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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Word Origins three. The word origins today is

  • a narcissist and echo. Both of these words actually derive from or come from

  • Greek mythology and the reason we're covering them together is because the

  • stories are actually interconnected. Okay. So let's take a look at the note here.

  • The word and name "Echo' comes from a mythology story. Echo was a nymph. Okay.

  • Now if you've ever read mythology, sometimes you hear about nymphs. A nymph

  • in Greek and Roman mythology was a female spirit who lived among nature,

  • especially in forests, mountains or rivers. And of course mountains is very

  • important here. because in a modern day when we hear echoes most of the time

  • it's in high mountains. Okay. Let's continue. Echo was an nymph who was given

  • an assignment by Zeus. All right. So again if you know Greek mythology, Zeus was the

  • god of the gods. He was the number one god. To talk to Hera. Hera is his wife

  • also a goddess and keep her busy while he went off to fool around with other

  • women. Yeah. It's kind of funny. if you ever read Greek mythology, you find out

  • that the gods act just like humans. That they have just as bad qualities as

  • humans. And, and Zeus was really bad. He just liked to fool around with with all

  • kinds of women, especially human women. He would often appear to them and you know,

  • try to seduce them. So let's continue. When the goddess, Hera figured this out,

  • she put a curse on Echo and Echo was only able to repeat what others said. So

  • again this goes perfectly with the idea of echo . Like if we're in a mountain

  • today, and we scream out some words like 'Hello, hello , hello, we keep hearing the repeat. So this

  • is the idea of echo. It comes directly from this Greek mythology story. All right. Let's

  • continue. Echo fell in love with Nar, Narcissus. Okay which of course this is

  • where we derive a narcissist today the name the person

  • who loves themselves very much or narcissism. So Echo fell in love with

  • narcissus who was supposed to be irresistibly handsome. All the women, as

  • soon as they seen him, they all like fell in love with him. She tried to get him to

  • say ' I love you. " So she could say it back to him because remember she can only

  • repeat what others said. Unfortunately narcissus

  • fell in love with himself. She pined away for him until there was nothing left, but

  • her voice Remember if we say to pine away it's like to have a great wanting

  • or longing or desire so I guess you know she just died of depression that she, she

  • couldn't get to have narcissus. Okay so now you know where ' echo' comes from very

  • clearly. Let's continue with narcissus here. So now narcissisus could not

  • understand why so many women doted over him. You know gave him so much attention

  • and when they seen him. They always like oh they had all these expressions on

  • their face and he thought a lot of them were just kind of silly. Okay. Until one

  • day, he noticed his own reflection in the water and it was love at first sight. He

  • loved himself so much that he could not leave the pond. So that that's how he

  • could see himself he could only see himself in the water and he didn't want

  • to leave his own reflection so he just stayed at the pond and continued to look

  • at himself because he fell in love with himself. He eventually died and as the

  • story goes a beautiful flower appeared where he died. So this is directly where

  • we get the word you know narcissism and narcissists , it comes directly from this

  • Greek mythology character. There's also a flower that is named after narcissus, his

  • actual Greek name too. So anyway these are the origins this is where we get the

  • words both narcissist and echo from. Okay anyway, I hope it was clear. I hope it was

  • informative , and I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Word Origins three. The word origins today is


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英語の家庭教師ニックPの単語の起源(3)ナルシストとエコー - ギリシャ神話 (English Tutor Nick P Word Origins (3) Narcissist and Echo - Greek Mythology)

  • 29 2
    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日