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Walk into any grocery store, and you're bound to see it–green marketing.
It seems to be almost everywhere these days.
Our eggs are all natural and our shampoos are encased in green labels adorned with leaves and generic trees.
In many respects, this push towards an eco-friendly or consumerism is a positive change.
Organic produce and sustainably-made clothing are needed if we are to reduce industrial and personal footprints
But unfortunately, hidden among these ethically and environmentally driven products lies an insidious form of advertising.
それが「 Greenwashing 」と呼ばれる、うわべだけの環境配慮です。
From bath products to meat packaging greenwashing occurs in almost every sector of the consumer market.
バスルーム用品から食肉の包装まで、Greenwashing は消費者マーケットのほぼすべての分野で見て取れますが、
But today, let's take a close look at how Fiji water uses ad campaigns to construct a green image around its otherwise environmentally detrimental company.
今日は Fiji ウォーターが環境に悪影響を与えている事実にもかかわらず、いかにしてグリーンなイメージを浸透させるキャンペーンを展開しているかじっくり見ていきましょう。
But first, why exactly is green washing bad?
まずはじめに、なぜ Greenwashing は良くないのでしょうか?
Quite simply, it plays into a consumer's desire to live a green life without necessarily creating a sustainable product.
And on a deeper level, one of the greenest things to do is to buy fewer things.
そしてより深いレベルでは、グリーンに生きる 1 番の方法は商品の購入を控えることですから
So no matter how great the product is, it's probably still kind of deceptive to market it as green.
So greenwashing means using titles like all-natural or eco-friendly.
ですから、Greenwashing とは完全天然やエコフレンドリーといった謳い文句を前面に押し出すことや
Or simply using a green background in order to entice a customer into buying a product that is by no means environmentally friendly.
In some cases, bigger companies that falsely label their products as eco-friendly.
Like eggs labeled farm fresh or all-natural, can often out-compete smaller companies who are more environmentally grounded and actually employ ethical practices while creating their product.
Fiji water's recent marketing campaign encapsulate the essence of this greenwashing.
最近の Fiji ウォーターの広告キャンペーンは、この Greenwashing の本質が凝縮されています。
Fiji water is a gift from nature to us, to repay our gift of leaving it completely alone.
Fiji ウォーターは、手つかずの自然を守った私たちへ贈られる自然からのプレゼント。
Bottled at the source, untouched, unmanned.
It's Earth finest water.
While aesthetically pleasing and pleasant to watch, there are a number of aspects that work hard to shroud Fiji water's large environmental footprint in a cloud of green.
確かに見た目には美しくて癒される宣伝ですが、Fiji ウォーターの本来の性質である環境汚染についてはさりげなくグリーンイメージの中に隠されています。
For one, the bright double exposures of nature flickering within the edges of the bottle immediately cue us to Fiji water's connection to nature.
何といっても、明るい自然の写真がボトルの形を通して目に飛び込んできて、Fiji ウォーターの自然とのつながりを連想させます。
Especially when contrasted with the dark cityscape background.
The water bottle appears to be a perfect image of a world quote-unquote untouched by man.
The visuals are then compounded with the narration of a young girl who anchors the ad with this proclamation: "bottled at the source, untouched by man".
Clearly, this ad works hard to paint Fiji water as a part of Nature, rather than what it really is.
明らかに、この広告は Fiji ウォーターを事実とはかけ離れた自然と一体となった商品の印象を強烈に植え付けます。
Water bottled in plastics, that take many years to degrade, shipped via intensive transportation from Fiji to destinations around the world.
Both these practices wreak Havoc on the environment, including the air and the water.
And to bring Fiji's negative impact into sharp relief, 47 percent of people who live in Fiji don't have access to clean safe drinking water, according to the World Health Organization.
さらに Fiji ウォーターのマイナス要素を浮き彫りにするのが、フィジー国内では 47% の人が清潔で安全な飲み水へのアクセスが無いという世界保健機構の調査報告です。
This commercial is just a small part of Fiji's larger campaign that attempts to reimagine the bottled water company of the essence of nature.
このコマーシャルは Fiji ウォーターが天然素材を使用しているという企業イメージを植え付けさせようとするキャンペーンのわずか一部に過ぎません。
Spreads like this reveal the larger work at play in Fiji's greenwashed marketing tactics.
このようなスプレッド広告などは、Fiji ウォーターの Greenwashing な巨大マーケティング戦略を如実に表しています。
They are pursuing environmentally-minded customers by framing their water bottles as a completely green product.
Fiji tells us a one-sided story that appeals to their customers' moral conscience.
消費者のモラルや良心に訴えかけるために、Fiji ウォーターからの一方的なメッセージを送っているのが現実です。
You can't help but choose Fiji over other bottled waters because they frame purchasing a Fiji bottle as a way to reduce carbon emissions and save the Fijian rainforest.
When in fact their product is inextricably tied to assistance of pollution that are causing carbon emissions and deforestation.
Greenwashing comes in many forms, and it's not often as clear-cut as with Fiji water.
Greenwashing は様々なパターンがあり、Fiji ウォーターのように分かりやすいケースだけではありません。
So understanding how and why green washing works is essential to spotting; a critical deconstruction of a cleaning product is necessary if you're buying it solely because it's green.
ですから Greenwashing がどのようにはたらいているのかを理解するのが大事です。ただ単に緑色のパッケージだからといって洗剤を買う前に、じっくりその商品の全貌を理解するようにしたいものです。
Oftentimes, nature and trees are used to create the impression of an eco-friendly product, when there's really no substance to back up those claims.
So do some research and shop with an intention.
Because the collected power of consumers can steer companies towards more truthful and ethical products.
This video is made possible in part by the wonderful people who support me on Patreon.
このビデオは私を Patreon でサポートしてくださる素晴らしい方々のおかげでお送りできています。
If you're interested in helping me grow this channel, head on over to Patreon and pledge a small amount of money for every video I release.
このチャンネルをより良いものにすることに賛同してくださる方は、Patreon にアクセスして私がリリースするビデオのために少しで構わないので金銭援助をお願いします。
In return, I'll send you gifts like a handwritten thank-you note, or in our changing climate sticker.
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Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you next Friday.