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The turn of the 20th century saw a golden age of industry and prosperity in many Western countries.
20 世紀の変わり目には、多くの西洋諸国で産業と繁栄の黄金時代が訪れました。
One aspect of this era came to epitomize its grandeur and ultimately its downfall, the Titanic.
Commissioned by the British shipping company, White Star Line, the Titanic was created to satiate demand for luxury travel between Europe and North America.
The ship's construction began in March 1909 in Belfast, Ireland.
この船の建造は 1909 年 3 月にアイルランドのベルファストで始まりました。
By the time it was sent to England for provisions, Titanic was one of the largest ships of its time.
It was about 92 feet wide and 882.5 feet long, the length of nearly three football fields.
幅は約 92 フィート、長さは約 882.5 フィートで、サッカーの競技場 3 個分に相当し、
With a height of about 175 feet, the ship above water was taller than most buildings.
高さは約 175 フィートで、水上の船はほとんどの建物よりも高かったのです。
The Titanic also included new safety features such as 16 compartments designed to prevent the hull from flooding.
タイタニック号はまた、船体の浸水を防ぐために設計された 16 の仕切りなど、新しい安全機能も備えていました。
This caused many to believe that the ship was unsinkable.
Such confidence led to the unfortunate decision to cut the number of lifeboats on board in half in order to make the deck look clean and elegant.
On April 10, 1912, Titanic left port in Southampton, England and embarked on its first and last voyage.
1912 年 4 月 10 日、タイタニック号はイギリスのサウサンプトン港を出航し、最初で最後の航海に乗り出しました。
It first stopped over in France and Ireland and by the time it set out on a long stretch of sea toward New York City, it had about 2,200 people on board.
最初はフランスとアイルランドで止まり、ニューヨーク市に向けて長い航海に出る頃には、2,200 人ほどが乗っていました。
Unbeknownst to all, misfortune would arise just a few days into their voyage.
On April 14 at approximately 9:40 and 10:55 p.m., warnings were send to the Titanic's radio operators of ice fields but they were never relayed to the bridge.
4 月 14 日のおよそ午後 9 時 40 分と 10 時 55 分に、タイタニック号の氷原無線オペレーターに警告が送られましたが、ブリッジには中継されなかったのです。
At about 11:40 p.m. nearly 500 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, lookout crew on the Titanic spotted an iceberg in the ship's path and sent word to the bridge, but it was too late.
午後 11 時 40 分、カナダのニューファンドランド沖の約 500 マイルの地点で、タイタニック号の監視員は、船の進路に氷山を見つけ、ブリッジに知らせたものの、時すでに遅し。
The iceberg grazed the right side of the ship causing its compartments, originally deemed watertight, to fill with water.
Titanic's radio operators began sending out distress signals.
At 12:20 a.m. one signal reached the ship Carpathia which began making its way to the Titanic at maximum speed.
午前 12 時 20 分、ある信号がカルパチア号に届き、船は最大速度でタイタニック号に向けて航行を始めました。
Around the same time, crew began loading women and children into the few lifeboats on board.
In addition to the shortage of lifeboats, some of the ones used were not being filled to capacity stranding even more people on the sinking ship.
For the next two hours, the front compartments of the Titanic filled with water causing the bow to sink and the stern to rise out of the water.
その後の 2 時間、タイタニック号の前部の客室は水で満たされ、船首は沈み、船尾は水面から浮き上がります。
At around 2:18 a.m., the ship snapped into two.
そして午前 2 時 18 分ごろ、船は 2 つに折れてしまったのです。
The bow sank first followed by the stern a couple minutes later.
Those who went down with the ship were left in the freezing waters.
Over an hour later, at about 3:30 a.m., the Carpathia arrived to pick up passengers.
1 時間以上後、午前 3 時 30 分頃、乗客を迎えるためにカルパチア号が到着。
Of the 2,200 people on the Titanic, only 705 survived.
タイタニック号に乗っていた 2,200 人のうち、生き残ったのはわずか 705 人でした。
Soon after the disaster, both the United States and Great Britain conducted investigations and developed new safety measures for ships.
They required ships to maintain a 24-hour radio watch and have enough lifeboats for all on board.
船に 24 時間の電波監視を維持すること、全員が乗船できる十分な救命ボートを備えることを要求し、
They also helped establish the International Ice Patrol which monitors icebergs in the North Atlantic and warn ships of potential dangers.
For decades Titanic was lost to the sea existing only as a ghost from a decadent past.
In 1985, nearly 75 years after the ship sank a team led by National Geographic explorer-at-large, Bob Ballard, discovered the shipwreck off the coast of Canada.
1985 年、沈没してから約 75 年後、ナショナルジオグラフィックの探検家であるボブ・バラード氏が率いるチームが、カナダ沖でその沈没船を発見。
Little by little scientists have reconstructed the ship and its encounter with the iceberg giving us a better understanding of what exactly happened on that fateful day.