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  • Ahh, the burger. America's best friend.


  • Juicy, tender, mouthwatering.


  • Since time immemorial, it's practically been our country's third trademark.

    太古の昔から、この国の第 3 の象徴的存在です。

  • Then I eat 14 hamburgers first time I went there.

    それからボクは初めて行った時にハンバーガーを 14 個も食べたんだ。

  • But all that meat comes at a cost.


  • The U.S. processed 32.2 million cattle and calves in 2017, according to the North American Meat Institute.

    北米食肉協会によると、アメリカでは 2017 年に 3220 万トンの成牛ならびに子牛の肉が精製されたということです。

  • To make a single pound of beef takes an average 308 gallons of water.

    1 ポンドの肉を精製するためには、平均して 308 ガロンの水を必要とします。

  • People love meat. I love meat.


  • But there's also a recognition of the challenges of meat that's been harvested from animals, particularly in factory farming.


  • Enter Beyond Meat. They produce burgers that look, cook and taste just like meat.

    そこで、Beyond Meat が登場します。同社は本物の肉と同じような見た目で、調理の方法も一緒で味もそっくりのバーガーを生産しています。

  • But they're not what we think of as meat.


  • They're made entirely out of plants.


  • And since 2016, they've made their way into thousands of supermarkets, drive-throughs, restaurants, hotels and sports stadiums.

    2016 年以降、スーパーマーケットやドライブスルー、レストラン、ホテルや競技場など多くの場所で提供されてきています。

  • - You give it a thumbs up? - Uh-huh. - You like it?


  • Oh, and the company's gotten major investments from Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio, former McDonald's CEO Don Thompson and Tyson Foods.

    それから、同社はビル・ゲイツやレオナルド・ディカプリオ、さらに元マクドナルド CEO のドン・トンプソン、さらに Tyson Foods からも巨額の投資を受けています。

  • So why did this new-age burger take on the battle with beef? And will it win?


  • At Beyond Meat's R&D lab, food scientists, chemists and engineers are perfecting the art of the animal-free burger.

    Beyond Meat の研究開発ラボでは、食品科学者、化学者、そしてエンジニアが動物肉を使わないバーガーの品質向上に励んでいます。

  • We like to think of meat not in terms of its origin, say from a chicken or a cow, but in terms of its molecular composition, so the proteins, the carbohydrates, the lipids, minerals and vitamins, all of which are available, except for cholesterol, in the plant kingdom.


  • All of the facility's R&D lab technicians are trained meat sommeliers.


  • My job here is to figure out what makes meat taste and behave like meat at the molecular level and then go out into the plant kingdom and identify materials that behave the same way.


  • Beyond Meat's burger patties end up with roughly the same amount of protein as raw beef, but significantly more sodium due to the preservation and flavoring processes.

    Beyond Meat のバーガー肉は生の牛肉と同じ量に近いタンパク質を含みますが、ナトリウムの量は保存や味付けのプロセスを通るため大幅に増えています。

  • It's also worth noting that they still have 20 grams of fat, almost on par with beef.

    それから、ほぼ牛肉と同じ量である 20 グラムの脂肪分も含んでいることは把握しておく必要があります。

  • The main ingredients in Beyond Meat's latest burger are peas, rice and mung beans for protein, beets for color and potato starch and coconut oil for juiciness.

    Beyond Meat の最新のバーガーの主要原材料を見てみると、たんぱく質を豆、米、緑豆から取り、ビーツが色を、そしてジャガイモから採れるデンプンとココナッツオイルがジューシーさを生み出しています。

  • But what about the blood?


  • Don't worry, it's beet juice.


  • -Ready? -Yep.

    ーいきますよ? -はい。

  • Beyond Meat is the brainchild of Ethan Brown, a once-carnivore turned vegan who grew up around his family's farm in western Maryland.

    Beyond Meat の創設者はイーサン・ブラウンで、彼自身は肉食から菜食主義者に変わっていて、メアリーランド西部の家族農場で育ちました。

  • I spent a lot of time there, we had dairy cattle there.


  • And so I was very close to animals growing up, loved them, and I was fascinated by them.


  • Passionate about the environment, Brown pursued a career in clean energy.


  • But I began to realize that livestock had a larger contribution to climate than many of the things that I was working on in terms of the emissions.


  • 9% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture, and of that, one-third comes from methane emitted from cow digestion.

    アメリカの温暖化ガス排出量の 9 %は農業から発生するもので、そのうち 3 分の 1 は牛の消化過程から生じるメタンガスです。

  • So in 2009, Brown began working on a healthier, more humane burger.

    そこで、2009 年にブラウンさんはよりヘルシーかつ人道的なバーガーに目を向け始めたのです。

  • The question, "Why are you trying to build a piece of meat from plants? Why not just encourage people to eat plants directly?"


  • A burger is something people love, and so we went after that core part of the American diet.


  • Veggie burgers are nothing new.


  • They've been around since 1982.


  • Previous generations of veggie burgers generally were pre-formed burger patties that were already cooked that you essentially reheated, and they generally had a sort of dry or rubberier texture.


  • And I think that was one of the sort of major steps in the evolution was realizing that people who eat plant-based meat or people who eat veggie burgers, they're not all super health-conscious all the time, like, they like the feeling of biting into a juicy burger.


  • They like the feeling of biting into a juicy meatball.


  • So why can't we give that to them?


  • Today, Beyond Meat is booming.

    今日、Beyond Meat の業績は急上昇しています。

  • The company has sold more than 25 million burgers worldwide since its launch in 2016.

    2016 年の操業開始以来、これまでに 2500 万個以上のバーガーを世界中で販売し、

  • And it filed for a $100 million IPO in November of 2018.

    2018 年 11 月には$ 1 億ドルの新規公開株を売り出しました。

  • Sources tell CNBC that the plant-based food company has hired JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse to help lead the public offering.

    CNBC が入手した情報によりますと、植物ベースの食べ物を生産する同社は、公開株取引において JP Morgan や Goldman Sachs、また Credit Suisse と提携したということです。

  • You can find the company's products everywhere, from grocery stores like Whole Foods and Safeway to fast-food chains like Carl's Jr. and A&W.

    同社の商品は、Whole Foods や Safeway のような食料品店から Carl's Jr. や A&W といったファストフードチェーンまで、至るところで目にすることができます。

  • The interesting thing about our sales is we cannot make enough product.


  • So we are investing very rapidly and very significantly.


  • It's so meaty, it's almost kind of freaky.


  • The burgers typically retail for 5.99$ for two patties.

    バーガーの値段は通常 2 個で $5.99 です。

  • And the customers aren't just vegans and vegetarians, they're also carnivores.


  • Today the company also offers chicken strips, sausages, beef crumbles and has more items in development.


  • We want to make bacon, we want to make steak, we want to make the most intricate and beautiful pieces of meat.


  • U.S. retail sales of plant-based meats grew by 24% in 2018.

    植物ベースの肉のアメリカ国内での販売量は、2018 年に 24 パーセント上昇しました。

  • Animal meats grew by just 2%.

    動物の肉はわずか 2 パーセントです。

  • But Beyond Meat's got some competition.

    それでも Beyond Meat にはライバルが存在します。

  • Its biggest competitor?


  • Impossible Foods.

    Impossible Foods です。

  • Backstage, they said they grilled like meat, they smell... It smells fantastic, Joe.


  • (It's) also based in California and also producing a variety of plant-based products.


  • Their burgers are offered in more than 5,000 restaurants and chains including White Castle, Applebee's and Momofuku.

    同社のバーガーは 5000 以上のレストランやチェーン店で使われており、White Castle や Applebee's、さらに Momofuku といったところが挙げられます。

  • The company hasn't yet made it into grocery stores, but plans to this year.


  • Another big competitor is lab-grown or clean meat, which is animal meat grown in a lab by replicating animal cells in a petri dish.


  • The lab-grown meat industry is currently getting backing from Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Cargill.


  • But Brown's biggest competitor?


  • (The biggest competitors) really are in the meat industry itself.


  • So good.


  • I'm not vegan, but this is actually really good.


  • I think we have reached one of two important tipping points as far as adoption of plant-based meat and that is the quality of the product.


  • It's not 100% there but it's 99% of the way there, and I think the next hurdle is going to be price.

    100% とは言えませんけど、99% は達成できたと思いますし、次の課題は価格ですね。

  • Price has reduced drastically over the last few years, but I think it's still on the higher end.


  • As for Brown, he's hopeful for the future.


  • Someday I think plant-based meat will overtake animal protein as the main source of meat, but I can't predict when.


  • I do believe it will happen in my lifetime.


  • Let's hope so.


  • Bring on the plant-based bacon.


Ahh, the burger. America's best friend.


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