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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • You know, my wife and I didn't always look this happy.


  • Thanks, honey, and it's true. We used to be so exhausted, seemed like no matter what we tried, life just kept demanding more and more.

    ーありがとう、アナタ。そう、本当にその通りで、以前は 2 人ともとても疲れ果てていました。どれだけ頑張っても、毎日の生活は忙しくなる一方でした。

  • Finally we asked our doctor what she would recommend, and that's when we first heard about sleep.


  • - She told us that "sleep" is a revolutionary new way to get energy.


  • Sleep happens when you stop moving and close your eyes, something I had no memory of doing ever in my entire life.

    ー睡眠というのは活動を止めて目を閉じると始まりますけど、これまでの人生で 1 回たりとも試した記憶が無かったんです。

  • One sleep can provide up to 16 hours of energy.

    ー1 回の睡眠で最大 16 時間分の活力が得られるのですが

  • That's like nine cups of coffee, or 10 pounds of chocolate.


  • Now that I sleep, I only eat chocolate when I want to, which is actually the same amount.


  • Our doctor explained that sleep requires about seven hours for full effect, and you have to do it daily.


  • I was like, Doc, I don't even have time to use the bathroom daily, let alone sleep.


  • And she said, just try it.


  • Also we need to talk about that bathroom thing.


  • The first night we decided to try sleep, we knew we had to make some time for it, so we kept the TV off.


  • Skipped dinner.


  • Skipped giving the kids a bath.


  • Skipped taking out the trash, the dog, paying our mortgage.


  • And skipped visiting my grandmother in the hospital, because that woman can talk.


  • And she's not the only one who is short on time.


  • The next morning when we woke up and my grandmother didn't, we knew we were hooked.


  • We've been sleeping for months now, and it's amazing how much more energy we have, and how we no longer wish to die.


  • Sleep may not be possible for new parents, old parents, parents in general, college students, high school students,

    ー[ナレーター]新生児の両親にとっては睡眠はなかなか実現が難しいものですし、他にも子供が大きくなった親にとっても、親ならだれでも、それから大学生、高校生、普通の大人、心配性の人、社会生活をしている人、職に就いている人、Netflix ばっかり観てる人、それからアメリカ文化で育った人なら誰でも当てはまります。

  • normal adults, people who worry a lot, people with social lives, people with jobs and or Netflix subscriptions, and anyone raised in American culture.

  • Side effects include proper brain function, longer life spans, and people bragging to you about how they don't sleep.


  • Sleep is highly addictive, and not FDA approved.


  • If your sleep lasts longer than eight hours, congratulations.

    もし睡眠時間が 8 時間を超える場合は、おめでとうございます。

  • People who sleep on a Purple may rest more deeply than they're prepared for.

    Purple で睡眠をとる人は思っていた以上にじっくり体を休めることができる可能性があります。

  • Ask your doctor if you're a good candidate for sleep.


  • I can't imagine living life any other way now.


  • Of course, to get eight hours of sleep at night, we've had to cut a lot of things out of our life.

    もちろん、夜に 8 時間の睡眠をとるためには人生の多くの物を犠牲にしなくてはいけませんでした。

  • Which is why we no longer exercise or have full-time jobs, we also pretend not to hear our children crying when they poop themselves at four a.m.

    ーですからもう私たちは運動をしませんし、仕事にも就いていないわけです。それから、子どもたちが朝 4 時にウンチを漏らして泣いている時でも聞こえないふりをしているのです。

  • Every sacrifice has been worth it though, even moving into a home we can afford.


  • Not like this one. - Hey!

    この家とはちょっと違いますけどね。 -おい!

  • I told you to stop sitting on our lawn and stealing our lemonade!


  • You set up a bed on my lawn?


  • Get outta here!


  • Go, go! - It's a free country.

    ー急げ、逃げろ! -自由の国バンザーイ。

  • Don't touch our bed, Clark!


  • It's not funny!


  • They look so well-rested.


  • I'm so jealous.


  • - [Narrator] Sleep, natural, safe, you super need it.


  • You know, sleeping is great, but sleeping on a Purple, that's even greater.

    ー睡眠は素晴らしいですけど、Purple の上で寝るというのはさらに素晴らしいです。

  • We both sleep on Purples in real life and we love them.

    ー私たちは 2 人とも実際の生活で Purple で寝ていますけど本当に気に入っています。

  • They keep you cool all night long, unlike memory foam.


  • And the Purple grid cradles your pressure points, so you can literally sleep through an earthquake.

    ーしかも Purple グリッドが身体の指圧点を押さえてくれるので、地震の真っただ中でも眠り続けることができるわけです。

  • Which sounds dangerous, but it would be less stressful than being awake during one.


  • So click the link to check out Purple, and see how it can change your sleep life.

    ーですから、リンクをクリックして Purple 製品をチェックしてみて、どのようにして自分の睡眠が変化するか確かめてみてください。

  • And don't forget to subscribe to JK Studios, that's who we are.

    ーそして JK Studios をチャンネル登録するのも忘れないでくださいね。私たちのことでーす。

  • Thanks for watching.


  • Bye, bye!


You know, my wife and I didn't always look this happy.


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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