字幕表 動画を再生する
Another high level US-China meeting.
Another twist in the long-running saga of what is going to happen to Huawei.
今回も、長きに渡って取り沙汰されている Huawei の処遇についてひと悶着がありました。
This time, it was Donald Trump meeting Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 in Osaka, where the two presidents discussed bringing an end to their long-running trade war.
今会談は、大阪で行われた G20 サミットの合間を縫ってドナルド・トランプ大統領と習近平総書記の間で実現し、長期に渡る両国間の貿易摩擦の終焉について議論が交わされました。
Investors were pleased to see the warm words the two men spoke following the meeting, thinking that it might mean that there will soon be an end to the escalation in tariffs.
But what really delighted Silicon Valley, in particular, was what Donald Trump said about Huawei.
特にシリコンバレーの関係者にとって、ドナルド・トランプが Huawei の件について語った内容は喜ばしいものでした。
He said that American companies would be allowed to sell to the Chinese telecom's equipment maker, after all, just weeks after his administration announced there would be a ban on them doing exactly that.
Since then, however, confusion has reigned over what the president meant.
His economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, was on the television the very next day saying there will be no blanket amnesty for American companies, but there might be a few additional exemptions to the ban granted.
What's clear, talking to people here in Washington, is that the president didn't necessarily know exactly what he meant, either.
Mr. Trump will meet senior officials over the coming days, here in DC, to discuss how they might go about easing restrictions on American companies selling to Huawei, while not undermining their central argument that the Chinese company poses a threat to US national security.
トランプ大統領はここワシントン DC で近日中に政府高官と会合を持ち、アメリカ企業の Huawei 製品販売禁止政策の軟化について意見を交わしますが、同社がアメリカ国内のセキュリティにもたらす脅威という中心議題についても慎重に協議することになります。
Most people in the technology industry expect that they will eventually be able to sell consumer goods to Huawei, but perhaps not items for super-fast 5G broadband networks.
テクノロジー業界関係者の多くは、いずれは一般商品を Huawei へ販売することが可能になることを期待していますが、おそらく超高速5Gブロードバンド・ネットワーク用の商品は対象から外れるものとみられています。
Good news, perhaps then, for Google with its Android operating software on Huawei phones, but less so for Intel and other makers of sophisticated 5G microchips.
そうなると、Huawei の携帯電話に Android の OS を搭載しているグーグルにとっては朗報かも知れませんが、一方でIntelや高性能5Gマイクロチップを生産するメーカーにとっては喜ばしくない現状と言えるでしょう。