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  • (suspenseful music)

  • - Three, two, one, dumplings!

  • (dramatically sobbing)

  • - [Zach] Get in my belly!

  • It's dumpling time!

  • (Try Guys theme music)

  • - We are here at the world-famous Din Tai Fung

  • for the first ever Try Guys eating challenge.

  • - We are going to eat 400 dumplings today.

  • - That's right, the actual record is 373 dumplings

  • in 10 minutes set by Matt Stonie.

  • There's more of us, we're not gonna do it in 10 minutes

  • but we're gonna do our best.

  • - Joining us today is Mike Chen from Strictly Dumpling

  • who is here to help us eradicate that record.

  • - 'Cause we're all that and dimsum!

  • (Try Guys cheers)

  • (Try Guys awes) - Oh, and then dimsum!

  • - Do it, yeah!

  • - Yes, we're like Dude Perfect but we eat a lot!

  • (light playful music)

  • Today, I'm just trying to pull my weight.

  • I'm just trying to take 400 divided by four

  • and then just do 100.

  • Ah!

  • I just burped and farted at the same time.

  • - I'm so excited to eat so many dumplings.

  • I think today I can clear 100

  • but my goal is to beat Eugene.

  • I gotta take you down.

  • Look, I know that you can handle this

  • but I can handle this too.

  • I am hungover.

  • Oh my God!

  • Guys, this is a lot of dumplings.

  • - I'm really excited about this video.

  • I'm Korean so mukbangs came from Korean culture.

  • I think my goal is 150 today.

  • - Oh no!

  • - [Ned] So that means your goal is 151.

  • (Keith and Eugene laughing)

  • - I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack.

  • - My channel's name is called Strictly Dumpling

  • so you guys know I love dumplings.

  • I had a dumpling challenge in Japan.

  • 6.5 pounds of dumpling.

  • I finished like 3/4 of it.

  • So I'm here seeking sort of a dumpling revenge

  • on its brethren, on its much smaller brethren.

  • Has anybody died eating too much food?

  • - Today, I'm on doctor's orders to avoid inflammatory foods

  • so as a happy compromise, I'm just gonna take it easy.

  • I'm just gonna have some fun, savor the flavor.

  • I'm here for you.

  • - Seems like there's two things

  • in eating competitions, right?

  • Speed and endurance.

  • Since we're not really doing a true eating contest,

  • we're gonna try to separate those two parts.

  • Part one, we're gonna get 200 dumplings

  • delivered to the table and see how many we can eat

  • in the fastest time possible.

  • - Each tray will have 10 dumplings

  • so we'll track our progress

  • by stacking trays on top of each other.

  • - And then after that, for round two,

  • we'll be a little more leisurely with our eating

  • and see how many we can top off that initial 50.

  • - Does it hurt your stomach?

  • - Yeah. - Yes!

  • - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a lot of food.

  • - It's like Thanksgiving times 20.

  • (gong bangs)

  • - Oh, boy! - Oh!

  • - Oh my gosh. - Oh!

  • - Oh! - Oh my goodness.

  • - Ooh! - Oh my goodness.

  • Oh my goodness. - Ooh!

  • - Oh my god!

  • - It's like a beauty pageant. - Oh my god!

  • - [Everyone] Whoa!

  • - [Zach] Oh my god!

  • Oh my god! (Try Guys oohing)

  • - Wow, thank you. - Wow!

  • - Each of us except for Zach have 50 dumplings.

  • Zach, you have--

  • - [Zach] I don't know, maybe 10 or 20.

  • - I could give 10.

  • The four of us are gonna see how long it takes each of us

  • to eat 50 dumplings.

  • - Gentlemen, are you ready to get your dump on?

  • - Yeah. - Let's do it!

  • - Commencing dumpling eating in three, two, one, go!

  • (Ned cheers)

  • - Oh my goodness! - Oh yeah!

  • - [Ned] Look at that!

  • - How'd you already eat one?

  • They're flaming hot!

  • - Wow! - Eugene, slow down!

  • - Oh, they're so hot!

  • - Oh, they're really hot. - Oh, they're too hot.

  • - They're too hot, they're too hot.

  • - I like to savor the first few.

  • - They're too hot!

  • - Why are they so hot? - They're too hot!

  • - They're too hot.

  • Ah, so hot! - This is very hot.

  • - [Keith] It's so hot, it's so hot.

  • - [Zach] I think they could see the steam.

  • These are fresh.

  • - Are you guys one of those people that

  • when the food is too hot,

  • you spit it out or you go ooh, (exhales deeply)

  • until you swallow it? - No, you do the reverse cool.

  • (breathes heavily)

  • - I do the Asian thing where I just swallow it

  • and my esophagus burns.

  • - There you go!

  • - I actually kind of love the feeling of burnt skin

  • on the roof of your mouth.

  • - What?

  • - You know what I'm talking about?

  • Like after you burn the roof of your mouth,

  • you have that little dangly skin

  • you get to play with with your tongue?

  • - Ah, I've got a runny nose!

  • - It's to a ho-lo-rous level

  • where I can just pop the whole thing.

  • - Yeah, my mouth is already burnt so badly.

  • - I guess I could try that. - That I'm just going for it.

  • Done. - Oh dang, Eugene!

  • - Damn!

  • All right, well my 10 are gone.

  • (bell rings) - Let's go, baby!

  • (bell rings)

  • - We should've added this as a temperature challenge too.

  • - I had no idea it was gonna be like this.

  • - This is so sad, I'm eating my favorite food so quickly.

  • - There's something so cool about a soup dumpling.

  • It's its own cooking device.

  • It's like a little hot tub--

  • - I'm done. - The tub is its own body.

  • - Oh my gosh, Eugene!

  • - True dumpling was created in Shanghai

  • in a place called Nanyang.

  • It's great because the soup, most people think,

  • how do you get the soup in there?

  • It's like magical soup dumpling elves!

  • Well, it's congealed whole.

  • When you steam it, it dissolves

  • and makes this wonderful soup.

  • - Boom! - Oh, thank you!

  • That's teamwork, baby!

  • - This is the very best day of my life.

  • This is so fun. - 20!

  • - You're already almost done, Eugene?

  • - Yeah, so I'm in my 40s.

  • - Tortoise and The Hare.

  • Maybe you should take a lap and hang out, take a nap,

  • let us catch up to you.

  • - Wow! - This is just a competition

  • against the heat.

  • - Eugene is crushing this.

  • He's got two more.

  • - Wow, Eugene, that's your last one?

  • (bell rings)

  • - Wow and time. - Wow!

  • - Oh, that was too long.

  • (bell rings) - Boom!

  • Corn buddy, team corn buddy, done!

  • - Oh my god!

  • - You guys have 21? - 20 left, yeah.

  • - Let's see who can win between you two.

  • - Oh god, Ned, just take your time, man.

  • I'ma slow it down.

  • You don't need to rush.

  • - I've never thought this was a competition.

  • It was kind of a surprise for me.

  • - So the original history of dumplings,

  • 1800 years ago, there's a guy named Zhang Zhongjian

  • and he is a doctor but he's also a government official.

  • When he retired, he went back home

  • and it was during the winter

  • and he saw all his villagers,

  • their ears were getting frostbites and kinda falling off

  • and so him being a doctor,

  • he cooked together a massive cauldron of lamb

  • and herbs and Chinese medicine

  • and he folded it into little pieces of dough

  • into the shape of ears 'cause he's just that cute.

  • That's just--

  • - Here's a new ear for you, let's eat.

  • - Guys, this is a lot of dumplings.

  • Nice job, Ned!

  • - Fight the pain! - Wow, good job Ned!

  • (bell rings) (Mike clapping)

  • (Ned coughs intensely)

  • - Tell us more, Mike!

  • - (laughs) You've not been listening.

  • - The villagers and the frost bite!

  • - [Mike] And when the villagers

  • ate the soup in the dumpling, their ears were healed

  • that's why every single day of the winter,

  • the winter solstice, Chinese people,

  • we all eat dumplings so your ears don't fall off.

  • - Keith has one last one.

  • It's his 50th dumpling.

  • - 50th dumpling.

  • - Come on, buddy! - Wow!

  • - Keith, Keith, Keith! - Until he gets it.

  • Chew it down, chew it down! - Go!

  • You guys feel the medical component?

  • - I feel like I'm on drugs, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • I feel like drugs are in my system right now.

  • - I feel good! - I feel like it.

  • - 2019 campaign! (bell rings)

  • - Yeah, Keith!

  • Way to go, Keith! - Right, all right.

  • - My two favorite numbers, 15 and 19.

  • - That was more difficult than anticipated

  • because we didn't discuss the scalding heat

  • of soup dumplings in baskets.

  • So the first round, we tested our speed.

  • This next round, we're testing endurance.

  • So we're getting two rounds of 100.

  • We're dividing it 30, 30, 20, 20.

  • - [Ned] Break the 'pling!

  • - We're gonna do that twice so it equals 400 total

  • and each person is gonna tap out

  • when they can't have any more dumplings.

  • - Next round!

  • (gong chimes)

  • - All right, we're gonna bring out our second round.

  • We're going to our endurance test.

  • This is 100 dumplings total, 30, 30, 20, 20.

  • - Oh I forgot, they're coming behind us.

  • Oh my god, oh god! - Oh there it is again.

  • - I forgot all about this part.

  • - All right three, two, one.

  • - Dumpling time! - Dumplings!

  • - [Ned] Ooh!

  • - So talk about the heat.

  • Well you underplayed that this competition

  • was just arbitrarily beating a dumpling record

  • that actually wasn't soup dumplings?

  • - Right.

  • - Whose idea was it to do soup dumplings?

  • - It was mine! - Could this be

  • a world record?

  • - You guys love soup dumplings!

  • - 90% of the audience watching would not do this.

  • Most people I know can't handle temperature heat.

  • - I think my body's doing something

  • 'cause it's starting to tell me

  • that this doesn't taste good.

  • My heart's saying yes but my body's saying no.

  • - Number 51 was really easy.

  • I was like, wow, I'm back in!

  • I'm in number 57

  • and I, wowee,

  • it's amazing how just a few more dumplings fills the pot.

  • (bell rings) Wow, Eugene.

  • You really are a god.

  • - I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack.

  • - Don't do it.

  • - I feel the dumpling attacking my cardiovascular system.

  • Just roll out the dough and put in some pork

  • And twist it all up and steam it til it's hot

  • Then put it in your mouth and it comes in your mouth

  • And swallow it in your mouth and it feels so good

  • And it feels so good

  • If you don't like it just don't do it again

  • (slow-mo playful music)

  • - Oh!

  • - Has anybody died eating too much food?

  • - You're so sweaty, Eugene.

  • - Yeah, 'cause this is my 79th.

  • - 79!

  • - 80 dumplings!

  • (bell rings) - Ooh!

  • - Wow. - God damn!

  • - You are allowed to tap out if you have to.

  • - I'm not tapping out.

  • I'm fucking beating you, bro.

  • (Zach laughs)

  • You're going down!

  • - Keith is the turtle, man.

  • You're the turtle.

  • - I'm not gonna stop.

  • - You are slow but you are-- - Steady.

  • - Yeah!

  • - You guys have a new personal goal?

  • - 80. - 80.

  • - My personal goal is just one more

  • and then one more after that

  • and then one more after that.

  • (playful music)

  • (light tapping)

  • - You okay there, Ned? - Ah, it hurts!

  • Oh my god! (playfully mumbles)

  • - [Eugene] Looks like you're at 65.

  • Five more to 70.

  • - [Keith] Oh, gross!

  • He's got pork juice on his nose.

  • (guys laughing)

  • (Ned groans)

  • - Mm!

  • - Is he always like this when he's full or just dumplings?

  • - I've never seen this before.

  • - I've never seen this before either!

  • - I just ate 69 dumplings.

  • - Oh, you two at 69! (Mike cheers)

  • (gong chimes)

  • - For our final round, we only have 90 dumplings to go

  • to hit 400.

  • We can do this.

  • - I have a new realistic goal.

  • I wanna challenge the Asians.

  • I think we both can hit 100.

  • - I think so. - Let's just both hit under.

  • I think 200 between us,

  • then we would be half the table.

  • I think we can do it.

  • - I still haven't finished my 70th, thank you very much.

  • - [Zach] You could do it, buddy!

  • - You guys ready? - Ready!

  • - Three, two, one, dumplings!

  • - Wow. - But first, that heat.

  • - Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get in my belly!

  • It's dumpling time! - Bravo!

  • - How many was I at?

  • (Eugene groans)

  • - Yeah, careful.

  • (chopsticks tapping)

  • - Oh, are you okay? (Eugene groans)

  • - If I go slower, I'm gonna not finish 100.

  • (playful music) (slurping)

  • It's almost like at this point,

  • I basically could just be drinking pork

  • which usually sounds like a great time

  • but right now, it's getting difficult.

  • - Oh, I just burped and farted at the same time!

  • (Zach burps)

  • (bell rings)

  • - Eugene, you're so impressive.

  • - What do I do with this? - Let's talk about Eugene.

  • - [Eugene] Alright, I got 10 more before I hit 100.

  • Little dumplings in a box

  • Little dumplings in a box

  • - 67! (bell rings)

  • - You gotta get to 69, Ned.

  • That is the funniest one!

  • - You've gotta end at 69, bro.

  • - I can't!

  • - You can do it. - No!

  • - [Mike] Every dumpling is closer

  • to me just vomiting everywhere.

  • When the vomit comes, it's not stopping.

  • - Hold on, Eugene, you're in your last one?

  • Eugene just is chewing up dumpling 99.

  • That means with the next dumpling,

  • he will be a dumpling centurion.

  • - Oh my god, oh my god!

  • Wow, you're amazing!

  • - 100 dumplings. (rock music)

  • - Wow! (bell rings)

  • - Yes!

  • Yes!

  • (Zach cheers)

  • - Fuck yeah, I could do 69! - No, oh my god, stop.

  • - I'm gonna smash these two dumplings in my face!

  • (Ned groans)

  • (laughing)

  • (rock music)

  • 69! (bell rings)

  • (Zach cheers)

  • (Ned cheers)

  • I have conquered my personal boundaries!

  • I am officially tapping out.

  • (Ned clapping)

  • (bell rings) (Zach laughs)

  • 69 dumplings!

  • (Zach cheers) - All right!

  • - I've already eaten more than what's recommended for me

  • but I have one dumpling for every year

  • of my beautiful life.

  • 28 dumplings.

  • (Mike and Zach clapping)

  • (bell rings)

  • Tapped out.

  • - I'm at 73.

  • - And Mike is about to eat his 99th dumpling.

  • - [Keith] Wow, Mike, you're incredible!

  • - Here we go!

  • - All right Mike, you got this.

  • - Number 100.

  • - [Keith] Wow!

  • (rock music)

  • (bell rings) - Wow!

  • (Try Guys clapping)

  • - Wow, wow! - One more for me

  • to get to 75 and then I am tippity tapping out, out, out.

  • - Don't look at the dumpling.

  • Look past the dumpling.

  • See past the dumpling.

  • The dumpling is an after thought.

  • The dumpling has already been eaten.

  • - Wait, oh, wait!

  • Wait for it!

  • (rock music)

  • (Keith claps)

  • (bell rings) - Yeah!

  • - 75! - Yeah!

  • - 75. - Good job, good job.

  • - Wow!

  • - And that says you eat another one for good measure.

  • - [Zach] 101!

  • - 101.

  • The Asians have decided we're gonna tap out 101 each.

  • (Eugene claps) - Three taps in the sky.

  • (Eugene and Mike clapping)

  • - And then on the table. - Slam!

  • (bell rings) - All right.

  • Good job, man.

  • - Good job to you, buddy.

  • - Guys, I think that means we did not officially hit 400

  • between the five of us but--

  • - But we hit 370 whatever?

  • - What is that?

  • - 373? - 101 plus the other one,

  • that's 202 plus?

  • - Just count how many are left.

  • - 28.

  • - 202, oh, that's exactly 230

  • plus 75 which is-- - 69!

  • - No, no, 100. - 305 so that's 374.

  • - Wasn't that 378

  • was the record? - No, it's 373!

  • - No.

  • I'm doing math right now

  • so (mumbles) out of the 400.

  • - I got it, I got it, I got it.

  • - If it was 373 then we actually passed him by one.

  • - [Ned] That's 378.

  • - So how many did we eat?

  • - 374 by my math. - Four.

  • - Matt Stonie ate 373!

  • (Try Guys and Mike cheers)

  • - Oh! - No!

  • - Oh my god. - No!

  • - Oh my god. - Wait, so you've had

  • the number wrong the whole time?

  • - I went with what we were texted!

  • - Just dumplings.

  • - It was the pot stickers.

  • - I'm Googling it too.

  • - We still hold the record for soup dumplings!

  • - Here's the deal,

  • we don't have a research department anymore.

  • It's an independent venture, a small crew, small team

  • and if you wanna support us, subscribe,

  • go to

  • You got a lot.

  • You can buy the merch, it all looks real cute.

  • A lot of ways to support us.

  • We don't have research department.

  • - Can you eat 11 more?

  • - Can you eat 11 more dumplings for us, Zach?

  • - I could but it's a bad idea.

  • - I love you to death

  • but I'd rather watch you suffer for a night

  • than the four of us vomit across the table.

  • - So if I eat 11 dumplings.

  • - You'll be our ringer.

  • - It was always you!

  • - It was always you, baby!

  • - Will you do it? - Gentlemen,

  • give me your dumplings!

  • - Oh! - Oh!

  • (triumphant music)

  • - In the grandest twist, Zach is coming up from behind

  • to contribute 11 more dumplings.

  • - I know I said my doctor said I'm not supposed to do this.

  • I got my medicine, I got my tummy stuff, I got this.

  • - I'm just sad that our celebration was for not.

  • It was such an organic celebration.

  • - No, we're gonna earn it.

  • We'll just put that after again.

  • We'll show it twice.

  • (Keith burps) - Just watching other people

  • eat at this point hurts me to my very soul.

  • (Eugene coughs)

  • - I'll be honest, my stomach actually hurts, like hurts.

  • - You guys know they only have one toilet here?

  • - It's fucking me up right now.

  • Oh my god!

  • - [Mike] Can someone stand in front of the girl's restroom

  • so we can also use that?

  • - I have three more!

  • One for each of my beautiful friends, sorry, Mike!

  • (everyone laughs)

  • - I was part of your team!

  • - This one is for Ned, a father, a fighter, a lover.

  • - Wow! (bell rings)

  • Wow!

  • - This one is for Keith,

  • the biggest mouth in all the lands.

  • (bell rings)

  • - Oh god.

  • - I can't even look in that direction.

  • Keep going, buddy!

  • - We are at 384 right now.

  • One dumpling left and we pass Matt Stonie's record

  • even though it's between five people

  • and it was more than 10 minutes and not the same dumpling

  • but it means something to us.

  • - Yeah, it does. - It means a lot to us.

  • - And this dumpling is for my friend Eugene.

  • An artist, an icon, a dumpling eater.

  • - Thanks, bro.

  • (Zach groans) (Mike claps)

  • - Swallow it, swallow it. - Done!

  • (bell rings) (clapping)

  • - Yeah, Zach! - Yes, we did it.

  • All right. (Mike cheers)

  • - Oh, wow!

  • - Let's just replay the other record.

  • - Play it again.

  • - And we'll just play what the last time we got excited.

  • (everyone cheering) (triumphant music)

  • - Suck it, Matt Stonie!

  • Thanks so much to the amazing, incomparable,

  • Mike Chen of Strictly Dumpling

  • and several other successful channels as well

  • that you don't even know

  • or maybe you don't always realize it's by him.

  • - I don't even know. - He's got so many.

  • - Well, I just wanna say thank you guys

  • so much for having me on this historical day,

  • one that will live in infamy.

  • Love you guys, thanks so much for having me.

  • - Yeah, Mike Chen!

  • (Try Guys cheering and clapping)

  • Yay Mike Chen!

  • - Oh, how wild!

  • - All right, you ready?

  • Until next time, we're the Try Guys,

  • - [Everyone] Soups up!

  • - Happy lunar new year!

  • I'm not saying soup's up.

  • (Mike laughs)

  • (Try Guys theme music)

  • But we're both so Asian that 101,

  • one dumpling over 100 makes me feel somewhat satisfied.

  • - Our moms would be proud of this--

  • - Our moms will be proud.

  • - Actually, they're gonna hate us.

  • - Yeah, they're gonna say--

  • - How dare you? You ate so much dumplings!

  • - You're going to be so fat.

(suspenseful music)


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ザ・トライ・ガイズ 400 餃子Mukbang ft.厳格な餃子 (The Try Guys 400 Dumpling Mukbang ft. Strictly Dumpling)

  • 55 2
    Ji Yan に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日