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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Diglet

  • this isn't the time to use that!

  • he he he he

  • dig

  • *music*

  • aww hey little guy

  • rawr

  • pikachu!

  • what the

  • you little it

  • pi ka chu ka

  • you lookin for a battle kid?

  • well you found one.

  • Metapod go!

  • no no, no thank you.

  • haha does my metapod frighten you?

  • go yellow rat thing.

  • ok metapod, show him what we got.

  • use harden.

  • ok rat, make some of that uh lightening.

  • he he he, metapod use harden again.

  • more lightening I guess.

  • Harder.

  • More lightening.

  • Harder.

  • Lightening.

  • Harder.

  • Lightening.

  • Harder!

  • Lightening.

  • Harder.

  • whats the point!

  • metapod, hit him with some string shot.

  • Haha

  • Alright rat, use bat.

  • Chuuuu!

  • No!

  • Wha!?

  • hey, nice try man, good match.

  • Hey, you can keep the bat, alright?

  • What? you're supposed to knock out the pokemon, not murder them!

  • Murderer!

  • Pokemon murderer!

  • Murderer, pokemon murderer!

  • Woah man, can we talk about this? uh , I gotta go, I gotta go.

  • Pokemon murderer, pokemon murderer, pokemon murderer.

  • Ahhh!



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

リアルライフポケモンアドベンチャー (Real Life Pokemon Adventure)

  • 93 2
    Gangmei Luo に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日