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  • When WarCraft 3 came onto the scene, it dominated online gaming thanks in part to a custom map

  • known as Defense of the Ancients. DOTA, as it came to be known, outlived WarCraft 3 and

  • went on to become its own genre, Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. But before breaking out

  • of Blizzard’s World Editor, two friends had an idea; transform DOTA into a live service

  • that was constantly updated, reiterated, and supported beyond its release.

  • In 2006, DOTA fans Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill formed Riot Games and brought on SteveGuinsoo

  • Feak and StevePendragonMescon to help bring that idea to life. Three years later,

  • Riot released League of Legends to much fanfare gave the world their first taste of the next

  • generation in MOBA gaming. The game was a success, but little did the team know how

  • far League of Legends would come in just three short years.

  • After a successful tournament at Sweden’s Dreamhack convention in the summer of 2011,

  • League of Legends skyrocketed to video game fame, but Riot still lived in the shadow of

  • what it considered its big brother, Blizzard. Slowly but surely, League of Legends climbed

  • in international popularity until it did the unthinkable: dethrone StarCraft as the biggest

  • game in South Korea. With Korea in its pocket, League of Legends went on to become the biggest

  • esports event in North America, drawing thousands to its Season Two World Championships. However,

  • Riot dreamed of taking over the sports arena down the street for its next big event - and

  • only a year removed from Season Two, Riot had done it: the Season Three World Championships

  • kicked off in front of a sellout crowd at the world-famous Staples Center. Now a money-printing-machine

  • disguised as the number one multiplayer game in the world, what else is there for Riot

  • to do?

  • Well, somebody is buying those skins, right?

  • Have fun!

When WarCraft 3 came onto the scene, it dominated online gaming thanks in part to a custom map


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LORE - 1分でわかる暴動ゲームの伝承! (LORE - Riot Games Lore in a Minute!)

  • 82 1
    Chen Chin Ting に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日