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  • There's a fight right around the corner just waiting for you.

  • And you better learn how to fight.

  • You've got to get up every morning fighting, clawing, scratching.

  • You've got to beat depression.

  • You've got to beat anxiety.

  • You've got to beat the naysayers.

  • You've got to beat that little voice in your head that's telling you you're not

  • good enough.

  • When I think about fighting, I'm not talking about people.

  • I'm talking about situations, I'm talking about circumstances, I'm talking about opportunities

  • that sometimes you have to fight for.

  • Come on life, let's fight.

  • Let's go.

  • Come on job, let's go.

  • Come on career, let's go.

  • I'm going to go to war.

  • That dream is not going to sit there and wait for you to come and get it.

  • You got to chase it like a man possessed.

  • You've got to go get it.

  • But to win fights you've got to have stamina.

  • You've got to be ready to fight and bounce back, punch and counterpunch, jab and jab back.

  • Let me tell you something - Life is a series of fights.

  • The worst thing you can do is run away from your fights because if life is a series of

  • fights and you run away, you just ran away from your life.

  • We got to fight.

  • We got to fight.

  • We can't lay down.

  • When you lay down, you get ran over.

  • When you about to fight, you know a fight is coming your adrenaline begins to pump, your

  • heart begins to race, your mind gets right and says, “Look, I'm not going to just fight.

  • I'm going to win this battle and sucker you are going down”.

  • Some of you guys out there are fighting for your life.

  • Why?

  • Because the doctor told you, you have cancer.

  • You better not feel sorry for yourself.

  • You better not lay down and quit.

  • You better get up and fight because a happy spirit does a body good like medicine.

  • Fighting for your future.

  • Fighting for your dreams.

  • Fighting for success.

  • When you come over to depression, you raise your arms like a champion.

  • When you overcome bankruptcy, you raise your arms like a champion.

  • When you come over to divorce, raise your arms in victory.

  • Sometimes in life you get caught with a good one.

  • You didn't see divorce coming.

  • You didn't see cheating coming.

  • You didn't see being fired coming.

  • You got sucker punched.

  • Oh, I've been sucker punched before but that didn't mean, I can't stop fighting.

  • We've got to get up baby.

  • When you've been sucker punched, get up.

  • When you've been hit in the gut, get up.

  • Because you have to win this war.

  • You've got to learn how to fight one battle at a time.

  • One war at a time.

  • Because you might not win every fight, but you've got to win the war.

  • You've got to have the right attitude, the right mindset, the right mentality not just

  • to fight, it's going to be a war.

  • And you don't quit until you win.

  • It's going to be a war.

  • And don't you quit until you win!

  • Let's fight, let's fight, let's fight and let's fight.

  • You're going to have sometimes low moments when you won't want to get out of bed.

  • You just want to stay there.

  • At times you won't want to come out the house.

  • There's sometimes when things aren't going to go right.

  • That will catch you on the blindside.

  • That you did not anticipate.

  • There are times when anything that can happen will happen.

  • Murphy's Law will be knocking at your door.

  • See, but the real challenge comes when you get knocked down.

  • That's where the growth takes place.

  • But I got a saying, “When life knocks you down, try and land on your back because if

  • you can look up, you can get up”.

  • You've got the power in you to do that.

  • You've got something special.

  • You've got combat power.

  • You'll get knocked down, but you won't be knocked out.

  • I'm unstoppable.

  • This will not get me down.

  • You'll be able to get to your feet again, be on the ropes. That you'll have a fast recovery

  • rate when you work on yourself.

  • You've got to put your foot down and say, “That's it.

  • Enough is enough.

  • No longer am I going to listen to that voice inside my head telling me I'm nothing.

  • Telling me I'm no good.

  • Telling me I'm weak.

  • Telling me I'm useless”.

  • Fight against weakness, against fear, against time and against decay.

  • Fight back.

  • Go down swinging.

  • Give every day everything you've got.

  • No more am I going to be this scared little kid inside my head.

  • And today and from every day after today I'm going to stop fighting back.

  • I'm going to start doing what I want to do.

  • with strength and pride.

  • I'm going to take on the world because that's what I'm capable of.

  • That's what I'm made to do.

  • That's what's inside me.

  • Commitment!

  • It means taking a stand.

  • Taking a stand for you.

  • It means delivering.

  • It means coming through.

  • When we put ourselves in the situation where we say we're going to do it, it puts you in

  • another zone.

  • The universe responds to the man or woman that refuses to be denied.

  • That business that you want, that book that what you want to write.

  • That dream that you have of controlling your destiny, that is yours.

  • But you've got to be willing to stand there and face disappointment, not have support,

  • be lonely, doubt yourself sometimes, be rejected again and again and again and refuse to turn

  • around until life gives it up.

  • Nothing can resist a person that has that kind of commitment.

  • Wake up every single day thinking about how can I change my life?

  • How can I stand on a stage with the giants?

  • I started this homeless on the side of a Turkey Hill gas station and I told myself,

  • “I will not die here”.

  • I said, “How can I build a million-dollar business with no money?”

  • A conscience in my head spoke to me and it saidPurpose”.

  • They said, “When you work for your purpose, your purpose will begin to work for you and

  • dreams and beautiful things will start to manifest”.

  • And I truly believe this.

  • As long as you believe in that very gift that you have in the bottom of your stomach, that

  • fire that burns, that dream that wakes you up in the middle of the night and wakes you

  • up and have you screaming to the sunrise so I can go after this dream.

  • That is the very thing that you should chase every single day.

  • If you chase this dream with consistency and you believe, your booking and your calendar

  • will fill up.

  • You want me to come to the middle of the projects?

  • I'm coming.

  • You want me to go where murderers sleep and live?

  • I'm coming.

  • You want me to fight that abusive husband that's beating on you?

  • I'm coming.

  • I'm going to take drug dealers and turn them into community leaders.

  • I'm going to turn murderers into security.

  • I'm going to turn drug addict mothers back into beautiful queens.

  • I'm going to turn broken men into kings.

  • And I'm going to show them that everything you tried to hide, God placed inside of me

  • to tell the truth.

  • So, when I say the kings are on the rise, we are on the rise.

  • Whatever you want out of your life ,it's up to you to create because every human on this

  • Earth is born with this empty canvas and your life is what you paint.

  • There's nobody more special than anybody on this Earth.

  • It's just people that's willing to go down into the valley of nothingness

  • the valley of darkness and come back with the sun

  • It's time that real comes to life.

  • That's why the world is falling in love with this motivation because it's real.

  • You can feel it, I can see it.

  • You can gain new knowledge because my motivation comes from my darkest days.

  • And when I realized that I was going to have to put on my hard hat and I was going

  • to have to put on my boots and I was going to strap up and fight for this dream.

  • That's when things started to happen.

  • I told people I never wanted to be the man and the leader that stood in the front and

  • everyone stood behind me.

  • I wanted to be a leader that everybody stood aside of me and we fought together

  • And we won't sell our soul for a taste of a light bulb.

  • I don't care if you are that small boy sitting in the project halls.

  • I don't care if you are that girl that her mother treats her like trash and calls her names.

  • I don't care if you that young boy who never had a father to take them outside or throw a football.

  • I don't care if you are that father that they say is not a good father.

  • But they don't understand you never learned how to be a father.

  • You never learned how to love.

  • I want you to know that you are still something.

  • And as long as you got air in your lungs, life in your body you can be anything you want to be.

  • You can be anything you want to be.

  • This is what we must do to take back our city.

  • This is what we must do to change this world.

  • We must come together collectively.

  • We must understand that these older cats have sold their soul to the devil for a dollar.

  • And they forgot about the babies at the bottom.

  • They never went back.

  • They left us.

  • We don't need you anymore.

  • But are you willing to die?

  • Are you willing to sleep outside of their CEO office for an opportunity?

  • You see, just getting to the opportunity is hard.

  • Seizing the moment is a whole other monster.

  • So, while you are fighting, and you are clawing to get to the next level let me tell you something.

  • If you are a person out there buyingtrying to buy your way to the top I'm going to let

  • you know something king and queen, you can't buy a legacy.

  • This you must earn.

  • So, the big dogs, they won't give you the opportunity, you are going to have to take it.

  • You are going to sleep in your car.

  • You are going to sleep on that floor.

  • You are going to cry those tears.

  • But we are not going to be crybabies, we are going to be lions.

  • You know, when the lion is injured, when the lion is bleeding, it makes his moves and it

  • keeps walking.

  • Another thing I would advise against is looking too sharply at what other people are doing

  • and ending up being a copycat.

  • Of course, you've got to imitate before you innovate but always with your own fingerprint.

  • Always thinking in terms ofHow am I going to bring something unique?”

  • My unique song.

  • My unique song, my unique fingerprint.

  • My unique vibration.

  • How am I going to deliver that to the planet as a gift?

  • You are a gift.

  • Every single one of us is a gift.

  • How are you going to exercise and share your gift?

  • Reignite your soul by reigniting the spark in your body.

  • It's definitely natural to do this.

  • Sometimes the way it happens is based on unnatural cause.

  • But what happens is when you are in that stage, in that time, in my life it didn't make sense

  • for me to be here because I'm in a going down process.

  • When you go up, right?

  • I'm up, I'm riding high and then you come down, you're not going to start again at the

  • same circle.

  • Alright?

  • So, you're not the same version of yourself.

  • You can't expect yourself to be who you were during the last cycle.

  • It won't happen yet.

  • You have new experiences, you're older, your physiology changes.

  • All kinds of different habits.

  • But the ego, like you referred to wants to attach to what was.

  • You had a great year last year but let it go because it's no longer.

  • You are not that person anymore.

  • You got to allow yourself to go through whatever you're going through right now to reemerge

  • on the right timetable as a stronger version of yourself.

  • Just because summer ended doesn't mean that you are supposed to come back up on that

  • next circle. You might still be going down.

  • Failure is important.

  • You need failure in order to succeed.

  • It is the principle of death and rebirth.

  • It is the principle of catabolic and anabolic.

  • It is the principle of going down so that you can rise up.

  • Done.

  • When you feel like your energy is all gone and it's impossible to finish every assignment on time.

  • When you feel like you're mentally broken and your motivation to achieve is hard to find.

  • When you feel like the clouds in your life are so dark it would be impossible to ever

  • see the sunshine again.

  • When you feel

  • Those are three of the most powerful words that could ever be put together.

  • When you feel

  • Because to feel means you're still with us.

  • Because to feel means you're still breathing.

  • Because to feel means you still have an opportunity to be achieving.

  • Because to feel means that you still have the power to stop the pain, stop the bleeding,

  • stop the hurting, stop the grieving.

  • I said when you feel!

  • Because to feel means you're still with us.

  • Because to feel means you're still breathing.

  • Because to feel means you still have an opportunity to be achieving.

  • Because to feel means that you still have the power to stop the pain, still have the

  • power to stop the bleeding, still have the power to stop the hurting, you still have

  • the power to stop the grieving.

  • So, whenever you feel like your professor or teacher has lost their mind because they're

  • overwhelming you with a workload that seemingly will take up all of your time.

  • I need you to pause and recall the reason why you made the choice to invest your time

  • and never lose sight of the fact that you are destined to shine.

  • Never lose sight of the fact that you were made for this grind.

  • Never lose sight of the fact that no hole is too deep for you to climb up out of.

  • And above all else yourWHYwill never, ever allow you to withdraw.

  • YourWHYwill never, ever allow you to pull the plug.

  • YourWHYwill never, ever allow you to throw in the towel.

  • See, it's yourWHYthat will push you to dig deeper and go that extra mile.

  • See, not only do you owe yourself, but you told your mama you will finish.

  • You told your daddy you will finish.

  • You told your brother you will finish.

  • You told your sister you will finish.

  • So, therefore it's up to you to never diminish the value of your work.

  • And a wise man once gave me a wise word and now I'm passing these wise words onto you.

  • You are in total control of your situation.

  • So, when you feel like you're facing a breaking point, this is the point when you go to your professor.

  • This is the point when you go to your academic adviser and not the time to despise her and

  • not the time to despise him.

  • Simply say, “I am in this until I walk across the stage with my diploma.

  • I am in this until I smell the sweet aroma of success.

  • Here right now, I'm feeling overwhelmed because I am on academic overload.

  • Do you have any suggestions that will help me power through this semester?

  • Because my only option is to figure this out.

  • And whatever it takes

  • I can.

  • I will.

  • And I must do.

  • See, I understand that drastic times call for drastic measures and the measure of a

  • person's will is determined by what they are willing to do to ensure a triumph over tragedy.

  • The measure of a person's will is determined by what they are willing to do to ensure success

  • over failure.

  • The measure of a person's will is determined about what they are willing to do to ensure

  • winning over losing.

  • And see right now, I'm choosing to fight for my academic future and that's why I came to

  • your office.

  • I promise when they see that your passion is pushing you with a purpose, they will give

  • you every ounce of their being to assure you are successful because they know you're worthy.

  • I just need you to never forget that you're worthy.

  • Success is your baby.

  • You just gotta birth it and then kick back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  • But in the meantime, I need you to pull up your sleeves.

  • I need you to tighten up your boxing gloves because you're right in the middle of a heavyweight

  • boxing match and life is trying to take your title and your survival and this academic

  • arena is at stake.

  • It's moments like these where we separate the real from the fake.

  • But when it's like you shake off any and every punch that life throws and fight back with

  • a series of vicious head shots and body blows to overcome and achieve the victory.

  • But believe you me, life will keep testing.

  • Believe you me, life will keep trying you.

  • Believe you me, life will keep pushing you.

  • Believe you me, life will keep trying to break you.

  • I don't think you heard me.

  • I said believe you me, life will keep testing you.

  • Believe you me, life will keep trying you.

  • Believe you me, life will keep pushing you.

  • Believe you me, life will keep trying to break you.

  • And always remember you are unbreakable!

  • They want to see you fail but you are a diamond and you succeed because you get back up after

  • you fail and you will get back up again and again until your arms are raised with the win.

  • So, I need you to speak positivity into existence and ignore your inner voice of resistance

  • because it's your resilience and persistence that will allow you to master your time management skills.

  • That will allow you to break all of these huge assignments down into small pieces, that

  • will allow you to group study with a winner's circle, that will allow you to jump over any

  • and I mean any academic hurdles.

  • Always remember when you feel that means you are still breathing and thus you have an opportunity

  • to keep achieving.

  • This is a great day to win.

  • When you come to a crossroad and run into the winner and the quitter in you, listen to the winner.

  • The quitter will never take you down the road you want to travel.

  • I believe we all have a winner inside of us.

  • There's a winner inside of you.

  • Sometimes we've just been hanging around with losers for too long.

  • Develop the mindset of a winner.

  • The truth is most people give up on their dream.

  • Most people give up on their dream to live the average lifestyle, but it really doesn't

  • matter what most people do.

  • What do you do?

  • Because you are different.

  • You will never give up on your dream.

  • You will not listen to the average.

  • You will listen to the winner inside of you.

  • You will believe in yourself when no one else does.

  • You will believe in yourself when you have no reason to believe and you will never quit.

  • I know some of you are going through a rough time.

  • Some of you are going into the fight of your life.

  • Fighting for your future, fighting for your career, fighting for your family.

  • Some of you are fighting for your life and I am telling you do not quit, do not give in.

  • I know life can be tough.

  • I know life can wear you down but if you just stick it out even if you don't get the result

  • you will find the character, your show will be your reward.

  • The fighting spirit you develop will be the reward and it will serve you well for the

  • rest of your life.

  • Fight for what you want.

  • Now a fighter gets what you don't want later.

  • You choose.

  • Don't you dare quit!

  • Don't you dare settle!

  • Don't you dare back down!

  • Not today or any other day.

  • When the tough moments come never forget you are in that moment writing your legacy.

  • In that tough moment you are setting the standard for your character.

  • Do you have the character?

  • You do!

  • Fight for what you want.

  • Now a fighter gets what you don't want later.

  • You choose!

  • Fight for what you want

  • now, a fighter, or get what you don't want later.

  • You choose!

  • When you come to a crossroad and run into the winner and the quitter in you, you listen

  • to the winner.

  • When you make a commitment to yourself you make sure you see it through.

  • Never, ever quit.

  • So, be the type of person that's willing to fight.

  • Give your blood, sweat and tears for what you believe in and understand a legacy can

  • never be bought.

  • Let me tell you why you can't buy a legacy.

  • See, the most I have to give is this dynamic gift.

  • This gift is so amazing.

  • I mean this gift that the whole world wants to buy but He makes us work for them.

  • He makes us grind, He makes us feel the pain of the process.

  • And for me, I would say I'd rather have it no other way.

  • See, we get a lot of people that throw all these big conferences, throw all these big

  • amazing events and what I realized is you pay $10,000 but the most highest, the only

  • that's going to give you the day that saysIt's time for you to be great.

  • It's time for you to be phenomenal”.

  • See, many of us like to skip the hard part.

  • We like to skip the stages that make us the great people that we are born to be.

  • Les Brown has a saying, “Live full and die empty”.

  • And that's what I live by.

  • I realized that you have to be willing to sleep outside of that office for your opportunity.

  • You must be willing to go down to the shelter and eat those canned goods for your opportunity.

  • You must be willing to almost die for your dream.

  • And you must realize that you cannot buy this.

  • No one can give you this, you must earn this.

  • I play the game as if my life is on the line.

  • And individuals all over the world that understand this very thing, greatness lies in the man

  • that believes it's in them.

  • So, all those books, all those manuals, everything you're looking at you're going to realize

  • one day when you're standing on that stage, when you're standing at that altar, when you're

  • standing at that place of greatness you're going to remember, you're going to understand

  • that everything I needed was inside of me.

  • Everything I needed was inside of me.

  • Now, if you turned your back on me, I promise I'll make you turn around.

  • You will call me KING!


There's a fight right around the corner just waiting for you.


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ベスト・モチベーション・スピーチ・コンピレーション EVER #16 - FIGHT|ベスト・モチベーションの30分 (Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER #16 - FIGHT | 30-Minutes of the Best Motivation)

  • 41 1
    Leo MC に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日