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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 149. The verb phrase today is to

  • go under. Okay. Let's take a look at the notes here. We have three meanings today

  • and of course we'll have three definitions that go along with the three

  • meanings. All right. Let's look at the first one. If a business or organization

  • goes under, it no longer can continue to operate and stops existing. So this, this

  • is actually one of the most common ways that we use to go under. And here it

  • basically is another way to say that a company is going out of business or a

  • store is going out of business. You say, yeah. That store , that store went under.

  • Or they're going to, they're probably going to go under. Okay. So let's look at

  • the first example that goes along with that. That business was barely hanging on

  • for over a year and once the recession hit, they finally went under. They had to

  • declare bankruptcy. Yeah. That's a pretty common one. If there's a business that's kind

  • of barely surviving and a bad recession hits, they're the first businesses usually

  • to get knocked out. If , if a recession or from really bad recession hits. So. Okay.

  • Good. Let's look at the second example here or the second meaning. If a person

  • or object goes under, he or she sinks below the surface. Well this is probably

  • the original one. So this is where we even got the idea for the business. So if

  • you go under, it means you sink below something. All right. So let's look at the

  • second one here. The Titanic struck an iceberg and went under the sea. It wasn't

  • found until many decades later. Yeah. So we might say that somebody went below

  • Some ... somebody went under. The surface of the water. They started to

  • sink or maybe somebody could go under quicksand. You know that he go under that

  • too. If they go under something, they fall below the surface of something.

  • Okay. Good and number three here. This is probably the one that maybe students

  • know the least but it's still common like in a hospital. If someone goes under

  • he or she becomes unconscious due to an anesthetic. Yeah. So if that you're having

  • a serious operation and they're giving you the drug to knock you out , that's

  • referred to as an anesthetic. So we might often say that the patient went

  • under. All right. So let's look at number three here. They decided it was better if

  • I were unconscious for the operation. The nurse gave me an anesthetic and I

  • immediately went under. I didn't awaken until after the

  • operation was over. This is another way. So in a hospital when you after you've

  • got the drug or some sort of anesthetic, you could go under.So the patient falls

  • into an unconscious state. Okay. Anyway, I hope it's clear. I hope you got it. Thank

  • you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 149. The verb phrase today is to


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A2 初級

英語家庭教師ニックP動詞句 (149) Go Under (English Tutor Nick P Verb Phrase (149) Go Under)

  • 6 0
    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日