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  • Renting a place of your own could be insanely expensive

  • I've looked up all the okay one-bedroom apartments and studios in the area

  • and found absolutely nothing under 2,000 per month

  • I'm not picky kind of person

  • so by "okay", I actually meant something normal, not hunted,

  • and with no roaches or ghosts floating and wandering around

  • during the daytime and nighttime

  • or just any time

  • Since there is nothing affordable

  • I ended up sharing the house with several roommates

  • Roommates could be a little bit crazy sometimes

  • but, hey, look at the bright side

  • I've learned a lot during the time living with roommates

  • Especially about how to choose the right ones

  • which is not a very useful survival skill at all

  • the very first thing they've learned about choosing the right roommate

  • is to avoid old people, umm...

  • I meant to avoid having a senior roommate

  • Not that I'm against old people

  • I truly respect the seniors since we'll all grow old someday

  • It's just that if you're at a certain age and you still can manage to have your own place to live in

  • there is probably something off

  • Well, at least in my experience

  • they all ended up not being able to pay the rent

  • So the rest of us had to cover for them

  • So there's this guy Michael

  • my sixth sense told me not to him as one of the roommates

  • But the owner of the house picked him,

  • so I didn't really have a say

  • The day after he moved in

  • I came back from a long day of work

  • I grabbed my towel, clothes, shampoo, and a bunch of other toiletries

  • and I was ready for a nice hot shower

  • I opened the bathroom door

  • and there he was

  • Sleeping in the bathtub with a slice of half-eaten pepperoni pizza

  • lying on his stomach

  • and he was snoring like thunder

  • I stared at him for a few seconds.

  • Hey, wake up!

  • Wake up

  • Hello, anybody home?

  • Well, I tried to wake him up in multiple different ways.

  • None of them worked

  • So he occupied the whole bathroom for the entire evening

  • Slept all the way through the night until the very next morning

  • and no one was able to wake him up

  • He literally slept like he's dead

  • except for the snoring part

  • Yeah, like a super loud snoring corpse

  • He slept in the bathtub several more times after that

  • with different types of delicious cuisine lying on his stomach

  • Until the day we found out about the needles.

  • Yes

  • the needles

  • it's actually the cleaning lady who first saw the needles

  • and...

  • It was in the trash can wrapped in a bunch of toilet paper

  • He was arrested before we even really figured out what the needles are for

  • but we all kind of guessed it

  • and I never saw him again

  • and there is this college kid who played really loud music after midnight

  • He also smokes weed inside of the room and pretended he didn't

  • it's not like we can't smell, you know

  • We've all got that one thing that Voldemort doesn't have

  • Nose!

  • and... here are the two more things to avoid

  • liars and disrespectful DJ wannabes

  • He moved away eventually

  • and one of his friends from the rowing team took over the room

  • He's tall and muscular with tanned skin

  • He worked out in the backyard every day

  • He tons of fried chicken with white rice,

  • which I have no idea why I'm telling you these

  • He's alright, except for the one thing that drove us nuts

  • You know how the floor could be a little bit wet after you showered

  • which is totally normal

  • but it's not normal when the water spot has some sort of color

  • mixed with the smell of Ammonia

  • and the color is not just any color.

  • It's like a subtle yellow

  • Yeah, you're right

  • I found out that every single time

  • after he uses the shower

  • He pees right there in the bathtub

  • and didn't even bother to rings it up

  • or hide the fact that he did it

  • He just left it there every single time.

  • It was gross

  • but I kind of feel it's going to be super awkward

  • if I just went up to him and be like

  • "Hey, dude"

  • Did you just pee in the bathtub?

  • just by thinking of it

  • I could kind of feel the awkwardness of silence already.

  • I've always felt like I need solid evidence

  • before accusing anyone of doing anything

  • But there is no way I can prove that it's him

  • unless I collect a sample of the urine

  • and send It to the laboratory for a DNA test.

  • I kind of wanted to do it

  • but who in the world does that right?

  • And he moved out after graduating from school as well.

  • So avoid people who pee or poop in public areas

  • this is not China, you know

  • and there's Kevin

  • the young man works for the United States Post Office

  • aka the USPS

  • He's cool

  • And I liked him and he knows a lot about post office

  • like how to mail your stuff or how to buy stamps

  • and I dunno

  • Just some regular post office knowledge

  • He eats lots of canned lentils

  • which in my opinion is not really something edible

  • Blah, who eats those

  • but it doesn't really bother me

  • He's still my roommate right now

  • And I hope he doesn't move away before I do

  • because I'm pretty sure I can't find someone

  • as chill and cool as he is

  • Despite the fact that he eats lentils

  • I've always had roommates since all the way back in college,

  • but at that time I lived in the dorm

  • Which's a very different situation

  • we had to share the same room, take the same classes

  • and enjoy or you could say endure each other 24/7

  • I'm just going to let my story end here

  • because I don't really want to expose how reckless I was

  • during my college years

  • I was young dumb and broke

  • just like all the other college kids

  • besides the ones come from those crazy rich families

  • So I'll just keep that as my little secret for now

  • I'm nice, gentle, positive, and lovely

  • but I have my dark secrets too

  • And I'm not going to reveal myself

  • until I trust you enough

  • Maybe we'll be friends or even roommates someday

  • Who knows what's going to happen in the future?

  • Right?

  • I'm fly I'm free

  • like a bird in the sky

  • You can't stop me

  • once I'm flying so high

  • I'm fly, I'm free like a bird in the sky

Renting a place of your own could be insanely expensive


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B1 中級

私のCRAZYルームメイト(ルームメイトストーリーアニメ) (My CRAZY Roommates. (Roommate Stories Animated))

  • 243 8
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日