字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント Narrator: The third season of "True Detective" follows a disturbing crime as it unfolds over three different time periods from 1980 to 1990 to 2015. The present-day period shows Mahershala Ali's character, detective Wayne Hays, as a 70-year-old man who's still haunted by the case while grappling with his own memory loss. Ali is wholly convincing in old age thanks to the power of his performance and the makeup artistry of Emmy-nominated prosthetic artist Mike Marino. Jimmy Kimmel: And your old-man makeup. Mahershala: Mike Marino, Mike Marino, man. Jimmy: Is the best old-man makeup I've ever seen on any actor. Narrator: We visited Mike at his studio in New Jersey to find out how he turned Ali into an old man for "True Detective." Mike is the makeup designer behind "Black Swan," "Wolf of Wall Street," "Birdman," and Heidi Klum's elaborate Halloween costumes. On "True Detective," he was in charge of the makeup and wigs seen on Mahershala Ali and Stephen Dorff, who plays Wayne's partner Roland in the show. Mike has a ton of experience adding decades to actors' faces. But his transformative work was really spotlighted in "True Detective" because of the unconventional way that the show's narrative was structured. Mike: They're intercutting in between time periods, so you really get a chance to see the difference and the contrast between Mahershala's face and Stephen Dorff's face. Narrator: The first step in the transformation was deciding where exactly the prosthetics would go. Mike: When you're designing a makeup, you have to find all these lines and creases naturally that that actor may have, so that when you glue pieces onto it, it doesn't move strange. Mahershala's skin is so perfect that there's no landmarks to hide a wrinkle in or hide a prosthetic inside, so it's really challenging finding the place where prosthetics can live. Narrator: Next, to actually make the prosthetics, you have to take a life cast of the actor's face, basically creating a three-dimensional copy of it. Mike: We start out with a life cast of Mahershala. I take that life cast, and I cast it out in plaster, and I take little pieces of clay, and I add a little where I feel is going to look the best as far as wrinkles and puffy dents, and I add in wrinkles, and I sculpt everything down to a very fine detail. Narrator: The sculptures run under water, then the pieces of clay are removed and put on individual molds from which the prosthetic pieces are made. Mike: On set, I take those pieces and glue onto Mahershala and Stephen Dorff all these prosthetics that were once sculptures. Once that is done, they're airbrushed to look like real skin, freckles, little imperfections, things like that. Once it's all painted, we glue wigs on, make sure their sheen and reflection of the skin is really perfect. It really took about three hours to glue on the prosthetics each day. Narrator: All that had to last throughout a 12- to 16-hour shooting day. Mike: It's a battle each day. I'm maintaining the makeup as well. You know, in "True Detective" we filmed in Arkansas in the summer, so it was really hot. So it was also an engineering feat to really kind of prep their skin to not sweat, put them in air conditioning tents, put Mahershala in a dark room where he's not in sunlight and he's sweating. Narrator: Mike's work on the show wasn't limited to the actors' faces. His team also built a life-size replica for Will Purcell, the missing boy whose body Wayne finds in a cave at the end of the first episode. But the aging transformations were his real masterpiece. Mike: You can see how they'd most likely age in real life 'cause I try to find on their own face, where if I find any little wrinkle or line or crease, I accentuate that. I'm kind of a reverse makeup artist. A makeup artist is taking out all the flaws and things on someone's face, and I'm adding them in. So I'm really an actor's worst nightmare.
B1 中級 米 マハーシャラ-アリは '真の探偵'のために老人になった方法|映画インサイダー (How Mahershala Ali Was Turned Into An Old Man For 'True Detective' | Movies Insider) 22 2 邱于嘉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語