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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Noun Phrase 53. The noun phrase today is

  • double standard. Okay. Let's take a look at note at the note here. If a person or

  • group applies a double standard. Yeah. Usually we say somebody might apply a

  • double standard, you are claiming that they are unfair in their treatment of

  • different groups of people. You are suggesting that one is permitted to have

  • more freedom in their behavior than another group. So this is what we mean if

  • we say that somebody is applying a double standard on someone. Okay.

  • Let's look at the first example here. Let me get this straight . Like let me

  • understand this correctly is this what you're saying ? Let me get this straight.

  • It is okay for your son to live together with

  • his girlfriend before marriage, but it is not okay for your daughter to live

  • together with her boyfriend before marriage. That is a double standard. So

  • yeah. That's just what they might say. That's a perfect example of what we mean

  • by a double standard. You say it's okay for a son or young men to do one thing

  • but it's not okay for the young girl or a daughter to do exactly the same thing.

  • Okay. So let's look at number two here. Many militant feminists. All right a

  • militant feminist is a more serious feminist. That's all at the activist

  • feminist that will go protesting and burning their bras and things like that.

  • So many militant feminists claim, the fact that men can go topless in public,

  • that men can go topless in public and it is illegal in most places for women to

  • do the same is a double standard. Now to be honest, I think really most women

  • don't complain too much about this one because I think they realize maybe it's

  • not so safe or maybe it's not such a good idea for them to go topless in public.

  • But you know, you might argue that some militant feminists maybe they have a

  • point . Is this an example of a double standard ?

  • According to the definition it does seem to be that way.

  • Let's look at number three. Some political commentators claim it is

  • a double standard for liberals to claim bakeries must make a cake for gay

  • couples who order a wedding cake, yeah so remember years ago there was a big case

  • where I guess a bakery he was very a very Christian conservative and you know

  • He felt it was against his religion to make a cake for gay people. And they said

  • this is not fair. This is not right but so here's the second part of this but

  • You should refuse, but you should refuse to serve any conservatives in

  • restaurants that work for the Trump administration. So a lot of liberals on

  • one hand they're saying no you can't do this to gay people. You know, but you know

  • if you have a different political opinion and you don't agree with us

  • don't serve you. So if you think that way or you know if you would if you're

  • saying that if you're suggesting that that's also a double standard. This is an

  • example of a double standard, whether you agree with it or not agree with it, it's

  • still a double standard. Okay anyway well um if you could think of any other good

  • examples of a double standard you can leave them in the comments below and you

  • know I'll check it out and see if if that really would qualify as a double

  • standard. Anyway, I hope it's clear. I hope you got it. Thank you for your time. Bye-

  • bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Noun Phrase 53. The noun phrase today is


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A2 初級

英語家庭教師 ニックP 名詞句 (53) ダブルスタンダード (English Tutor Nick P Noun Phrase (53) Double Standard)

  • 8 0
    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日