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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 336. The title of today's lesson is "Do

  • not say that you caught a cold or the flu for a week.' Okay. So let's take a look

  • at the note here. You cannot say that you caught a cold or the flu for a period of

  • time. So in the title I just use the week is an example, but it doesn't really

  • matter. You shouldn't say I caught a cold for

  • five days or for three days or for six days all of them. This would all imply

  • that you in the process of catching a cold the whole period of time. So let's

  • continue here. So because that would imply, imply or suggest you were in the

  • process of catching cold for the stated period of time. So the period of time doesn't

  • really matter but... so you shouldn't say it that way. All right. So let's take a look

  • here with the X. Of course this is wrong. I caught the flu for five days. No. You

  • would never say that because again that would mean that you were in the process

  • of catching it for five days. Usually by the time you realize you got it. You got

  • it already. You have it so you're not in the process anymore. So this is why you

  • wouldn't say this. So I gave a number of correct ways that you could say it with

  • the check. I had the flu for five days. This is probably the best.This is the

  • easiest. This is what you mean. It means you caught the flu and you were trying to

  • recover from it or get over it for five days. So it's like one here. You can say I

  • caught the flu five days ago. That you could say. You can't say I caught the flu

  • for five days but you could say I caught the flu five days ago.

  • it took me five days to get over the flu, or it took me five days to recover from

  • the flu. So get over and recover here have the same meaning. This is how long

  • it took you to get your health back. And the last one here. I was sick with

  • the flu for five days. This is another way that's

  • okay. You could say it that way too. All right great. All right. So we just

  • give the same sort of example with cold here because this pattern follows both.

  • So again with the X this would be wrong. If you said I caught a cold for ten days.

  • No. you can't say that. Again it would mean

  • that you're in the process of catching a cold. Again, by the time you know, you

  • got the cold you already have the cold. it's already in your body. So you're not

  • in the process of doing it. So again with the check all of these would be correct.

  • I had a cold for 10 days. Yeah. Perfect. It's very simple, very easy I caught a

  • cold ten days ago. All right. So you could use caught and then ago, It took me

  • ten days to get over this cold or it took me ten days to recover from this

  • cold. And the last one here. I was sick with a cold for ten days. All of those

  • ways are okay. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's clear. Thank you for your time.

  • Bye bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 336. The title of today's lesson is "Do


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A2 初級

英語.家庭教師ニックPレッスン(336)風邪やインフルエンザでよくある英語の間違い (English. Tutor Nick P Lesson (336) Common English Error With Cold or Flu)

  • 26 1
    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日