字幕表 動画を再生する
The social media app TikTok has taken the world by storm in just three years.
ソーシャルメディアアプリの「ティックトック」はわずか 3 年で世界を席巻しました。
TikTok reports it has 500 million active users a month, making it one of the most used social media apps in the world.
「ティックトック」は 1 ヶ月に 5 億人のアクティブユーザーがいると報告しており、世界で最も使用されているソーシャルメディアアプリの 1 つです。
I just downloaded it myself, and I can't take my eyes off the videos. So what is TikTok's secret?
TikTok is a mobile-first platform for creating and sharing short videos.
Most tend to be about 15 seconds long, though the app does allow videos up to 60 seconds in length.
ほとんどの場合、15 秒の長さになりますが、アプリでは最大 60 秒の動画を許可しています。
The platform's story began in September 2016, when its Beijing-based parent company ByteDance launched the app in China under the name, "Douyin."
このプラットフォームの物語は、北京を拠点とする親会社である「バイトダンス」が 2016 年 9 月に「Douyin」という名称でアプリを中国で発表したことから始まりました。
About a year later, ByteDance released the app internationally - but with new branding and a new name, TikTok, though it still goes by Douyin at home.
約 1 年後、「バイトダンス」はアプリを世界的にリリースしましたが「ティックトック」という新しいブランドと名前がつきました。自国では「Douyin」のままでした。
In 2018, ByteDance acquired Musical.ly for a reported $1 billion.
2018 年、「バイトダンス」は報告された 10 億ドルで「Musical.ly」を買収しました。
Despite being headquartered in Shanghai, the app, mostly used for lip-syncing, was popular with American teenagers.
Musical.ly users were eventually migrated to TikTok.
And now the app boasts more monthly active users than Twitter, Snapchat, or LinkedIn.
Though it still has a way to go before catching up to Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
ByteDance, which owns several other apps too, is now valued at $75 billion, making it the most valuable start-up on the planet.
他のアプリも運営している「バイトダンス」は、時価総額 750 億ドルと評価されており、地球上で最も価値のあるスタートアップになります。
TikTok was initially ad-free, but it now supports different advertising formats for selected markets as it attempts to monetize its growing user base.
Besides counting advertisers such as clothing brand Guess, and food delivery app Grubhub, the app is able to mobilize its influential content creators to generate videos for sponsored "hashtag challenges."
That's probably why TikTok made its debut this year at the world's biggest advertising festival, Cannes Lions.
And while executives are sitting down for meetings with brands and agencies, they're hoping it's their content creators that will win them over.
That video was created by Anna O'Brien, a TikTok content creator, who together with fellow creator, Andrea Okeke, were featured at the festival.
They are some of the app's most popular creators, with more than five million followers between them.
彼女らはアプリの中で最も人気のあるクリエーターであり、500 万人以上のフォロワーがいます。
I had used other social channels, and I was feeling really stagnant, like I felt stuck.
So I was like I'm gonna go on this new channel where no one knows me so I can do whatever I want and there's no judgement.
All the sudden, I just blew up. So I literally gained a million followers in about the space of six weeks.
突然、爆発したわ。約 6 週間で文字通り 100 万人のフォロワーを獲得しました。
Content creators have been the foundation of TikTok's success.
These users have access to a wide range of songs, effects, and filters to both create and share short form, entertaining videos.
These self-created videos are quick, cringeworthy, and often downright bizarre - a sharp contrast to most social media apps, which tend to focus on highlights or showing the best version of ourselves.
自作した動画は、早く、恥かしいものもあり、しばしばまったく奇妙なものもあります。 ほとんどのソーシャルメディアアプリはハイライトや自分の素敵な姿を発信することに重点を置く傾向があるので、対照的です。
Once they see the video is your authentic self having fun, people love that because it's a place to just escape.
So just how do you create an entertaining TikTok video?
Let's create a Tiktok!
According to Drea and Anna, the first step is to find a viral hashtag or "challenge" on the app.
Then you create your own version.
The second step is to find a music tune and select your filters and effects.
2 番めのステップは楽曲を見つけて、フィルターとエフェクトを選択することです。
The third step is to shoot and be your authentic self.
3 番めのステップは、ありのままの自分を撮影することです。
Our practice session drew a crowd, but the video we published drew in an even larger audience, garnering more than 250 likes even though I had just created my account.
It's likely those likes came from the "For You Page," a personalized timeline you see when you first open TikTok.
これらの「いいね!」は、最初に「ティックトック」を開いたときに表示されるパーソナライズされたタイムラインのFor Youページから来ている可能性が高いです。
TikTok uses your past likes, comments, and even how long you watch videos, or the speed at which you swipe away, to curate your customized timeline.
「ティックトック」では、過去の 「いいね!」やコメント、さらには動画の視聴時間やスワイプの速さまでを利用して、カスタマイズされたタイムラインを作成します。
And while other social media platforms use AI as a tool for recommendations, TikTok is fully reliant on it.
It removes decision-making completely and serves you the videos it thinks you'll like.
The system wants to know what you like, and it shows you the content.
It wants to make you happy, like, the more positive response you give something the more you're going to see of it.
But TikTok hasn't merely been an entertainment platform for Drea and Anna.
It's also been an opportunity for them to create new careers.
Both of them have quit their 9-5 jobs to become full-time content creators.
2 人とも、フルタイムのコンテンツ・クリエーターになるために 9 時から 5 時までの仕事を辞めました。
Fans of content creators are able to send them digital gifts during live streams.
These can then be converted into money.
Some creators make the entire income off of live streaming.
So they don't even have to do branded work because it's just their fans supporting them.
That branded work is getting eyeballs too.
The hashtag ad, has had nearly 3 billion views on TikTok.
ハッシュタグの広告は「ティックトック」で 30 億回近くも再生されました。
And major names are getting involved.
I've worked with brands from Chipotle, Netflix, Google Pixel.
And because they want to come on TikTok, because on other platforms, it's very much the generic, like, buy this, so you know the influencer was being paying for it.
そして、彼らが「ティックトック」を利用したいのは、他のプラットフォームでは、それが非常に汎用的だからです。 しかし『ティックトック』の場合、私たちが視聴者と関係を持っているので、彼ら(私たち)は、ブランドの取引が彼らが信じるものでない限り、それを受け入れないことを知っています。
But with TikTok, because of that relationship we have with our audience, they know that they [we] won't take a brand deal unless it's something they believe in.
But the app is also facing legal challenges.
TikTok paid $5.7 million to settle allegations from the Federal Trade Commission that musical.ly had collected children's data without parental permission.
「ティックトック」は、「musical.ly」が親の許可なしに子供のデータを収集したという連邦取引委員会からの申し立てを和解するために 570 万ドルを支払いました。
A similar investigation is underway in the U.K
In a statement, TikTok said: its priority is to maintain a safe and welcoming experience for all its users.
And it released tools that give parents and other users more control over privacy.
Today I'm gonna do my makeup... horrible! Oh, that lady that just passed me was actually staring at me.
Like other creator-driven apps, it also struggled with effectively filtering our inappropriate content.
Last year, Indonesian authorities banned the platform for containing "pornography, inappropriate content and blasphemy," only to overturn the ban after TikTok agreed to censor "negative content."
A similar ban and reversal happened in India a few months later.
To remain viable, experts say it's essential that TikTok puts measures in place to remove inappropriate content. Having a clear profit model is also really important.
But despite the naysayers, the apps popularity is growing.
It beat its competitors, YouTube and Instagram, to become the most downloaded app on Apple devices for the first quarter of 2019.
2019 年第 1 四半期にはライバルのユーチューブとインスタグラムを抜いて、アップル・デバイスで最もダウンロードされたアプリとなりました。
One of its content creators, Lil Nas X, became one of the breakout stars of 2019 when a song he put together on TikTok, "Old Town Road," hit number one on the billboard charts.
コンテンツクリエイターの1人であるリル・ナズ・X は、彼がティックトックで制作した「Old Town Road」という曲がビルボードのチャートで 1 位を獲得し、2019 年のブレイクアウトスターの 1 人となりました。
While the app's audience appears niche and targeted toward teens, TikTok says they're merely the early adopters.
アプリの視聴者はニッチで 10 代をターゲットにしているようですが、「ティックトック」によると彼らはアーリーアダプターにすぎません。
The app has its eyes on mass adoption, making it a social media platform to be reckoned with.
Thank you so much for watching my video.
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