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  • Today on Household Hacker, we're going to save you

  • as much time as possible.

  • And that includes starting with this video.

  • So let's get right into it.

  • Some laundry detergent containers

  • already have a spout, which is great for getting

  • your laundry going faster.

  • However, if you buy the regular bottles

  • and want the same time-saving feature,

  • you can try a drink dispenser for storage and liquid

  • delivery.

  • I rummaged through my cupboards and found an old drink

  • dispenser that I haven't used in years.

  • And it's perfect.

  • Just pour your cleaning liquid into the dispenser

  • and place it on top of your washing machine.

  • You'll get super quick and easy access

  • that will make your laundry a breeze.

  • Not to mention you'll no longer need

  • to find a place to store those huge plastic containers.

  • If you're tired of a messy cabinet filled

  • with plastic bags, then try this.

  • Tidy up and save a few minutes by shoving them directly

  • into an old tissue box as you unload them.

  • Just place one bag in, leaving the handles out.

  • Slip the next bag through the handles

  • and place them down into the box.

  • Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • This will serve as a nice compact storage box

  • and it's a simple dispenser that will quickly get your bags

  • to you when you need them.

  • Constantly dropping nails or screws when you're

  • trying to get some work done?

  • Or maybe you're just pricking your finger digging them out

  • of your pocket.

  • Hot glue a small but strong magnet

  • directly to the bottom of your hammer or screwdriver

  • for simple access as you work.

  • This little trick won't only save you time,

  • but tons of frustration.

  • Sometimes, the cracking of an egg just doesn't go as planned.

  • But there's no need to go digging

  • for that shell with your fingers.

  • Just take the most sturdy half of the shell

  • and simply use it as a scoop to retrieve the leftover bits.

  • This will keep your fingers clean

  • and make quick work of the removal.

  • Just wash your hands and cook up those eggs

  • for a nice delicious meal.

  • If you're running a bit late and need to hop in the shower

  • before you're out the door, you know

  • it can take a few precious minutes to get

  • that temperature correct.

  • To save yourself just a little bit of time in the future,

  • go fire up your shower and get it

  • to that perfect temperature for you.

  • Once it's there, just grab a couple small slivers of tape

  • and mark your shower handle or handles at the exact position

  • that you prefer.

  • Of course, if multiple people use the shower,

  • you can all know what your preferred temperature

  • using different colors of tape.

  • Some earbuds look exactly the same

  • on the right and left sides, which can be a huge pain if you

  • put them in the wrong ear.

  • You can easily differentiate between the two

  • by putting a tiny dot of hot glue on just one side.

  • Now, if you don't have a hot glue gun handy,

  • you can also tie off a small knot on one side

  • to serve as an indicator.

  • But this method might throw off the cord length

  • just a little bit.

  • Now, this is my absolute favorite.

  • Unloading a soft drink box doesn't

  • have to take up all your time.

  • You can quickly get everything into the fridge

  • in just a matter of seconds.

  • Take your soft drink box and pop open both sides.

  • Now, place the box on a rack in the fridge

  • and push the cans out while you pull the box out

  • at the same time.

  • And boom, just like that, you've unloaded the entire thing

  • in about five, six seconds.

  • And just let it cool down and enjoy the fruits of your laboe.

  • In the essence of keeping things short,

  • here's a couple videos you might like.

  • Please subscribe, and we'll see you next time.

  • Micromachines.

  • (music playing)

Today on Household Hacker, we're going to save you


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

時間を節約するためのハック。あなたの人生をより簡単にする7つの方法 (Time-Saving Hacks: 7 Ways to Make Your Life Easier)

  • 189 8
    Annie Chien に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日