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  • In this video, I'm going to look at the differences between a British and an American accent.


  • Of course there are many British accents and there are many American accents,


  • but I'm going to show you some of the major accent differences between them.


  • So let's start!


  • Linguists give vowels names to make it easier to talk about them.


  • The LOT vowel sound describes the vowel in words like "job," "politics," and "not."

    LOTの母音は、「job」「politic」「not 」といった単語の母音を表しています。

  • When British speakers say this vowel, their lips might be slightly rounded.


  • But Americans use a different vowel sound and their lips will be more open.


  • The BATH vowel describes the vowel sound in words like "behalf," "passed," and "path."


  • British speakersespecially those in the south of Englandwill use a more back vowel sound here.


  • But Americans will tend to use a more front vowel sound.


  • The words "water," "authority," and "fighting" have a T in the middle.

    water、authority、fighting は真ん中に T が入ります。

  • Brits will tend to pronounce a T sound here.

    イギリス人はここで T の音を発音する傾向があります。

  • But Americans will use a tap.


  • This may sound like a short D sound or even an R sound if you're a non-native speaker of English

    これは英語を母国語としない人には短い D 音、あるいは R 音に聞こえるかもしれません。

  • The word "yod" describes a /j/ sound.

    yod は /j/ の音を表します。

  • In the word "new", Brits will tend to pronounce a /j/ sound here.

    new という単語では、イギリス人はここで /j/ の音を発音する傾向があります。

  • But Americans don't – they've dropped the yod.

    しかしアメリカ人はそうしません。yod の音を省略します。

  • In Britain, this word can be pronounced with a /dj/ sound, but it's also commonly pronounced with a /dʒ/ sound.

    イギリスではこの単語は /dj/ の音で発音されることもありますが、/dʒ/ の音で発音されることも一般的です。

  • This change from /dj/ to /dʒ/ is called yod-coalescence.

    このように /dj/ から /dʒ/ に変化することを yod-coalescence と呼びます。

  • You can hear Theresa May use the /dʒ/ pronunciation.

    テレサ・メイの /dʒ/ の発音を聞くことができます。

  • But Donald Trump just uses a /d/ sound here.

    ドナルド・トランプは /d/ の発音です。

  • In the words "shared," "hardand "work," most Brits will not pronounce the R sound, but most Americans will.

    shared、hard、work などの単語では、イギリス人の多くは R の音を発音しませんが、アメリカ人の多くは R の音を発音します。

  • Donald Trump grew up in New York.


  • In traditional New York accents, the letter R is only pronounced in certain positions.


  • But nowadays the situation is more complicated.


  • With New Yorkers sometimes pronouncing the R and sometimes not.

    ニューヨーカーは R を発音する時としない時があります。

  • This is what Donald Trump does in his speech.


  • Sometimes he pronounces the R and sometimes not.


  • But for the purposes of this video, it's important to state that most Americans will always pronounce the letter R.

    しかし、このビデオの目的上、ほとんどのアメリカ人は常に R を発音することを明記しておきます。

  • I'm going to finish with an interesting aspect of Donald Trump's accent that's particular to New York - rather than American accents in general.


  • For me, the words "human," "huge," and "humourbegin with a /hjuː/ sound, but in New York accents, the H is dropped, and we're left with /juː/.


  • Listen to Theresa May pronounce the H in "human."

    テレサ・メイの human H の発音を聞いてみましょう。

  • And now listen to Donald Trump who doesn't pronounce the H.

    ドナルド・トランプは H を発音しません。

  • These are just some of the differences between a British and an American accent.


  • If you've enjoyed this video, then please like it, and share it with your English-speaking friends


  • If you're a non-native English speaker and you want to improve your pronunciation, then take my online English pronunciation course.


  • Click the link underneath the video to find out more


In this video, I'm going to look at the differences between a British and an American accent.


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