunities, but you'll do something
better, what could you do better than embrace
an opportunity?
(audience speaking)
Make the opportunity, that's the idea.
Success is something which has to be planned and
success is something which has to be earned in advance.
True, there is such a thing as luck, but just remember
luck is something that you can create for yourself
if you know the rules and follow them just as I give
them to you.
Remember too that success in the higher brackets of
achievement is something that can be had only by
taking others along with you and the best definition of
success which I know is this, success is the knowledge
with which to get whatever you want from life without
violating the rights of others and by helping others
to acquire it.
The very minute that you decide upon something, you
know that's what you want, you know you're going to do
it, all of these negative that have been bothering
you, they pick up their baggage and get out.
They just move out, they can't live in a positive
mind, can you imagine a negative frame of mind and a
positive frame of mind occupying the same space at
the same time?
Could you imagine that?
No, you can't cuz it can't be done and did you know that
the slightest bit of a negative and mental attitude is
sufficient to destroy the power of prayer?
Did you know that the slightest bit of a negative mental
attitude is sufficient to destroy your plan, whatever
it is you're doing?
Carrying out your definiteness of purpose?
You have to move with courage, with faith, with
determination in connection with carrying out your
definiteness of purpose.
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the
mind can achieve.
Isn't that a profound statement?
You will notice that it says nothing about the need
for education, but simply that whatever your mind can
conceive and believe your mind can achieve.
Now if you want evidence that the mind can achieve
whatever the mind can conceive without the benefit
of formal education, you'll have to remember that
Thomas A. Edison conceived the idea of becoming an
inventor and lived to become the world's greatest
scientist in the field of invention, with only
three months of common school education.
- Thank you so much for watching, I made this video
because Business asked me to, so if there's a
famous entrepreneur that you want me to profile next,
leave it in the comments below and I'll
see what I can do.
I'd also love to know which of Napoleon Hill's top
ten rules you loved the most, leave it in the comments.
We're going to join in the discussion, thank you so much
for watching, continue to believe and I'll see you soon.
(whooshing noise)