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  • Hi.

  • Welcome to engVid.

  • I'm Adam.

  • In today's video, I want to talk to you about flight safety; but more specifically, I want

  • to tell you about the things you're going to hear from the flight attendant on the plane

  • - before you land, before you take off, etc.

  • You know how they stand in front of all the seats; they stand in the aisle and they make

  • that whole show?

  • Like, everything's on video now, but they still stand there, they put the vest on, they

  • put the tube - the oxygen, and they tell you where the...

  • You know, the emergency exits are, and you have to pay attention to all of that.

  • So, if you're not sure exactly what they're saying, I'm going to go over some of the vocabulary

  • today that you're going to hear during that speech.

  • Okay?

  • We're going to start with: "Fasten your seatbelt."

  • You're going to probably hear this quite a few time during the flight, because they want

  • you to be safe, they want you to be in your seat with your seatbelt fastened.

  • Now, "fastened" means closed; together tightly, securely.

  • Right?

  • So, how do you do that?

  • You have your belt, which is actually the strap that goes around, the black part; and

  • then you have the buckle - this is the metal part where you actually close it.

  • The two pieces are the fittings.

  • So, the one...

  • One fitting goes into the other fitting, you hear a click, and then you know it's closed,

  • and then you can lift the tab to open it.

  • Okay?

  • So that's what it means "to fasten your seatbelt".

  • It means put it on, put it tight, be safe.

  • Now, the reason you might hear it a few times is because your plane might go through some

  • "turbulence".

  • So, if you're not sure what that means, you know sometimes you're on the plane and everything's,

  • you know, quiet and there's that hum of the engines, and then suddenly the plane starts

  • shaking like this and you get all scared - not a big deal.

  • "Turbulence" is just basically unsteady air movement.

  • The air outside is not flowing in a stream, it's a little bit shaky, so the plane's a

  • little bit shaky.

  • It's perfectly safe; nothing to worry about.

  • Okay?

  • But...

  • But just in case they have to make an emergency landing; they have to come down because something

  • happened, maybe the engine blew up or there's fire on board, so they have to land and they

  • want you to "evacuate" the plane.

  • "To evacuate" means to leave a place that's dangerous to go to somewhere safe.

  • Now, this is not only on airplanes; if there...

  • If your building...

  • If you live in a building or you work in a building and it's on fire, the police department

  • will come and they will evacuate everybody; they will get everybody out and get them to

  • a safe place.

  • On a plane, that means it's getting away from the plane.

  • Now, how do you evacuate?

  • So, usually, because if they do an emergency landing, it's not at an airport so they don't

  • have the stairs or they don't have the gangway.

  • Sorry, I should have put this one on, here.

  • The "gangway" is that...

  • You know, that hall that when you come off the plane, you have that hall until you get

  • into the building.

  • So, they don't have that, they don't have stairs, so they're going to use an inflatable

  • slide.

  • Okay?

  • "Inflatable" means that it can be filled up with air.

  • So, that life vest that you're going to put on...

  • If you land on water, you put on that yellow life vest - that's also inflatable; means

  • it can be filled with air.

  • You can inflate it.

  • The verb: "to inflate" - to fill with air.

  • So, they will have this big slide that's full of air, and you jump on it, you slide, you

  • get off the plane, you run.

  • Now, what might also happen with an emergency landing is that the cabin will decompress.

  • The cabin is the space where you're sitting, and it will "decompress", means the air pressure...

  • They adjust the air pressure to be like outside.

  • It will decompress; it will lose all the pressure and you will not...

  • Won't be able to breathe, you might have a major headache, etc. and then the oxygen masks

  • will fall from above you, and you put these on and you just breathe like normal; get oxygen,

  • be okay until the landing.

  • Okay?

  • So, these are all, like, cases of emergency and safety, but there's a few other words...

  • There are a few other words that you need to know to understand that they will say in

  • their speech.

  • Let's look at those.

  • So, we're going to continue on the, you know, emergency situations.

  • Hopefully this never happens, but they tell you...

  • Again, they have to tell you all these things in the safety speech.

  • So, if you're about to crash or if there's going to be an emergency landing, they want

  • you to "brace for impact".

  • "Impact" Is basically when you touch the ground.

  • Right?

  • So, "brace", basically they want you to put your hands over your head and put them between

  • your knees, and get ready.

  • So, "to brace" is to support.

  • It could also mean to lean, so you lean against the front seat, you brace, you get ready for

  • that impact.

  • Okay?

  • So that's "brace".

  • Then, there's a life vest, that yellow thing with a tube, you can blow into it, you can

  • fasten the belts on it, etc.

  • Sometimes it's called a "life jacket".

  • It'll be under the seat where you're sitting.

  • Now, before you land or before...

  • Before landing and before takeoff, they will say, you know: "Please turn off all electronic

  • devices."

  • So, "devices" are basically tools or machines.

  • Phones, iPads, iPods, laptops, tablets; anything electronic, turn it off.

  • Once you're...

  • Once you've hit cruising altitude, you can turn everything back on; we're going to talk

  • about that in a second.

  • Now, they also tell you: "Do not tamper with".

  • So, if you're a smoker and you get on an airplane, just get used to not smoking for the length

  • of the flight.

  • Okay?

  • You're not allowed to smoke on the plane.

  • If you go to the "lavatory", which is the washroom (the toilet)...

  • If you go to the lavatory, thinking you can smoke there, nobody will notice - they have

  • alarms and sensors.

  • They will know that there's smoke and the alarms will go off.

  • Okay?

  • The sensors will pick up the smoke, the alarms will sound, you will be arrested.

  • And they also tell you: "Do not tamper with or disable the alarms in the washroom".

  • "Tamper with" means, basically, make any changes to; manipulate.

  • Right?

  • So, try to turn it off so it doesn't ring or it doesn't connect, or disable; turn off.

  • So, "tamper with" - make changes to in a bad way; "disable" - turn off in the lavatories.

  • "Cruising altitude".

  • This is the height that the plane will be at for most of the flight.

  • Okay?

  • The plane takes off; goes up, up, up; gets to this height; and this is the height it's

  • going to stay at until it's close to the destination.

  • Right?

  • That's the cruising altitude.

  • "Altitude" - height; "cruising" - travel.

  • Then once they reach cruising altitude, they say: "Okay."

  • The fastening seatbelt sign goes off, you can take it off, but doesn't matter because

  • you can't go anywhere, and then they will start serving the complimentary drinks.

  • "Complimentary" - free.

  • Of course, you paid a lot of money for the plane ticket, so I don't know if you can really

  • call it free, but they call it free; complimentary; compliments of the airline.

  • When you're about to land, they will tell you: "Please put your seats and your tray

  • tables in an upright position."

  • So, you have your seat, maybe you press a button and you're leaning back, and you have

  • the...

  • The table in front of you, you're working on your computer or maybe having a snack.

  • Before landing, press a button, sit back straight up, put the table straight up.

  • "Upright position".

  • Up, down, straight - safer.

  • Okay?

  • So, now you're ready to fly, anywhere you go.

  • When they give you that little speech, the flight attendants are standing there, the

  • video is going - you know exactly what they're saying, you're ready for anything...

  • Hopefully none of it matters except the seatbelt.

  • Just put it there in case because sometimes the turbulence can actually shake you quite

  • a bit.

  • So, if you have any questions about any of these words, please go to;

  • there's a quiz - you can check your knowledge of the words; you can also ask questions - I'll

  • be happy to give you answers.

  • And if you like this video, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, look at all the other

  • videos around; there's lots of helpful tips for all kinds of travel purposes, and come

  • back again soon - see us again.

  • Bye-bye.



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B1 中級

旅行英語:フライトに必要な語彙・表現 (TRAVEL ENGLISH: Vocabulary & expressions for your flight )

  • 235 10
    Flora Hu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日